Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1743 Discussion 2 Worlds

Chapter 1743 Discussing Two Realms
"Brother Qin came to introduce Xiaobai and me on the first day, could it be that brother Qin Yan lied to us?" Shishi didn't think she was lying to her, after all, they slept in the same room.

"Oh, so the master told you! I got it." Li Tianba didn't expect Qin Yan to introduce Murong Xuehan in this way, he felt very surprised.

Li Tianba glanced at the embarrassed Hu Xiaoxian, in fact, Qin Yan should be the most embarrassed one, Qin Yan would never have thought that Shishi would tell Li Tianba and the others about this.

"Brother Li, what do you call these two?" Shishi asked Li Tianba with a smile.

"You can call this one a wizard, but wait for the master to introduce you. His introduction is more appropriate." After Li Tianba finished speaking, he looked at Hu Xiaoxian with a smirk.

Shishi was a little embarrassed at this time, "Why do you have to introduce Brother Qin?"

"I'll introduce you as elder sister. Brother Qin introduced you as sister-in-law. The address is different. Let me tell the truth now." Li Tianba still couldn't hold back the words.

At this time, all the people laughed loudly after hearing Li Tianba's words, including the maid who just brought tea into the hall.

"Li Tianba, are you a jerk, why are you talking so annoyingly!" Hu Xiaoxian now has the intention of strangling Li Tianba to death, it's simply too much talking.

It is most appropriate for her identity, Qin Yan, to be made public. Now that everyone knows, what should everyone call her and Murong Xuehan.

"I said at the beginning that I asked Shishi to ask the master, but Shishi likes to get to the bottom of it. I'm not wrong!"

"It's all my mouth's fault. I don't even know what to call her anymore. I'd better ask Brother Qin again. I'll call him whatever he asks me to call me. Now I'll call my sister first!" Shishi said with a smile.

Hu Xiaoxian said: "From now on, I'll call you sister too, don't ask any more, it's okay."

Shishi did not expect Hu Xiaoxian to be so easy-going, "Okay, then I will listen to my sister. My name is Shishi. From now on, if you have anything to do, feel free to ask me, or let me handle it."

"You little girl is really too polite." Hu Xiaoxian could clearly feel Shishi's powerful aura. Shishi's spells should not be inferior to hers, but Shishi was so modest. It seemed that Qin Yan and the others did not Help her less.

"I am indebted to brother Qin and everyone for their help. Brother Qin's family is my family, and I will definitely serve him well."

"You are not a maid, you are our younger sister. I will not be happy if you say such unreasonable things in the future."

"Well, I listen to sister Xiaoxian." Shishi said with a smile.

It was inconvenient for Princess Seven to go out of the palace when she was pregnant, so she had to invite Qin Yan to the palace for a banquet, and Qin Yan brought Murong Xuehan and Shishi along.

In the murloc world, Murong Xuehan can walk in an aboveboard manner, but the only thing she can't change is that the darker the night, the more energetic her mind becomes.

In the past, Zhou Xiaoyu was with her as a companion, but now Zhou Xiaoyu has been reborn, and now she is alone, and she looks very lonely.

"Brother Qin, long time no see, how are you doing?" The seventh princess was very happy after seeing Qin Yan.

Now that she is pregnant, she is suspicious all day long, and her mood is particularly disturbed, but she doesn't know why she feels particularly at ease after seeing Qin Yan.

"I'm fine. You are pregnant now. You must pay attention to your body and tell me if you have anything." Qin Yan still cared about the seventh princess like his brother.

"Her temperament has changed a lot since she was pregnant. I can't coax her well every day. Brother Qin, you must help me enlighten her today." Meng Chao explained the symptoms of the Seventh Princess.

A few people spoke cordially and casually like a family, and all of them had no airs at all.

"Brother Qin, don't listen to Meng Chao. I have nothing to do. It's just that he's too busy to take care of me. I'm just a little unhappy." The seventh princess doesn't want Qin Yan to worry about her. If she has anything to ask, I am very clear in my heart.

"The two of you live a good life, and I can rest assured that the murloc world is properly managed."

"Brother Qin, don't worry, I will do my best." Meng Chao is now alone, and he still needs Qin Yan's support.

After all, he is not a genuine king, and if his wife is not a king, he himself is not qualified to be a king.

"Stop talking all the time, Brother Qin, please sit down first." Seventh Princess reminded, since it's been a long time since I just talked, the food and drink are a bit cold.

After everyone was seated, "Brother Qin, what should we call this beauty next to you?" Princess Seven reminded Qin Yan that he hadn't introduced anyone around him yet.

"She is your sister-in-law." Qin Yan replied, not because Qin Yan was unhappy when asked, but because he was a little embarrassed.

The Seventh Princess and Meng Chao couldn't believe it. When Qin Yan brought Kao flower essence last time, he just regarded them as friends and never asked them to call them sisters-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yan introduced Murong Xuehan in this way, "Sister-in-law, this is the first time we meet, I will offer tea to sister-in-law first."

Murong Xuehan was not used to listening to her sister-in-law in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. She thought that she would be able to relax in the palace, but Qin Yan came to the palace and told others that she would bear this "unpleasant" title for the rest of her life. up.

"The king is really polite. After the first meeting, pay more attention to your health and take good care of your baby." Murong Xuehan really didn't know how to get acquainted with the person he met for the first time, so he had to say some auspicious words to avoid embarrassment.

Qin Yan and Meng Chao were discussing the issues of the two worlds, and Murong Xuehan was discussing some girls' topics with Princess Seven.

Only Xiaobai didn't talk to anyone, he just cared about eating.

After the banquet, Qin Yan took Murong Xuehan and Xiaobai out of the palace, "Brother Qin, why don't you stay in the palace to rest tonight."

Although Meng Chao knew that Qin Yan would not stay, he had to ask because Qin Yan was his boss after all.

"Presumably Li Tianba and others have already arrived at the Immortal Emperor's Mansion today, and I'm not used to living in the palace, so we'll go back first, and we'll have a good get-together when we come back from the other two realms."

"At that time, we must have a good celebration." Meng Chao said with a smile.

After Qin Yan and the others left, Meng Chao sneered. There was one more thing he didn't tell Qin Yan, that is, people who entered the Fengren world rarely came back, and too many masters in the Murloc world never returned.

After returning to the mansion, Qin Yan saw Li Tianba and others, and his guess was true.

"Brother Qin, you are so predictable. Brother Li is really back. What should I call these two?" Xiao Bai asked happily.

Murong Xuehan and Hu Xiaoxian were staring at Qin Yan at this time, they wanted to know if Qin Yan had the courage to reveal Hu Xiaoxian's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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