Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1747 Arrival

Chapter 1747 Arrival
Because the production line of beauty pills is not very mature, the supply of beauty pills produced is in short supply!
Many people became scalpers, bought beauty pills and sold them at a high price!Although the salary is unstable, at least life is worry-free!
"Shi Wei, your beauty pills are selling so well now, shouldn't you thank me?" Shi Wei's wife said to Shi Wei with a smile!
"Okay, thank you!" Shi Wei whispered while reading the newspaper!

"You are perfunctory to me, and you don't even look at me." Shi Wei's wife said a little unhappy!

"I've always been like this, but you are really interesting, why do you always find fault with me?"

"It's good that you get better. Now that you're busy, it's an old problem again. If you treat me badly again, I will never forgive you again!"

"We are fighting for our sons, and I will definitely let you live a good life!" Shi Wei said!
Shi Wei's wife was a little moved after hearing Shi Wei's words!The life Shi Wei let her live is already very good. Although he has experienced some things now, his sunny and optimistic personality is still very attractive!

Shi Wei is avoiding Kao now, she is his favorite woman after all, he doesn't want to have conflicts with Qin Yan because of Kao, so try not to appear in front of Kao now!
"As long as you are safe and sound, I am content." Shi Wei's wife leaned on Shi Wei's shoulder and said.

Shi Wei put down the newspaper in his hand, hugged his wife and said, "You have become so beautiful now, I should be the one who should be worried!"

"Didn't you take beauty pills? Didn't Brother Qin Yan say that beauty pills are effective for both men and women." When Shi Wei said this, she realized that Shi Wei's face hadn't changed at all.

"How can I be so lucky now? The company's goods are in short supply. After all, the daily production is very limited." When Shi Wei said this, he thought it was a bit funny that his company didn't have the right of priority.

"Why are you so stupid, enjoy your own company's products first, you are really promising." Shi Wei's wife was a little unhappy that Shi Wei didn't take beauty pills.

"I'll eat it tomorrow, look at how you look." Shi Wei couldn't see his wife getting angry, since his wife helped him reconcile with Qin Yan and others, he seldom socialized.

"By the way, you said that Hua Jing became an actor, so what if he really becomes popular? Will Qin Yan blame you when he comes back?"

"I'm just giving her an opinion. She has someone else's plan, so don't worry about it." But Shi Wei had to ask Chen Chen about his wife's problem, because he was also afraid of causing trouble for himself.

"I'm going to bed first, I won't talk to you anymore." Both of them have been used to living apart from each other for a long time, and Shi Wei's wife can be said to have nothing to depend on now.

Chenchen and Huajing haven't seen each other for a long time. The coffee shop closed early today. Chenchen returned to Huajing's apartment early. After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened. Just when Chenchen wanted to give up, The door opened.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" A young man poked his head out and asked slightly angrily.

Chenchen asked suspiciously, "Excuse me, is this the girl Huajing's house?"


With a "bang", the young man closed the door angrily, can he not be angry?Working overtime until midnight, it is simply too hard to come back to work.

Chenchen was a little depressed and directly called Hua Jing, "Who is the man in your family? He even said it wasn't your family."

At this time, Hua Jing was putting on makeup at home, preparing for an appointment, and after hearing what Chen Chen said, she said, "Where am I at home now? I'm putting on a mask."

"I'm at your door. When I knocked on the door, a man opened the door and said he was subletting it. Come and see where it is."

"I'm at the door of my house right now, are you sure you came to my house?" Hua Jing said a little depressed.

"Hua Jing, I'm sorry, I went to the wrong unit, my watery head!"

After Chenchen came to Hua Jing's house, she jokingly asked Hua Jing, "I'm so confused, what should I do!"

"I have medicine here, come in and take it." Hua Jing said with a smile.

Hua Jing knew that Chenchen was still in the mood to joke at this time, so she must have not played enough.

"How are you doing recently? Are you graduating soon?" Chenchen asked Hua Jing, who was now considered a member of this circle.

"There is still a week to finish the training. I am really tired. Many people can't bear it and left. I want to leave too." Hua Jing was also very depressed.

"What are you training for? How could you be trained away?" Although Chenchen is not in the entertainment industry, she always felt that Hua Jing's training was abnormal.

"Dance, keep dancing!"

"Looks like I'm right, I told you to be careful with Xueer." Chenchen was in Hua Jing's house, there were only the two of them in the house, so she could say it boldly.

"What does my training have to do with Xue'er?" Hua Jing felt that Chenchen had thought too much, or it could be said that Hua Jing hadn't thought about it at all, that Xue'er would do things that were not good for her.

"Didn't you ask Zhang Jingting who became famous in the last competition? He is a handsome guy who sings beautiful songs for everyone."

"How can I have such great abilities as him, I can sing and dance, nothing can trouble him." Hua Jing said looking at Chen Chen with her mouth curled up.

Hua Jing felt that no matter how tired she was, the training would be over soon anyway, and she would be able to start work immediately.

She will still practice when she returns home at night. Every day when she goes to work, she is in a completely different state from other artists. Others look very tired, but Huajing is radiant every day.

"What I told you is that you just use snacks, I won't hurt you." Chenchen knew that Hua Jing was simple-minded and didn't have so many fancy intestines.

"I know, don't worry!" Hua Jing stared at the TV speechlessly, without looking at Chen Chen.

No matter how you say it, the flower essence is a flower elf of hundreds of years. In front of human beings, she can be said to be a figure of ashes. How could she be harmed by a human being.

After Qin Yan and others entered the world of mountain people, all the bare areas were mountains, one after another and one row after another, rolling up and down.

The top of the mountain is full of clouds, like a fairyland.

"Master, aren't there any transformed humans here?" Li Tianba asked curiously.

This is the first time Li Tianba has seen the world of people without actions. If there are no people in the world of Shanren, they can directly cultivate it.

"Don't talk yet, this place is very weird, after all, it's our first time here." Qin Yan reminded everyone.

After all, there are a lot of them, and it is inevitable that they will disturb the people in Shanren World.

Qin Yan didn't let everyone talk, and no one dared to take a breath.

Li Tianba immediately covered his mouth with his hands, and did not dare to ask Qin Yan any more.

He also wanted to ask if what he said just now might have exposed them, as if it was more appropriate not to ask at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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