Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1765 Boundless World

Chapter 1765 Boundless World
People in the three realms all knew the news that Qin Yan had ruled the Shanren world after seeing the Qin family banner.

After Meng Chao found out, he repeatedly shook his head and said it was impossible. For the first time, he felt that his intelligence system was inaccurate, and that Qin Yan had taken down Shanren World so quickly.

The Great World Qin Yan has already conquered the Four Realms, and it is only a matter of time before the final Feng Ren world, Qin Yan's rule of the Great World is just around the corner.

The Qin family's army led by Qin Ran had to fly the Qin family's banner wherever they went, to prove their status as the overlord of the Qin family.

When Qin Ran passed by the four mountains with a wide sea and sky, each mountain was planted with the Qin family's big flag, and the big flag fluttered on the top of the mountain, which was particularly eye-catching.

Qin Yan waited until Qin Ran, and after completing the handover, he went directly to the Fengren world. All the people are now full of fighting spirit, and they all want to complete the unification of the big world while they are in their best condition.

Everyone may be a little carried away. At the junction of the Shanren world and the Fengren world, Qin Yan and the others were blown away by a strong wind.

All the people entered the boundless world, Feng Wang soon got the news and burst out laughing.

"It's wishful thinking to enter my Fengren world!" Feng Wang said with a smile.

The mountain king heard that Qin Yan and others were blown away by the wind, and happily came to Feng Wang's side, "Brother Feng, it's really powerful. They were blown away to the boundless world without even entering your territory." Now the mountain king thought He wanted to flatter Feng Wang so that he could help him, so that he could return to the world of the mountain man and continue to be his mountain king.

"Shan Wang, what's the matter with you coming to my place?" Feng Wang clearly knew the purpose of Shan Wang, and asked knowingly.

"Now that the intruder has gone to the boundless world, I should go back to my Shanren world. I also asked Brother Feng to close the air outlet so that I can go back." The mountain king knew that he could not go back with his ability. If he left without authorization, He will only enter the boundless world like Qin Yan and others.

"Now the Shanren World is surnamed Qin, even if you go back, you won't be able to be the king of the mountain anymore." Feng Wang doesn't give the mountain king any face now.

Although he calls him the king of the mountain on the surface, in fact, the king of the mountain is not even as good as a servant in his mind.

If it weren't for the fact that the mountain king has high spells, he would have driven the mountain king away a long time ago.

To keep a worthless person is to waste all kinds of resources in the world.

Even if it is going to the Shanren world, he should go. He wants to rule the Shanren world, and then rule the other three realms to achieve the unity of the five realms.

Qin Yan is not the only one who has this wish, he, Feng Wang, also has this wish.

Shan Wang didn't understand what Feng Wang meant. In his opinion, he and Feng Wang were allies, and they agreed to attack the other three realms together.

"Brother Feng seems to mean that he doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore? Does Brother Feng think that I can't be the King of the Mountain?" The King of the Mountain still can't guess what the King of Feng is thinking.

What Feng Wang wants is the whole big world, he can only be his courtier in the future, the two of them cannot be equal.

The king of the mountain used to think the same way, when he conquered the other three realms, he would be king, and the king of wind could only be a minister.

It's just that Shanwang didn't think of today's situation, and he also felt that Feng Wang would not help him, but he didn't want to admit that Feng Wang wanted to swallow Shanren's world.

The Shanren world is ruled by Qin Yan, and the Qin family is stationed there. Unless Feng Wang and Shan Wang cooperate to attack together, they have no chance of winning at all.

The two have always had their own ghosts, and it seems impossible for the two of them to cooperate to attack the world of Shanren.

"Now that the overall situation has been decided, I can send you away, but whether I can enter your former territory is another matter." There is a trap in entering Fengren's world, if you don't close it, you will not be able to enter at all.

It is also not so easy to enter the world of Fengren into the world of Shanren, and one needs to pass the level of Mount Tai.

A mountain and a wind eye separate the world of the mountain people from the world of the wind people very clearly, which is why the two worlds have always lived in harmony.

At this time, Shan Wang felt that Feng Wang's words were very reasonable. After all, he fled to Feng Ren's world. If he went back, he would definitely not be able to pass the level of Mount Tai.

The King of Mount Tai would not listen to him either. Now they only recognize Qin Yan. The only advantage of Stone Heart is that they only recognize spells and not people.

When Qin Yan and others were blown by the wind, they were not prepared at all, and Murong Xuehan grabbed Li Tianba who was beside him.

Murong Xuehan and Li Tianba were blown into the boundless world together, and the two of them were blown into the boundless world and stopped.

The boundless world is dark and there is no light at all, even though Li Tianba is by Murong Xuehan's side, Murong Xuehan can't see him.

Murong Xuehan only remembered that she had caught someone just now, but she hadn't had time to see who it was.

"Is it Xuehan?" Before Murong Xuehan could speak, Li Tianba spoke.

Hearing Li Tianba's voice, Murong Xuehan felt more at ease.

"It's me, where are we? Master and the others don't know where it is!" Murong Xuehan said calmly.

Murong Xuehan is not afraid of the dark night, the darker the night, the more energetic she is, at this time Murong Xuehan has no fear at all.

"This evil wind is really too strong. People with such high mana like us were blown to such a ghostly place." Li Tianba said in disbelief.

"Let's find the master first, he must have a way to get out." Murong Xuehan is now very worried about the safety of Qin Yan and others.

"It's so dark, we can't even see them standing in front of us, how can we find them!" Li Tianba was a little disappointed at this time, he didn't hate the night himself, but now he especially disliked the dark.

"It seems that we can only shout while walking, they will definitely respond to us when they hear the voice." Murong Xuehan suggested to Li Tianba.

Rather than not taking any action, it is better to find out according to Murong Xuehan's intention. Only when everyone is together can they have the hope of going out.

The two walked and called Qin Yan and others' names.

In the boundless world that Qin Yan entered with the wizard, Shishi and Hu Xiaoxian wanted to catch each other, but they failed to catch each other. Fortunately, the place where the two were blown was very close.

When Shishi saw the darkness in the boundless world, she shouted quickly, Hu Xiaoxian joined Shishi soon after hearing the voice.

The two also shouted as they walked, looking for Qin Yan and others.

"Immortal Emperor, it seems that it is difficult for us to get out!" When entering the boundless world, the wizard already knew that his calculation was correct.

It wasn't that easy for them to go out. At first he thought he had made a mistake, but he didn't expect it to come true.

"How do you know it's hard for us to get out? Do you know where this is?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

"I don't know where this is, but I made a fortune before I came. We are not going well, and it will take a long time." The wizard had no choice but to tell what he knew at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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