Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1768 Burden

Chapter 1768 Burden
The few of them can still practice under the big tree, waiting for the good news from Murong Xuehan.

"Li Tianba picks more." Murong Xuehan shouted to Li Tianba with a smile.

Qin Yan and the others started to live hard in the boundless world. Qin Yan carried very few pills on his body. Fortunately, when everyone entered the boundless world, they had already eaten the elixir and had not fully absorbed the pills.

"Look at the fact that the Qin family has already gone to the Shanren world, which proves that Brother Qin has captured the Shanren world. You must not do anything. Brother Qin is not something we can deal with. Although we are now under the management of Brother Qin, But we are still the kings of the murloc world!"

The Seventh Princess knew what Meng Chao was thinking. He was unwilling to submit to Qin Yan now. When he was not obvious, she, as the king of the Murloc World, had to remind Meng Chao.

"I see, don't worry, I will definitely not mess around, I said you and the child are the most important people in my life, I will definitely protect you well." Meng Chao stroked Seventh Princess' belly tenderly Said.

"I'm really glad that you think so. It's just around the corner for Brother Qin to rule the world." Princess Seven said to Meng Chao with a smile.

Bai Hong is now a frequent visitor to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. Today, Qin's army went to the Shanren World through the Murloc World. After Bai Hong saw it, he went directly to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

Xiaobai was very happy when he saw Baihong coming, and he was even more happy when he knew that Qin's army had entered the world of Shanren.

"I knew Brother Qin would be able to rule the Shanren world, but I didn't expect Brother Qin and the others to move so fast." Xiao Bai said happily.

"After the Immortal Emperor came back, before I had time to see him, he went to the world of Shanren. I heard that the people there have very high spells, but I didn't expect the Immortal Emperor to be so powerful." Bai Hong always thought that Qin Yan went there. It is easy to fight the Shanren world.

But he never thought that Qin Yan would take down the Shanren World so easily.

"He said the delay was too long and the night was long and dreamy, so he went there in a hurry." Xiao Bai knew that Bai Hong was a very upright person, and Bai Hong often came to chat with Qin Yan when Qin Yan was away.

"Where's Miss Shishi? Why didn't you see her?" Bai Hong asked suspiciously.

"Shishi followed Brother Qin to the Shanren World, this girl is amazing." Xiao Bai said with a doting expression while smiling.

"Are the few of them going there all masters like Miss Shishi?" Bai Hong was a little curious. In Bai Hong's view, there must be someone with much higher skills than Shishi accompanying them.

"There are Brother Qin's wife, there are two, there is Brother Li, and there is an adult who cultivates people's world. It is said that he is very good at divination and is good at Feng Shui illusion." Xiao Bai told Bai Hong everything he knew.

"Then this lord seems to be very skilled in spells." Bai Hong mistakenly thought that the wizard was a master. He had seen Hua Wang and Hua Jing. In his mind, Qin Yan's wife was not very skilled in spells except for being beautiful.

Little did they know that the reason why this time went smoothly was because of Murong Xuehan's greatest contribution.Everyone is using what they are good at to help Qin Yan rule the Shanren world.

"You guessed wrong, this lord has no spells at all, and Shishi went there specifically to protect him. I really don't know what Brother Qin thinks, and he actually brought a burden." Xiaobai has no experience in war, and doesn't know wizards. Such a person must be carried.

The wizard can help them calculate what happens to them. If they encounter an opponent who is good at formations, they can easily solve it with the wizard.

"There must be a reason why the Immortal Emperor took him." Bai Hong knew that Qin Yan was not a reckless person.

"That's for sure. I don't mean to criticize Brother Qin." Xiao Bai said with a smile.

"You are here by yourself, and if you have anything to do, send someone to find me." Bai Hong also heard about the replacement of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"Brother Bai, thank you. If I have something to do, I will definitely go to you." After all, Xiao Bai and Bai Hong belong to the same family, and if he has something to do, he will definitely not be polite.

"I'm leaving first, there's still something to do in the palace." The last thing Bai Hong wanted to do now was to go to court. Since the seventh princess was pregnant, the Jue Wang took the opportunity to replace the king.

Bai Hong centered on the Seventh Princess. Now that Meng Chao has done so clearly, he is not happy at all. Now he is not willing to enter the palace.

It's just that for the sake of the Seventh Princess's face, it's not easy for him to contradict Meng Chao. After all, Meng Chao is the Seventh Princess' husband, and he doesn't look at the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha.

Murong Xuehan had a burden during her cultivation, she didn't know if the person who helped her cultivate would come!
If they don't come, they will stay in this dark and boundless world for a long time!

They don't know what will happen outside, and they don't know what the world that Qin Yan finally conquered will look like!
"Don't be stressed, if that person doesn't come, we will have to practice slowly!" Qin Yan said in Murong Xuehan's ear!

"I will try my best, and hope that person can show up! But everyone still has to be mentally prepared!" Murong Xuehan said to Qin Yan before entering the state of cultivation. After all, the current environment is simply too bad, and no one wants to stay here for a long time!

Qin Yan nodded and closed his eyes. As the boss at this time, he should be the first to break through!Give others hope!

If everyone else is faster than him, then what face does he have as the boss!
Feng Wang closed Fengyan according to Shanwang's request and let him return to Shanren's world!

At this time, Mount Tai was no longer the King of the Mountain. Qin Ran knew that the people who entered the world of the Mountain Man from the Murloc World were all from Qin Yan, so he had no choice but to guard Mount Tai himself!

When Shan Wang saw that Mount Tai was covered with the banners of the Qin family, he instantly felt a sense of frustration!

The world of Fengren is above the world of Shanren, and the character Qin is particularly dazzling!

Qin Ran knew that the mountain king had fled to Fengren World, and Qin Ran felt that it was Qin Yan's biggest mistake not to kill the mountain king!

Although people in the mountain world only recognize people with strong spells, the mountain king was once a mountain king above ten thousand people. As long as he survives, he will always make trouble and try to get his position back!
Although he may not be able to succeed in this life, but looking for trouble again and again is a headache!

Fortunately, Mount Tai can breathe fire, and if the king of the mountain wants to enter the world of Shanren, he needs to pass through the volcano.

For the sake of safety, Qin Ran arranged a lot of formations on Mount Tai!His first task was to guard the entrance to the Shanren world when Qin Yan didn't give him any news!

"Shan Wang, are you going down?" asked the general guarding Fengyan in Fengren World.

The fire on Mount Tai is much bigger than before. If the king of Mount Tai doesn't order the fire eye to be closed, people like them won't be able to enter the world!

What's more, the fire in the past was not as strong as it is now. Since the invaders occupied the Shanren world, the fire has become bigger and bigger!

(End of this chapter)

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