Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1774 The Return

Chapter 1774 The Return
His current status is very noble. Without Qin Yan, he would not be where he is today. The servants in Qin Yan's mansion don't take their master seriously. If Meng Chao could take more care of the Immortal Emperor's mansion, such a thing would not happen. up.

"No wonder the Immortal Emperor came back. Master Bai was able to come so quickly. I dare say someone tipped you off!" Meng Chao knew what Bai Hong meant, so he had no choice but to change the subject.

"That's right, I haven't seen the Immortal Emperor for so long, now that he's back, I have to meet him no matter what." Bai Hong said happily.

Xiao Bai could only watch helplessly as Meng Chao talked to Bai Hong, but he couldn't speak at all.

Xiaobai was so embarrassed to die between the two, but fortunately Qin Yan and others entered the mansion soon.

"Hello Immortal Emperor!" Many maids and servants greeted Qin Yan at the gate, and Meng Chao and Bai Hong rushed out to greet him after hearing the news.

"Congratulations, Brother Qin." Meng Chao said with a smile as he walked.

"Emperor Immortal, you are so powerful, you can conquer two worlds in one fell swoop, and you are still the most powerful of the two worlds." Bai Hong said with a smile.

"Why are you here? Did the news spread so quickly?" Qin Yan asked curiously. He knew that the news of the murloc world was the most developed, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Aren't we happy? An event as big as the unification of the world by the Immortal Emperor should be celebrated by the whole world." Bai Hong said with a smile.

"There's no need to celebrate, let's go back to the house first." Qin Yan said and walked towards the main hall.

Meng Chao and Bai Hong were taken aback for a moment, and Bai Hong asked Li Tianba beside him, "General Li, does the Immortal Emperor look unhappy?"

"Don't ask, I'm depressed when I meet someone with higher spell than myself!" Li Tianba said in a low voice.

"Didn't the Shanren world be unified and the Fengren world be unified? How could you meet someone with high spells?" Bai Hong felt that if he met a master, he would not be able to unify.

"It's not what you think. It has nothing to do with the two worlds. Let's talk about it when we have time." Li Tianba knew that they always talked badly outside.

Bai Hong said, "Let's all go into the house."

"Brother Qin, I have already arranged a banquet for you to celebrate. Let's go to the palace to have dinner together tonight." Meng Chao said after entering the room with Qin Yan.

"No need, I'll have dinner in my mansion tonight." Qin Yan doesn't have the heart to celebrate now!
Murong Xuehan was a little embarrassed after hearing Qin Yan's words. After all, Meng Chao was the Jue Wang, Qin Yan was in a bad mood and he didn't care about anyone's feelings, and Meng Chao didn't even give face.

"Brother Qin can't go because of some things, Meng Chao, don't mind! We will accept your wish." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"Yes, we still have some things to do, King Jue doesn't need to be so polite." Hu Xiaoxian said in a helpful way.

Meng Chao knew that now was not the time to ask more questions, "Since Big Brother Qin has something to do, let's find another day!"

After Bai Hong and Li Tianba came in, "Emperor Immortal, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Hong had already heard Qin Yan's conversation.

"I'm fine, as long as you do your job well, you don't need to congratulate me." Qin Yan said with a smile.

It is a happy thing to unify the big world, even if there is something big in your heart, you can't reveal it too obviously.

"The Immortal Emperor must be tired from the long journey. The King Jue and I will leave first. Let's meet the Immortal Emperor another day." Bai Hong was still very discerning, and he knew that something must have happened to Qin Yan.

Li Tianba hurriedly said: "I'll see you off, let's meet again some other day."

"What's wrong with the Immortal Emperor?" Bai Hong asked Li Tianba.

"Don't you see any changes in us?" Li Tianba asked Bai Hong with a smile.

Bai Hong glanced at Meng Chao, and said in surprise, "Has your spell reached the level of a god?" Bai Hong asked in disbelief.

There will be some changes on the faces of people at the level of ascending gods, that is, there is an extra sense of immortality between their eyebrows and eyes.

"Yes, not only me, but everyone else is at the level of gods." Li Tianba said proudly.

"Your spells have been improved, so Brother Qin should be happy! Why are you unhappy?" Meng Chao asked puzzled.

"Our spells have been improved because of other people. That person has helped us all increase our mana. Can the Immortal Emperor be happy without his ability?" Li Tianba whispered, he was afraid that what he said would be heard by others .

"Is there really such a capable person in the world?" Meng Chao felt incredible after hearing what Li Tianba said.

"Don't you believe what I said? But you must not spread it. If it gets out, the master will definitely not forgive me." Li Tianba told Meng Chao and Bai Hong, after all, this matter is not What a glorious thing.

Many people know that Qin Yan unified the world, but they never knew how Qin Yan and the others ruled.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I won't tell anyone except the Seventh Princess." Meng Chao was honest, he would not hide anything from the Seventh Princess.

"You know who I am, and I'm sure I won't reveal it." Bai Hong said with a smile.

"Of course I don't worry about you. Meng Chao has a wife anyway, so it's understandable for him to tell her." Li Tianba said with a smile.

When Li Tianba said Bai Hong was a little depressed, "General Li, what's the matter with you? Why do you always expose my faults? Don't you have women around you?"

Qin Yan's women, Bai Hong, have seen several, but Li Tianba's, he has not seen one.

"My women are all beautiful, a hundred times more beautiful than Murong Xuehan and Zhou Xiaoyu." Li Tianba said with some pride, after all, in his opinion, he married the two most beautiful women in the world.

"Really! I will definitely meet some other day. She is even prettier than Miss Xuehan and Miss Zhou Xiaoyu." Bai Hong thought it was unbelievable that the woman Li Tianba was looking for was even prettier than Qin Yan's.

"Don't worry, I, Li Tianba, don't know how to brag. I will show you what beauty is." Li Tianba said happily.

"Why didn't you see Zhou Xiaoyu and Jiuyao this time?" Bai Hong asked curiously.

After all, they have known the two of them for a long time, and they are still not used to Qin Yan's new person this time!
"Princess Jiuyao is looking after the child, and Zhou Xiaoyu is in her mother's womb, waiting to be reborn!" Li Tianba went out to see the two of them off, and was not in a hurry to return to Qin Yan's side, so he had to talk to Bai Hong and Meng Chao. Have a good chat.

"Brother Li, do you mean that Zhou Xiaoyu returned to her world to reincarnate?" Meng Chao saw this kind of operation for the first time.

"Yes, she has returned to the human world. If we have nothing else to do next, we will go back to the human world and wait for him to be born." When Li Tianba thought of Zhou Xiaoyu's birth, he immediately felt better, with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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