Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1778 Wronged

Chapter 1778 Wronged
Knowing that Murong Xuehan and the others had returned, the king and the wizard hurried to the main hall, after all their identities were unusual.

"Have you finished dealing with the affairs of the court so quickly?" Murong Xuehan thought that he would have to wait for a while, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"The two girls are here, even if it is a big thing, we can let it go." The king said with a smile.

"The king doesn't have to be so polite to us, work is the priority." Murong Xuehan said.

"I will listen to Miss Xuehan from now on. I have my servants clean up the two rooms. The two girls should stay here for a while longer." The king said politely.

Hu Xiaoxian has long heard that the king of the Shuren World is very considerate in handling things, but he did not expect to be so careful, the room has already been tidied up.

"We want to go directly to the human world. If the king has something to say to Zihan, we will convey it to you." Murong Xuehan said.

"You left so early! I have nothing to say, I hope he can come back soon." The king said slightly sadly.

"We will urge him to cultivate well after we go back." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

The king seemed to think of something happy, "Miss Xuehan, I will leave Zihan to you. You must have a solution."

When the king said this, Murong Xuehan immediately knew what was going on, it must be the wizard who told the king about their spell improvement.

"I'll try my best." Murong Xuehan said embarrassingly, that master hadn't appeared recently, and she didn't know if that person would come or not.

"Miss Xuehan, you have bothered me so much." The king said politely.

"Is the Immortal Emperor in the Murloc World?" The wizard kept wanting to ask, but couldn't get in.

"We don't know where he is either. He hasn't shown up since the night we returned to the murloc world. Wizard, don't you know where he is? Can you see where he is?" Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

If the wizards could find Qin Yan, they would be relieved to go to the human world.

"Since the Immortal Emperor intends to keep us from knowing his whereabouts, I can't count it." The wizard said with a smile.

What the wizard said was very reasonable. Qin Yan must have hidden his traces. Since he was hidden, he must not be able to calculate his exact location.

"Forget it, he will naturally come to us when he wants to show his face. We will bid farewell to you today. If the king and wizard have a chance, they can go to the human world." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"If I leave the territory of this great world, I will never come back." The wizard said cheerfully.

"Even if I have the time, I don't have the opportunity, unless the emperor sends me a helper who can manage the world of tree people." The king also said cheerfully.

"Well, let's go first, and we will come back to see you often."

The wizard and the king sent Murong Xuehan and Hu Xiaoxian to the gate of the palace.

"We won't be far away, so be careful on your way," said the king.

"Don't worry, just send me a message if you have anything to do, and we will be back right away." Murong Xuehan said to the king.

The four of them were on the way back, Xiaobai asked: "We are all here, is there anyone guarding the Immortal Emperor's Mansion?"

Xiaobai is worried that today's Immortal Emperor's Mansion will be the same as before, the master is not like the master, and the slave is not like the slave.

"Don't worry, I have already informed Master Bai, he will help us take care of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"Lord Bai used to go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion often, I feel relieved to have him here." In Xiaobai's eyes, Bai Hong is a very upright official, and he is much better than other officials.

Hua Jing is closing the door at home at this time, and doesn't want to see anyone.

Brother Hai accepted a female lead role for Hua Jing. Originally, this drama had already booked a female lead half a year ago, and that was Mo Yuxin, who was also a first-line actress like Xue Er, but was suddenly snatched by Hua Jing, a newcomer. Without the role, Mo Yuxin's fans will naturally not let Huajing go.

These people kept cursing on Huajing's Weibo. Originally, Huajing only had more than 20 fans, but suddenly because of this incident, the number of fans increased to 500 million.

Many fans said that Hua Jing slept with the producer, and many people said that Hua Jing was subverted by the director, and many unsightly words were all presented in the comment area of ​​her Weibo.

Haige immediately ordered someone to turn off her Weibo comments when he found out.

This is the first time Hua Jing encountered such a situation. For the first time, she felt that human beings are terrible, and people's words are terrible. It is really too scary, and language violence can really hurt a person.

After Chenchen found out about this, she immediately rushed from the coffee shop to Hua Jing's house. When she arrived at the door of Hua Jing's house, she saw Hua Jing's older sister, Kao, was also there.

"Sister, what's the matter, won't Huajing open the door?" Chenchen asked anxiously.

Kao nodded expressionlessly, answering Chenchen's words.

"This Hua Jing is usually quite big, why does she act like this when she encounters such a small matter?" Chenchen called Hua Jing while talking.

"She grew up under my protection, and everything she encountered was beautiful." Kao said with a sigh.

"It seems that this matter has really hurt her, and the current person is really interesting. What a bad thing to do, but to be a navy soldier and a keyboard warrior to harm others, it is really shameless!" Chenchen said angrily!

"You mean someone made flower essence on purpose?" Kao asked angrily!

"Someone must have deliberately tricked her, otherwise, how could Mo Yuxin's fans attack Huajing? There must be a lot of fake fans among these fans. We call such people the navy, the keyboard man!" Chen Chen Said helplessly!

"I tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen! I want to be an actor, a star, I can't stand this little grievance, what else can I do?" Kao said with a sigh!
Zihan has been cultivating and doesn't know about the outside world. If Zihan knows, then the flower essence business will be lively!

He definitely won't let Hua Jing be wronged like this, he must go to the company to ask for clarification!
Chenchen keeps calling Huajing, but Huajing just doesn't answer, when Chenchen contacts Huajing, Shi Wei suddenly calls!

"Brother Shi, why did you contact me at this time? Aren't you so busy that you don't have time to eat?"

The beauty pills that Shi Wei sells are very effective after being launched, and all of them have been exported abroad!
The business is getting bigger and bigger, Beauty Pill is a pure natural "micro-adjustment" product without any danger!
It is deeply loved by the majority of women. Many people like to go to beauty parlors for treatment, but the time is very long, and sometimes you have to wait in line. There is no two hours to go!

Beauty pills are different. You can solve the beauty treatment by lying down at home, saving time, effort and money!
(End of this chapter)

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