Chapter 1786 Didn't come back
For Chenchen's sake, she must go to meet Qin Yan tonight and ask Qin Yan if there is anything he can do.

In her opinion, Qin Yan is so powerful, and he is familiar with the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, this matter of Chenchen is too small to be small.

"Sister, where are you?" Hua Jing asked drunkenly.

"We are ordering privately." Kao was watching the news on his mobile phone, when he saw Hua Jing called and walked out of the private room.

"Okay then, we'll go find you." Hua Jing immediately hung up the phone.

"The handsome guy sent the two of us to the private order, and then you can go home and leave us alone." Hua Jing said to Mr. Chen's driver.

The driver answered "OK" softly, and quickly sent the two of them to the private order.

After Huajing entered, she warmly greeted the others, and Princess Jiuyao paused the music in the private room.

"Flower Jing, you showed up, have you settled the matter on the Internet?" Hu Xiaoxian asked.

"The company has already solved it for me." Hua Jing said with a smile.

"Why don't you wear a mask or sunglasses when you come to this kind of place? Aren't you afraid that people will secretly take pictures of you and make a fuss about it?" Murong Xuehan reminded, she knows how powerful the paparazzi are, and she dares to write about anything in order to increase the exposure , bold reporters dare to spread rumors indiscriminately.

"They see it when they see it. Aren't celebrities human? We can't even come to this place for entertainment!" Hua Jing pouted.

"You can't have such thoughts in the future. You should protect yourself well and don't expose yourself if you can. Although this place is an entertainment place, it is not so accepted by the public. If you let others know, it will definitely The kind of girl who thinks you are bad." Murong Xuehan said.

"You must remember what elder sister Xuehan said, she will not harm you." Kao reminded Hua Jing beside her.

"I know, I will be careful in the future, by the way, why haven't I seen Brother Qin?" Hua Jing has been looking for Qin Yan since entering the box door.

"Brother Qin hasn't come back." Hu Xiaoxian said to Hua Jing.

"Ah! Why didn't he come back? I still have something to look for him!" Hua Jing felt a little disappointed for a moment.

Chenchen pulled the flower essence and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if I wait a few more days."

Huawang instantly knew what Hua Jing was going to do with Qin Yan, "Chenchen even said that she was not in a hurry, and you should not be in a hurry either. Let's ask Brother Qin when he comes back."

Murong Xuehan couldn't understand what Huajing Huawang and Chenchen were talking about.

"Is there anything you want to tell Qin Yan?" Murong Xuehan asked.

"It's nothing, we'll talk about it later." Kao knew that Chenchen's privacy was involved, and they couldn't make it public.

"Yes, it's nothing." Hua Jing smiled and said to everyone.

"Since we have nothing to do, let's sing a song together." Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

Chenchen sat on the sofa with Hua Jing, and Hua Wang told them that Shi Wei was also here.

"Brother Shi is here too." Hua Jing thought it was incredible that such a big Baoshi came singing together.

"Did he treat clients to dinner? Just now, he stayed in the private room for a while and then went back. Why don't you go and have a look?" Kao asked.

"I think it's better for Hua Jing not to go there. After all, you are a celebrity now. People don't know what to say about you when they see you. Let me go. Brother Shi will definitely understand." Chenchen said to Hua Jing.

Hua Jing felt that what Chenchen said was very reasonable, "Then you go help me and tell Brother Shi that I am fine, so that he should not worry and run his own business properly."

"I will tell him, you play first, I will go out to find Brother Shi first."

Chenchen came out of the private room and went directly to Shi Wei's private room.

When Shi Wei saw Chenchen coming, he was a little surprised; "Why are you here? Where's the flower essence?"

"Hua Jing and I came here to find her sister. Hua Wang told me that you are here. It is inconvenient for Hua Jing to come here now. I will come here first."

"Her current status is definitely inconvenient. Tell her to be careful in everything in the future." Shi Wei knew that Hua Jing was a very simple person.

She thinks that everyone is a good person, and she is good-looking, so she must be jealous of many people.

"All of us are telling her to pay attention to our identities in the future, brother Shi, don't worry." Chenchen said with a smile.

When Chenchen smiled, his eyes coincided with Bai Gang, Shi Wei's client. The moment Bai Gang saw Chenchen, his heart skipped a beat.

"Mr. Shi, why didn't you introduce me to such a beautiful woman?" Bai Gang said jokingly.

"Didn't we just say a few words, don't we have time to introduce you? This is one of my good sisters, Chenchen." After introducing Chenchen, Shi Wei then introduced Bai Gang and Li Chenchen to Chenchen. Jie two.

Both of them belong to the pharmaceutical chain, and both are rich bosses. Of course, both of them must be married.

"Mr. Bai, Mr. Li!" Chenchen greeted the two of them with a smile, and there were waiters accompanying them.

"It's a pleasure to meet your beauty." Bai Gang stretched out his hand to shake Chenchen's hand enthusiastically.

Chenchen hurried up to shake hands with Bai Gang.

"Nice to meet you, Boss Bai." Chenchen said with a smile.

Zihan sat beside Hua Jing, "Are you okay! I heard that you locked yourself in the room."

"Do you think I look like I'm in trouble now?" Hua Jing pouted and asked.

"Just be happy. If your circle is so complicated, you should live an ordinary life." Zihan felt sorry for Hua Jing and hoped that she would not suffer any harm.

"It's okay, just practice hard and don't worry about me." Hua Jing knew that everyone cared about her very much, and she didn't know why she didn't want everyone to treat her so deliberately.

"By the way, Sister Xuehan and Sister Hu Xiaoxian's spells have reached the level of gods. Don't worry, our mana has the hope of improving quickly." Zihan told Hua Jing the happy news.

He knew that among the three of them, Hua Jing was the laziest one, Kao would not abandon her, and neither would he.

"Really, how did they improve? Did Brother Qin develop any medicine?" Hua Jing couldn't think of anything that could improve spells so quickly.

"No, brother Qin is also at the god level now, thanks to the help of a friend of sister Xuehan, everyone was promoted overnight." Zihan himself was full of expectations when he said it.

"Then sister Xuehan's friends will also help us?" Hua Jing asked happily.

Huajing herself is not interested in cultivation, so she must be happy if she can grow quickly.

"Whether we can quickly improve our mana depends on whether sister Xuehan's friends can help us. I hope they can help us. We are the only ones here who are not good at spells." Zihan said a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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