Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1792 Resolving Confusion

Chapter 1792 Resolving Confusion (2)

But from the time she started to practice until she woke up, she hadn't seen Mu Jingnian, and Murong Xuehan was a little disappointed.

This Mu Jingnian really comes and leaves whenever he wants, and when he comes next time, she will definitely not let him go so easily, even if he can't beat him, she has to ask clearly.

If you don't get promoted, then don't mention any of the three. What's the matter if only two are promoted and one is left.

After Xue Er put on her makeup, she heard that Hua Jing was doing makeup next door, so she went straight into the shared dressing room, "Hey, sister Hua Jing, you are the protagonist, why do you ask you to put on makeup here? Go to my dressing room, let's Let's share a dressing room in the future."

The negative news about Hua Jing is all behind Xueer's back. Haihai didn't expose her for the sake of Xueer's face, but he has already warned her sideways.

Hua Jing smiled and said, "Sister Xue Er, you are a senior, I can't be your equal." Hua Jing said modestly that even if Xue Er invited her, she would not go.

"It's okay, we are in the same company and the same agent, so don't be too polite, sister Hua Jing." Xueer said enthusiastically.

Some other small supporting roles are very dissatisfied that Hua Jing can be the protagonist. In their view, Hua Jing got the role of heroine through improper means.

Now that the famous Xueer is so polite to the flower essence, it can be seen that the rumor is true, and everyone is talking about the flower essence.

Although their voices were low, they could hear voices talking about her.

If Hua Jing was in the past, she would definitely be upset, but for Hua Jing, who has been insulted by netizens for many days, this bit of spitting can't hurt her at all.

"Sister Xue'er, I've finished my makeup, we'll be on stage in a while, why don't we check our lines." Hua Jing changed the subject smoothly.

Even Xiao Wei admired Hua Jing's intelligence, Xue'er kindly invited her, and if Hua Jing refused again, even bigger rumors would spread about her.

Now Hua Jing asks Xueer to talk about her lines, if Xueer disagrees, some people will say that Xueer is playing big names and looks down on newcomers.

Xue'er smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, I'll go back to the rest room to get the script."

Xiao Wei smiled and said to Hua Jing: "Sister, you are really amazing, you can not offend sister Xue'er and resolve your own crisis."

"I was too stupid before, thinking that everyone is a good person. From now on, I will treat people who are kind to me even more, and I will not let people who play tricks on me make her feel better." Hua Jing looked at the little girl. Wei said coldly.

"Sister, don't worry, I will treat you very well." Xiaowei said with a smile, after all, she is just an assistant, she does her job well and gets her own salary.

"I didn't talk about you, look at how nervous you are, bring me my script book and let me have a look." Hua Jing said the right scene, but she hadn't read the script at all.

But Hua Jing is not worried about not being able to remember her lines, she is an elf who can never forget her words just by looking at them.

When Xue Er played with Hua Jing, she would glance at the script from time to time due to her lack of proficiency, but Hua Jing completely deviated from the script.

At this time, the people in the production team looked at Hua Jing with admiration again. After all, Hua Jing was able to break away from the script, which proved that she worked very hard.

It was the first time for them to see such a good memory and hardworking artist. Although the lines were correct, the performance was simply too good.

Originally, everyone thought that the flower essence was just a vase, but they didn't expect to be so powerful because of their beauty.

All the people no longer spoke coldly to her, and their attitude towards her was much better.

After a day's work, Hua Jing Chen Xiaowei was sent to the hotel by special car. The director didn't like Hua Jing because he didn't know her well, but Hua Jing's performance was really amazing.

Hua Jing didn't NG once, which saved him a lot of time.

After Huajing returned to the hotel, she reported to Kao Video that she was safe, "I'm fine now, this is the assistant assigned to me by the company named Xiaowei."

"I heard that the second female number is Xue'er. You should be more careful. I heard from Chenchen that she often targets you." Kao reminded Hua Jing, because Hua Jing is too careless.

"Sister, there are outsiders here, so I won't video chat with you anymore." Immediately, Hua Jing hung up the video.

"Xiao Wei, don't mind, my sister cares about me." Hua Jing said awkwardly.

"Sister, don't worry, I will be your person from now on, and I will not say a word about you." Xiaowei knew that she had just followed Hua Jing, and Hua Jing didn't trust her very much.

"Well, I don't treat you as an outsider, but now I often have some negative news, which is a waste of Internet resources. I am also afraid of being bullied by the Internet, so I am careful."

"Sister, go to bed early, I will bring you dinner later." Xiao Wei's room is opposite Hua Jing, so it is convenient to take care of her.

"Okay, you go back to your room to rest earlier, you have worked hard today."

"Sister, you are so kind. No matter how hard I work, I can't work as hard as you. I'll go first."

Xue'er was so suppressed by the flower essence today that she was not in the mood at all. When she returned to the hotel, she took out the script and started to read it.

She is already very good in the acting world, but Hua Jing is even better than her.

How could she let a newcomer steal her limelight? She didn't even eat dinner, she was just studying and memorizing her lines.

After Haihai heard the director's praise of the flower essence, the stone in his heart finally fell. He thought it would be very laborious to act the flower essence.

He was afraid that the director would find him, so he hid from the set, but his phone was silent all day long. He knew that Hua Jing's performance must be fine.

Haihai knew that going to Huajing's room by himself would attract criticism, after all the hotel is full of surveillance cameras.

After Haihai returned to his room, he directly sent a message to Hua Jing, "Congratulations, everyone is praising you today, keep working hard, you will definitely be very popular in the future."

"Brother Hai, is what you said true or not? Did someone really praise me?" Hua Jing took her work seriously and completed the performance according to her own understanding.

As for the result, she didn't dare to think about it, maybe there would be praise and criticism, she was already prepared.

Many people in the crew don't know her, but because she is the leading actress, many people don't agree with her.

"The director just called me and praised you. This is the first time that Director Li Da has praised an actor like this." Hai Hai said with a smile.

"Mr. Hai, what are we going to eat at night?" Hua Jing knew that they had a budget for their daily meals, all the money was transferred to her account by the company, and the meals were settled by themselves.

This Xue'er was overwhelmed by her today, so she definitely wouldn't take the initiative to make a fuss about eating.

"I'll be the host and treat you all to dinner today, so that everyone will go downstairs at seven o'clock, and I'll make a count of the others." Haihai was happy today, and Hua Jing's presence on the set made him feel relieved.

Huajing's performance is good, and Mr. Chen must be in a good mood, and it will save other people from saying that he is biased.

(End of this chapter)

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