Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1795 Framed

Chapter 1795 Framed (1)

Hua Jing suddenly felt that everything around her was fake. Since she chose this industry, she must make some achievements. If she gave up now, she would definitely become a laughing stock.

In the future, it is okay to retreat after success and fame, but it is not okay to retreat when troubles arise.

After dinner, Hua Jing and Xiao Wei went back to the hotel in Haihai's car.

After Hai Haiche drove away, "I also said that I rely on my strength to play the heroine. You can see how close she is to Mr. Hai."

When Wang Wenwen saw Hua Jing leaving in Haihai's car, she was extremely jealous. She felt that Hua Jing was pretending to be innocent in front of them.

"You are jealous, you can do what you want, I want to see if Boss Hai likes you, and if you have the ability." Li Rui laughed loudly after speaking.

"Who are you talking about? You are a sycophant." Wang Wenwen fought back against Li Rui without showing any weakness. It was obvious that Li Rui and Hua Jing Haihai were so hot today because they were flattering them.

"Who are you calling a sycophant?" Li Rui shouted angrily.

"What about you? What can you do?"

The two of them were about to fight, and other colleagues hurriedly pulled them away, "Stop saying a few words, everyone will work together in the future? How can you hang out in the circle after being found out by others?"

"That's right. After all, both of you are public figures with hundreds of thousands of fans. After this drama is broadcast, you may become even more popular."

"Hurry up and go back to the hotel, don't even talk about it."

While persuading them, everyone separated the two and went back to the hotel separately.

"Today I'll give you face, otherwise I'll tear the mouth of that bitch Wang Wenwen, it's so fucking annoying."

"Today I spared her temporarily, let's see how I deal with her in the future." Wang Wenwen said angrily.

"Boss Hai, if I come back in your car, those people won't say anything about me." Hua Jing obviously felt that these people would definitely talk about her.

"You are the heroine, so it's only natural to send you back. They can say whatever they want, and they will bear the consequences if something happens." Hai Hai said with a smile.

"What kind of trouble can they cause! I'm not the one who will be hurt the most by a scandal?" Hua Jing pouted.

"You are wrong to say that. Although you have been wronged in this incident, you have also gained a lot. Many companies have contacted me to ask you to shoot commercials, and I have declined all of them."

"Why did you say no, isn't it possible to make money by accepting advertisements?" Hua Jing was a little puzzled that Hai Hai could make money but not make money.

"How much endorsement fee can they pay for your current worth? After your show is broadcast, you will have to look at your worth at that time."

Haihai felt that the endorsement fee was too low now, and her value would definitely increase after the Hua Jing drama aired, so she was not in a hurry to accept commercials for her.

"I understand, you are the master, originally my career is up to you." Hua Jing said with a smile.

"Hua Jing, from now on, all you need to do is film with peace of mind. I will do the rest! If the media write about you indiscriminately in the future, I will definitely not spare them!" Hai Hai sat in the co-pilot, turned his head backwards Said the flower essence!
"Then this time there is no Mr. Chen, there must be hot discussions on the Internet! I don't see how you can uphold justice for me!" Hua Jing muttered!

"Haven't I been looking for it all the time? It's just that Mr. Chen is one step ahead of me!" After speaking, Haihai laughed happily!
"If this happens again, I'll see if you can handle it! Since you said this today, I don't think there is anything in the entertainment industry that Brother Hai can't handle!"

"No, no, no, you are flattering me too much, I will do my best to help you! You will be a bright star in the future!"

"If Mr. Hai helps sister, she will definitely be popular, and I will follow suit!" Xiaowei said with a smile!
"Yes, if you work hard with Huajing, you will benefit from it in the future!" Haihai said with a little drunkenness, but it was true.

If Huajing becomes popular, not only will Xiaowei's salary rise, but she will also gain a certain status in the industry. Even if she doesn't follow Huajing, many artists will invite her.

"Boss Hai, don't worry, I will take care of my sister with all my heart."

On the second day of filming, the director told everyone that there was a mysterious guest visiting the set before filming started!
Most of the people who visit the class are fans of the fan club, or the boyfriend or girlfriend of a certain protagonist!

But before the filming started, the director said it so openly, it must not be an ordinary person visiting the set!

"Director Li, now you tell us that someone is visiting the class, do you want us to perform better!" Wang Wenwen asked with a smile!

"Wenwen, you are really smart! The purpose of my telling you is to hope that you will perform well!" Director Li said with a smile. After speaking, he saw Hua Jing, and Director Li smiled at Hua Jing!
Hua Jing was very surprised, because the director was still cold when he saw her yesterday, it seems that her performance yesterday directly conquered the director!

So it seems that this director is not a relatively powerful person, he wants to make good works!It has nothing to do with any relationship!

"Director Li, if you don't reveal who is coming, how can we perform well!" Wang Wenwen asked with a smile!
Wang Wenwen had already guessed that the people who came to visit the class would not be ordinary people, it might be the investors behind the scenes who wanted to come and see!

"If I revealed the identity of the inspector, and he suddenly stopped coming, wouldn't I slap myself in the face? If any of you perform well, you may be rewarded with extra drama! Alright, let's get to work!"

At this time, Xiao Xiao, who was in charge of props and stage affairs, ran over, "The director is not good, the Cady one-carat diamond ring I brought over this morning is gone, and there is only this empty shell left!"

The director immediately got anxious when he heard this. This is a real diamond that he borrowed from a friend. It is the best quality and the market price is 10,000+!
"Why did you lose it? Did you forget where you put it?" Director Li asked anxiously!

Yu Yu said a little aggrieved, "It's been in this box all this time, and it hasn't been touched! I'm 100% sure it's lost!"

Everyone is at a loss. Although they are not the protagonists, they have also stayed in various film sets. It is the first time they have met them after losing the props!
"Who would steal the road? Director Li really has face, and the props are real!"

"What do you know? This is art, it's just for the pursuit of perfection!"

"Isn't there a surveillance camera at the entrance of the prop room? Just adjust the surveillance camera and you'll know who it is!" At this moment, Xueer came over and said!
"Sister Xue'er is right, the director should check the surveillance! Let's see who is so bold!" Wang Wenwen said angrily, Wang Wenwen is Xue'er's number one fan!

Hua Jing feels that this is obviously aimed at her, but she is not worried about being affected by things she has not done!

Director Li then ordered his assistant Xiao Wang to copy the surveillance camera over!
(End of this chapter)

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