Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1797 Framed

Chapter 1797 Framed (3)

She is not short of money, and Shi Wei puts his profits into her account every month. She is also the major shareholder of Shi Wei's company, but other people don't know it.

She really doesn't care about any rings, she has a sports car to drive herself, and Shi Wei picked her up when she came out to film, but she didn't drive it, and she didn't want to be too ostentatious.

It's a good thing now, someone framed her for stealing something, she is so angry now that she has nowhere to vent her anger.

"Have you seen the face clearly? Just spread rumors like this about Huajing stealing things? If someone dares to spread rumors again, I will make her pay legal responsibility." Haihai said excitedly.

At this time, Hua Jing pulled Hai Hai.

"Boss Hai, they found that diamond ring in my bag." Hua Jing whispered to Hai Hai.

Haihai looked at the flower essence in disbelief. Although he trusted the flower essence, it was unclear if the ring was really in her bag.

"Why is it in your bag?" Haihai asked softly.

Before Hua Jing could answer, Wang Wenwen laughed and said, "Mr. Hai, you really don't know, but you are still protecting the calf? The diamond ring is in her bag, so is it fake?"

Many people laughed out loud after hearing Wang Wenwen's words.

Even Director Li was a little angry, "Boss Hai, I know you love her so much, but she did this, and you can't erase it no matter how hard you try."

"Mr. Hai, it's not me. I really haven't done it. I haven't even been to any props room." Hua Jing pouted and said, so what if the things are found in her bag, she hasn't done it or she hasn't done it. .

When Hua Jing was talking to Hai Hai, she supported Hai Hai's right forearm with both hands, and Hai Hai patted her hand and said, "It's fine, leave it to the police."

Hua Jing nodded. Hua Jing glanced around the crew and said, "If I didn't do it, I didn't do it. The police will definitely give me justice. You people, don't let me find out who you are." Play tricks behind your back, if I know, I will never let you go."

As soon as Hua Jing finished speaking, there was a cold snort immediately. Most people don't believe Hua Jing, so they wouldn't believe what she said. In their view, Hua Jing is just acting on her own. That's all.

The matter of Hua Jing fermented quickly on the Internet, Hua Jing and Haihai did not pay attention to the news in the media.

At this moment, Zihan called Hua Jing. Hua Jing saw that it was Zi Han who called, so she hung up directly. She was not in the mood to contact anyone at all.

"The police are here!" The peripheral staff shouted over here.

"Why did the police come so quickly?" Director Li couldn't figure it out, because when Hai Hai came, he said to call the police, so he asked his assistant to call the police, and within a few minutes, the police came.

"I'm a little tired, go to the car to rest for a while, the police want to ask me something, let them ask me in the car." After finishing speaking, Hua Jing ignored the others.

"You go, I'm here!" Haihai said last night that he was escorting Hua Jing, but something happened today, and he has to hold on for his own face.

"Are you afraid of the police? Want to abscond in fear of crime?" Wang Wenwen said mockingly.

Every time it's Wang Wenwen who picks things up, Hua Jing really doesn't like her now, Hua Jing gives Wang Wenwen a cold look, Wang Wenwen suddenly sees Hua Jing's bloodthirsty red eyes.

The moment she saw Hua Jing's eyes, she lost control of her fear, "Monster!" Wang Wenwen said while pointing at Hua Jing.

All the people looked at the flower essence, and there was nothing unusual.

Hua Jing snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Wenwen, you are too much!" Haihai said sharply to Wang Wenwen.

"Her eyes were red just now, it's terrible, she must not be human, otherwise how could she be so good-looking?" Wang Wenwen said what he was thinking, and everyone would only think that she was caused by jealousy.

"I'm a little suspicious right now if you're behind our backs to frame our Huajing!" Haihai asked angrily!

Xue'er has never seen Haihai get angry, let alone any artist he cares about so much. This Wang Wenwen has so many things going on now, and he is destroying her good deeds at all!

Xue'er glanced at Wang Wenwen angrily, and said directly to the assistant beside her, "Let's go back to the dressing room to rest!"

"Sister Xueer, will the police find out..."

"No!" Xue'er interrupted her without waiting for the assistant to finish quietly!

Even if the police say it's the flower essence, Haihai will protect the flower essence!

Jing Jing didn't dare to continue talking, she knew Xue'er's temper!She is afraid of Xue'er, because Xue'er has hurt too many newcomers both openly and secretly!

These years, as long as she doesn't like them, she will not allow them to climb up. As long as they are artists who Haihai looks at twice, she will not let Haihai see him again!
The flower essence was contacted by Haihai, but she couldn't control it, so she framed the flower essence again and again!
Haihai looked at the back of Xueer and Jingjing leaving, and Haihai knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with her.

It's just that Haihai doesn't understand why Xue'er made the whole thing come out when the big boss came over today.

"Sister, Wang Wenwen must have framed you on purpose, look at her crazy look." Xiaowei was also furious.

"Has anyone else approached my bag today?" Hua Jing knew that the ring was found in her bag, and someone must have framed it on purpose.

Find the person who framed her, and you will be able to find out who is behind the scenes.

"No one seems to approach your bag. Xue'er's assistant greeted me quietly, but I didn't see anything unusual!" Xiaowei felt that the flower essence was also there when Jing Jing greeted them. If there is a problem with Jing, then the two of them will definitely find out.

"Don't worry about it, leave it to Brother Hai!" Hua Jing finally understood what Chen Chen meant when she said that people's hearts are sinister.

She knew that even if she took precautions, she would be shot lying down. Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong.

She still has a lot to learn here, but she secretly swears in her heart that she will not let the person behind her back end well.

Hai Hai said to Director Li: "This matter is actually very small. It is our works that are most affected by the spread."

The director nodded and said, "Boss Hai is right, but now that the police are here, we have to cooperate."

"It's really strange that the police came immediately after I arrived!" Hai Hai said while looking at Director Li.

"It doesn't matter to me that the police came. I didn't order anyone to call the police." Director Li was afraid that Haihai might misunderstand him.

After all, he is just a director, and the real big boss is Haihai's company. Of course, he also hopes that Hua Jing is innocent, because Hua Jing's performance is too good. It is difficult to accept new protagonists.

(End of this chapter)

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