Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1902 Hair

Chapter 1902 Hair
Her car was scratched by two people, and she still doesn't know where to find them, so let's fix it together by coincidence.

"We have already ruled out that they are the Pengci gang." The policeman who interrogated Mo Yuxin said to Mo Yuxin.

"They couldn't get out of my car, so I stepped up the gas when I got angry." Mo Yuxin felt that she was too wronged at this time, and at the same time, too many things happened today, and she herself seemed very tired.

"We checked the surveillance video and it was their fault at the beginning, but it's your fault that you couldn't hold back your emotions in the end."

Mo Yuxin never thought that those two people who provoked her would be hurt so badly, let alone that she would get into the game.

Mo Yuxin's behavior of hitting someone and fleeing with a car soon spread on the Internet, and the news of Chen Yilin's detention also spread. Many people said that Mo Yuxin knew that Chen Yilin was under criminal detention and committed crimes on purpose.

Everyone was moved by their "true love", and most of them praised their voices.

Chenchen stays at Hua Jing's house and stays with Hua Jing all the time, she doesn't dare to mention Chen Yilin's matter with Hua Jing at all, the content of their conversation is only around Hu Xiaoxian, Murong Xuehan, Shi Wei and others.

Of course Hua Jing knew the purpose of Chenchen's coming to find her, didn't she just want to enlighten her, she knew that her friends cared about her very much.

"Aren't you busy in the store? I'm fine, you can go back." Hua Jing didn't want to disturb her friend's work, and besides, Fu Xinxin was with her at home, so she wasn't lonely at all.

"I'm not busy, the clerk can handle it, I always feel that you will leave, I'm afraid I won't see you again." Chenchen hugged Hua Jing's shoulder, she wanted to cry when she said these words, She understood that if Hua Jing didn't get married in the human world, she would definitely go back to her home.

She is just an ordinary person, and it is hard to say whether she will be able to meet her from now on.

"Even if I leave, I will miss you and will definitely come back to see you." Hua Jing said with a smile.

She has very few friends in the big world, and now that she has met Chenchen, even if they are not in the same place, they will treat each other as good friends.

"Are you really leaving?" Chenchen asked.

If the flower essence returns to her own world, Zihan will be relieved, she is afraid that the flower essence will disappear like Shishi, and Zihan will not be able to find it.

"Well, I'm thinking about going back. Xinxin is being taken care of by Li Gui here. Now that she has taken the elixir, her spells are improving quickly. It won't be long before her mana can reach the level of Li Gui. She can meet whoever she wants to see. , do what she wants to do." Hua Jing usually tells Chenchen about anything.

Chenchen knew that there was a little devil in Huajing's house. She would have been scared to death before, but now she is used to it, and the people around her are all people with strong spells. People in the underworld would not dare to provoke Chenchen. .

"You didn't leave now, is it really because of Fu Xinxin?" Chenchen knew that Hua Jingxin must be very disappointed.

"Of course, you are here just to say goodbye to you, so you don't have to worry if you can't find me." Hua Jing said with a smile.

"What if Chen is always wronged? After all, you also know that the media is stalking." Chenchen didn't want to mention it at first, but in order to keep the flower essence, she had no choice but to say it boldly.

"Do you believe that he is not wronged?" Hua Jing looked at Chen Chen and asked.

"Don't you want to listen to his explanation? What's more, he is under criminal detention now, why don't you wait for him to come out before leaving." Chenchen said to Hua Jing very seriously.

Huajing turned off the phone early in the morning, and she didn't know about Chen Yilin's detention. "How is it possible? How could he be detained?"

Hua Jing naturally didn't believe Chen Chen's words, after all, Chen Yilin came to her place in the morning.

"How could I lie to you? You read the news yourself. There are photos of him wearing a prison uniform on the Internet. According to the official statement, there is no doubt that he is himself." From Hua Jing's expression, Chenchen could see that she was very nervous at the moment. Those who care about Chen Yilin.

"Just go in if he goes in, it has nothing to do with me." Although he was very anxious in his heart, he just didn't want to admit that he cared about him.

"Although what happened today seems very real, don't you think it's too real? President Chen and Mo Yuxin didn't meet each other originally, and Mo Yuxin was the first to enter the hotel room when they entered the hotel room. Do you think President Chen was raped by something?" Something confused your mind?"

Chenchen told her thoughts, she herself did not believe that Chen Yilin would sleep with that ugly monster Mo Yuxin.

"Do you think this matter is strange?" Hua Jing asked Chen Chen, and suddenly understood in her heart that if Chen Yilin slept with Mo Yuxin, the two would not be so high-profile, let alone be photographed by the media.

Not only was it photographed, but the news spread so fast. Mo Yuxin has a boyfriend now. Since she left Phaeton, it proves that the two must have nothing to do with each other.

"Of course I did, I followed Mo Yuxin back to the room, and I was arrested! Why did the traffic police block Mr. Chen at the intersection so early in the morning? Even speeding is mostly captured by electronic eyes. Why is it such a coincidence this time?"

Chenchen is helping Chen Yilin now because she hopes that Hua Jing can accompany her in the human world. She also has selfish intentions. When Hua Jing leaves, Zihan will definitely leave too. She and Zihan will never have any intersection in this life.

If Zihan knew that Chenchen was doing him no favors at Huajing's house, he would definitely want to kill Chenchen.

"You're right, why did I get so angry that I didn't believe him? I'm going to the detention center to look for him now." Hua Jing got up and put on her clothes.

"My baby! Do you think that the detention center is run by our family? If you want to go in, you can go in, and if you want to come out, you can come out. I read the news that it is closed for a week, and I will come out after a week. Then you can go to him and ask if there is any. People are doing things behind their backs."

"It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I'd really leave."

"If you leave, who am I going to talk to? If you miss home, you can go back and have a look. You can stay at home for a while, and you can come back when it's over!" Chenchen said with a smile.

"Well, I see, thank you for today, Chenchen."

While the two were talking, someone rang the doorbell, Hua Jing went out to open the door since few people came to Hua Jing's house.

"Mr. Chen! Why are you here?" Hua Jing saw that Mr. Chen was here, and asked in surprise.

"Yilin said that you have a friend who is a biologist. It is said that he is very powerful. This is his hair. Let me give it to you. The reasons behind today's news are all in it."

It turned out that Da Chen always came to give Hua Jing evidence to prove his innocence. Although Chen Yilin entered the detention center, he was happy, because if he hadn't entered the detention center by himself, he would not have thought of proving his innocence.

(End of this chapter)

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