Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1907 Big Consumption Clan

Chapter 1907 Big Consumption Clan
I don't know why the wizard came, but his whole heart felt at ease, just like before when he was by Qin Yan's side.

"We know, let's pass on news whenever there is something to do." When the wizard left, he smiled at the little prince.

The wizard didn't expect that the little prince would be reborn next to Meng Chao and the seventh princess. This child was destined to make the couple live in fear in this life.

But only by the side of their husband and wife can the little prince get better protection.

Li Tianba didn't expect Murong Xuehan and others to be here, Xiaobai came to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to look for them, so they weren't here at all.

Li Tianba analyzed that the three people injured should not be in the murloc world. Although the wizard did not tell him who these people were, he felt that these people did not fight Murong Xuehan and others.

The three of them came directly to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. After two days of wild thinking, Shishi had slowly calmed down. She was going to practice, but something happened to the palace, so she decided to wait for Murong Xuehan and Hu Xiaoxian to come out of the mountain.

After the three of them returned to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, they were careful not to make any noise. When the people in the mansion found the three of them, they had already arrived in the living room.

Although Shishi was injured, she knew that some masters had entered the mansion. She thought it was someone chasing them to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to kill them, but when she came out to resist, she found out that it was Li Tianba and others.

Shishi's vigilant nerves finally let go, "Brother Li, you are finally here."

After finishing the poem, he fainted.

Due to the serious injury, she has not recovered, coupled with mental tension, at this time Shishi was finally released.

The three of Li Tianba hurried forward, and Li Tianba picked up Shishi and put it back in Shishi's room.

"It seems that she is seriously exhausted." Li Tianba said worriedly.

Bai Hong stepped forward to give Shishi his pulse, "It's a good thing we're here, otherwise Shishi's life would be in jeopardy."

"How could it be so serious? Can you tell who did it for their injuries?" Li Tianba asked Bai Hong.

Bai Hong shook his head at Li Tianba, "Their insides are damaged and must be completed through closed-door training. Miss Shishi probably missed the best time for closed-door training. Is there any good solution for the wizard?"

"In this case, people with relatively pure internal energy can only repair her damaged inner, but we don't have people with pure internal energy in this world. At present, we can only send her some internal energy to stabilize her injury first. "The wizard said with some disappointment.

In fact, the person the wizard mentioned was Jun Jun, who had repaired Qin Yan's internal strength, but he didn't know that Jun Jun was in the human world and knew everyone.

"I know who can do it. Lord Bai, please send someone to the palace in the human world to bring this person over." Li Tianba said excitedly.

When Li Tianba was helping to manage the big world, Jun Wan came over, but he didn't live in the palace, but wandered around in the human world. The human world is very big, so Jun Jun must still be wandering in the human palace at this time.

Wanjun belongs to the person who has reached the peak in his inner world, and he can enter and leave the world at will.

"Is the person General Li is talking about the master wizard?" Ever since Qin Yan and others came to the fish-man world, Bai Hong knew that there are people beyond human beings, and he has seen all kinds of masters.

"Really? Why didn't you introduce such a powerful person to me?" The wizard pretended to be angry and said.

"Isn't there no chance? This time she is here, you should get to know her well, she is a beautiful woman!" Li Tianba said with a smile.

"There are too many beauties, are you single?" Bai Hong made up his mind at a critical moment.

"Master Bai is right, that's exactly what I want to ask." The wizard stroked his beard and said.

"You said that at your age, why are you still so dishonest? You are still a child!" Li Tianba said with a look of disgust.

"I'm old? It's like you are young." The wizard said dissatisfied.

"Let's stop bickering here, the most important thing is to send some true energy to Miss Shishi." Bai Hong looked at Li Tianba and said.

"Let me come!" After speaking, Li Tianba began to send true energy to Shishi.

Soon Shishi regained consciousness, seeing Li Tianba channeling her true energy, she wanted to speak, but she didn't.

"Don't talk!" Li Tianba, who was sending her true energy later, spoke first.

Shishi was very moved at this time, she thought that Li Tianba and Qin Yan had saved her when she was close to death with the eldest princess, if not for Li Tianba, she would have died at this time.

Now when she needed someone to take care of her the most, Li Tianba appeared in time again. At this time, she found that in the face of life and death, the relationship between her and Xiaobai's children was not important at all.

Li Tianba obviously felt that Shishi was unstable. Although Li Tianba didn't know what happened to Shishi and Xiaobai, Shishi's state at this time was obviously affected.

"Stop thinking about it, your body is the most important thing now." Li Tianba comforted Shishi.

Shishi nodded, closed her eyes and began to heal her wounds wholeheartedly.

When Li Tianba was giving Shishi his true energy, the wizard and Bai Hong walked outside into the living room, if there was any disturbance, it would affect the two of them.

"My lord wizard, you are the second in divination ability in the world, no one dares to be the first." Bai Hong said with a smile.

The servant girl in the mansion brought a pot of tea for the two of them.

"Master Bai is over the top, and Master Bai's layout ability can also be said to be invincible in the world." The two praised each other.

"I'm far behind the wizard. By the way, I don't understand one thing. Who is the person who wants to kill the little prince? What kind of threat can such a small child pose to them?" Bai Hong kept thinking. Figure out the problem.

"The little prince is the reincarnation of Mercury King. Mercury King is the nemesis of the Great Consumption Clan. Now is Mercury King's most helpless time, but as he grows older, his strength will slowly return to the level when he was reincarnated, and even Have higher achievements." The wizard said with bright eyes.

"Mercury King? Why don't I know, is he here to cross the catastrophe?" Bai Hong asked puzzled.

"Let's put it this way, King Mercury is one of the 24 protectors around the Dao Emperor. If you have a chance, you will definitely see the Dao Emperor and the 24 protectors return. Why didn't I say it in the Murloc Palace, because I said it now You don't understand either."

The wizard sighed. It is actually very depressing if others don't understand what he said.

"Understood, the big consumption clan will definitely not let the little prince grow up safely, what can we do to destroy them?" Although Bai Hong didn't understand what the wizard said, it was a fact that the big consumption clan wanted to hurt the little prince.

He definitely won't allow the little prince to be hurt. Since he has no chance to protect the seventh princess, he should take good care of the little prince and protect his child.

(End of this chapter)

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