Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1909 Interrogation

Chapter 1909 Interrogation
Everyone knew that King Jue was angry, and it didn't get better until Li Tianba came with the wizard!

The Office of the Criminal Division interrogated each of them, and everyone's family background was thoroughly investigated, but nothing suspicious was found!

"Director Jiang, how often does the medicinal materials storehouse take stock?" Mr. Zhao stared coldly at Director Jiang of the medicinal material storehouse!
Director Jiang was already trembling from fright at this time, and even his own voice had changed!

"Master Zhao, the medicinal material library is usually counted once a month." Director Jiang said tremblingly!
"There should be more than 200 tiankui plants, why are there none left!" Mr. Zhao couldn't believe that he couldn't find any clues!

If he can't find out the reason for this matter, then his prestige in the murloc world will be gone!

"It was still there during the inventory five days ago, why is it not there now. I really don't know, I beg Mr. Zhao to see clearly!"

"On weekdays, who else can get the medicinal materials besides you?" Master Zhao asked casually!
Usually, people from all the palaces came to him to get the medicine prescribed by the doctor!
A little intern will take his place while he's away!

He himself knows very well that he is innocent in this matter!Only the two of them have the key, either he or the other, but even if he tells it now, Mr. Zhao may not believe it!

"There is also intern Zhang Kuan! He is the one who takes over my job when I am resting on weekdays!" No matter Master Zhao believes it or not, he will explain the situation clearly at this time!

After all, the little prince's life was at stake, and the entire medical school thought only Tiankui could save the little prince!
Otherwise, how could King Jue condemn them because of this matter!Usually the shortage of medicinal materials happens from time to time!

"Director Jiang, I think you are a smart person. Do you have any secrets to share with me?" This is the last question Mr. Zhao often asks, and the last question is often related to the success or failure of things!

"On weekdays, I have been working in the warehouse, and I don't see many people, so I don't have any secrets to share!" In Master Jiang's view, what Master Zhao asked was not a question at all.

Director Jiang confessed everything he knew. He hoped Master Zhao could quickly find out the truth and return him to innocence. After all, the Medical College serves the entire royal palace. good.

"Take Director Jiang down, and bring up Broadband Zhang!" Master Zhao said to the guards beside him.

Director Jiang was soft when he was taken down. He knew Mr. Zhao intended to let him go, otherwise he would definitely be tortured, because many people don't tell the truth, but once tortured, everything can be recruited.

After Zhang Kuan was brought up, "Zhang Kuan, can the medicinal material library pass through your hands?" Master Zhao asked seriously.

Zhang Kuan could see that he was as terrified as Director Jiang, and his body was trembling, "Master Zhao is really none of my business, I don't know anything!"

Master Zhao immediately became vigilant, "I haven't said anything yet! How could you say it's none of your business?"

Mr. Zhao's heart became agitated in an instant. He interrogated for a whole day, but there was no progress. He did not expect to find a breakthrough in this little intern doctor.

"Master Zhao, I don't know what's going on. After all, everyone in our medical school has been arrested. I haven't done anything illegal. After seeing you, I can only say that it has nothing to do with me!" Zhang Kuan said.

"Looks like I won't give you any flair, you're not going to recruit!" Mr. Zhao waved to the guards behind him.

The guards suddenly understood, and immediately moved out a wooden utensil, which looked like a wooden horse. The name of this torture tool was a nailed horse. The back of the nailed horse was full of sharp nails, and it was for the prisoner to sit on it. .

As long as you are on this instrument of torture, it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman, it can be said to be useless.

Mr. Zhao knew that this incident was no small matter, so the instruments of torture brought out were very powerful.

When Zhang Kuan saw that the nailed horse was moved out, he immediately begged for mercy, "Master Zhao, I really don't know anything, please, please let me go."

"When death is imminent, you still have luck in your heart. It's hopeless. Put him up!" Master Zhao stared at Zhang Kuan coldly and said angrily.

Just when Zhang Kuan was about to be put on the horse, "Master Zhao, I will tell you everything!"

Master Zhao immediately waved his hand to signal the guards to put Zhang Kuan down.

"Tell me, let's see if what you say is worthwhile. If you dare to play tricks on me, you will never get out of here today." Master Zhao said sternly, and at the same time he was very excited.

"It was Queen Shuli who asked me to transport all the Tiankui out of the palace. She threatened me with the lives of my family members, so that I would not speak out even if I died. I beg Master Zhao to save me and save my family." After Zhang Kuan cried, he kowtowed to Lord Zhao.

Everyone present couldn't believe that Queen Shuli would do this.

"You're lying, Queen Shuli has been living in the palace and doesn't care about current affairs, how could she do this?" Master Zhao asked sternly.

"Lord Zhao, I really didn't lie. You can ask Ning'er, the maid next to Queen Shuli! She is responsible for transporting them out of the palace." Zhang Kuan had already been frightened by the nailed horse, so how could he dare to lie.

The main purpose now is to find Tiankui and send it to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"I'll trust you for now. If I find out that you've lied, you know the consequences of lying." After speaking, Mr. Zhao got up and left.

He knew that this matter was very trivial, and he definitely didn't dare to summon Ning'er who was beside Queen Shu Li, so he could only make further plans after asking the king and queen Jue.

When Mr. Zhao asked someone to report, Director Wen had already received the official document, "Director Wen, safe journey."

Director Wen was trained by Meng Chao's family, watching Meng Chao grow up, Meng Chao respected him very much.

"Prince Jue, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task." Director Wen knew that something would happen in the murloc world, so that Meng Chao could secure his throne as King Jue, he would complete the task no matter how hard he tried.

The guard next to Meng Chao whispered something in his ear, and Director Wen hurriedly said, "Weichen is resigning!"

Director Wen knew that Meng Chao must have something to deal with, so he had to resign.

"Xiao Bi, send Director Wen out of the palace!" Xiao Bi and Director Wen have known each other for a long time, and they have always been respected by Xiao Bi.

"Of course!" Xiao Bi walked out of Meng Chao's study with Supervisor Wen with a smile on his face.

"Master Zhao, please come in!" Meng Chao said with a solemn expression, he knew that Master Zhao must have found some clues when he came.

Xiao Bi followed the supervisor on the way out of the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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