Chapter 1918

Li Tianba didn't expect to meet such a woman, who dared to go home with him with a big belly, and was not afraid of being cheated!

Thinking of this, Li Tianba suddenly became a little worried. If she said that to other men, there would definitely be men who would agree to take her home. It's just that if such a person has a good character, it's okay, but if the character is not good, she and the children There is danger!

But he doesn't run a charity organization after all, there are too many poor people in the world, he can't help them!
After arriving downstairs at Zhou Xiaoyu's house, Li Tianba saw Zhou Xiaoyu's parents walking out of the unit together, and they seemed ready to go out!

Judging from their clothes, they should want to go out for a walk!
"Be careful!" Zhou Xiaoyu's father said gently to his mother!

"I'm fine, I have a big belly, and my body is still very sensitive!" Zhou Xiaoyu's mother said with a smile!

"You are about to give birth, you must pay attention these few days!"

Looking at Zhou Xiaoyu's family, Li Tianba felt inexplicably happy in his heart!

"The family atmosphere that the master chose for Zhou Xiaoyu is really good. She grew up in such a loving family, she is so happy!" Li Tianba thought slightly!
After Zihan heard the news that Huajing was going back to the big world, she was very excited!
As long as the flower essence returns to the big world, she and Chen Yilin will be completely broken. There is no way for Chen Yilin to go to the big world to find the flower essence in this life!
After Huajing came home, she didn't smile or speak, just stayed there!

"Master, don't you want to go back to the big world?" Fu Xinxin knew that Huajing had been waiting for Chen Yilin to come out!

Now if she doesn't go back, everyone will think that Hua Jing cannot do without Chen Yilin, she is too worthless!
If she goes back now, she will feel great regret!
Mr. Chen has gone to Huajing, and I hope Huajing will not believe the media reports!

Hua Jing also felt strange about Chen Yilin's matter, but she didn't understand herself, she knew it was fake, why did she still believe it!

"Of course I want to go back and have a look. I've been out for so long, and I also miss other fairy flowers and grasses!" Hua Jing looked at Fu Xinxin and said.

"That Mr. Chen came out, what should I do if I can't find you? Although the matter between him and that woman has not yet come to fruition, I think he was wronged." Fu Xinxin expressed her thoughts, after all, she had seen Chen Yilin many times.

"I know, but I'm angry that he slept with that woman!" Hua Jing pouted and said angrily.

What if this is not what he wants to do, I, an outsider, don't believe he would do such a thing. "

"I see, pack your things now, and I'll take you to Sister Jiuyao's home. From now on, you should listen to her carefully and learn spells from her. When I come back, I will check." Hua Jing and Fu Xinxin The friendship between the two is very deep at this time, just like the two sisters.

"Master, do you have something you want me to convey to you?" Fu Xinxin guessed that Hua Jing must have something to say to Chen Yilin.

"Forget it, I'm leaving, let's do whatever it takes!" Hua Jing said with tears in her eyes.

"You can come back after you go, and your misunderstanding will definitely be resolved!" In Fu Xinxin's view, Chen Yilin must have been tricked.

After all, she is a modern person in the human world, and she knows too much about modern things. The competition between enterprises is really a way of mutual loss.

"Don't worry about me, you should think about yourself, you always ask Xu Shuo in front of me, what kind of person is he!" Hua Jing asked curiously.

"He is a very special person. I will definitely show you to meet him when I have the chance." Fu Xinxin's eyes lit up when he mentioned Xu Shuo.

"What would you do if there were other girls around him after you saw him?"

What Hua Jing said was the truth. After all, Fu Xinxin was dead. Even if he hadn't died, they hadn't formally confirmed their relationship. It was just a mutual liking relationship. No one had the courage to speak out about this relationship.

"Then I'll leave quietly and bless him silently." Fu Xinxin didn't have the temper of a young lady at all, maybe it had something to do with her mother's education.

The character of not fighting or grabbing will only bear everything silently, and it is easy to go to extremes when you can't bear it.

"If you like it, you must work hard for it. You can't walk away silently. You are very suitable for him. Why do you want to quit? In the future, your spells will be higher, and you will be no different from normal humans. You can also go out during the day. "Hua Jing took Fu Xinxin's cold hand and said.

"But they all know that I'm dead. If I appear by his side, he will definitely be scared to death." Fu Xinxin said with some worry.

"Why do you use Fu Xinxin's identity? You can meet him as someone else, just like you just met!" Hua Jing said with a smile.

"Master, you have a good idea. If he sees me, he will think that I look like Fu Xinxin, so I can be with him in that capacity." Fu Xinxin became happy when she thought of this. She had been worried about herself In what capacity to approach Xu Shuo?

Now I finally don't have to worry, as long as I practice hard, I will be able to see him early.

Zihan was very happy at the restaurant all night, and everyone could feel it. Business has been very good on weekdays, and Zihan never smiled.

His mouth has never been closed today.

"Zihan, did you encounter any happy things?" Tingting asked curiously.

When Zihan saw Tingting, he was taken aback for a moment. He knew that if he wanted to catch up with Hua Jing again, he would not be able to have Tingting by his side.

Originally, when he was with Tingting, he wanted to anger the flower essence and make the flower essence jealous, but he didn't expect that the flower essence didn't care at all.

"What's wrong? Keep looking at me?" Seeing that Zihan didn't speak, Tingting asked shyly while staring at her.

"It's okay, I'm very happy every day!" Zihan said after recovering.

Now that Tingting is with him, he never thought about breaking up with Tingting. His thinking is still different from modern people.

It's just that he didn't know that if Tingting knew that he liked flower essences, she would definitely leave Zihan, because after loving him deeply, it would be very frustrating to find out that a man doesn't actually love him.

After all, she is a person in the current society, and she does not allow the person she likes to have other women.

"It's fine if you do this every day from now on, you look so pretty when you smile!" Tingting said to Zihan with a smile.

"Okay, I will laugh often in the future!"

How can you be unhappy when you finally defeated your rival in love!Even if Chen Yilin came out, he would have no chance.

Zihan's goal has been achieved, and the next step is to find a way to prevent the flower essence from returning to the human world.

The only way is for Chen Yilin to marry Mo Yuxin, Hua Jing will give up only when the two of them get married.

(End of this chapter)

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