Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1926 Hiring

Chapter 1926 Hiring (1)

Several people came to the restaurant while talking.

"Shishi woke up, we are all waiting for you! By the way, what about Xiaobai? Why aren't you with me?" Li Tianba asked seeing that there was no Xiaobai, and Xiaobai didn't come to eat.

"Don't mention him in front of me from now on, I don't know him!" Shishi said angrily.

Everyone thought Shishi was still angry with Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai has been staying at the door of your room for a long time. He didn't leave at night and didn't eat any food. Shishi, I think he really knows that he is wrong." Li Tianba meant that Shishi could forgive Xiaobai. white.

Shishi sat on the sofa with her head down without saying a word.

"Let's eat, the food is getting cold while we're talking." Shishi didn't answer Li Tianba's words at all.

Seeing Shishi's attitude, all the people couldn't persuade him anymore, and no one called Xiaobai to eat.

"Mr. Mu, why did you come to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion? Are you worried about the three of us!" Shi Shi asked while looking at Mu Jingnian.

Shishi knew that Mu Jingnian must have something to do here, otherwise he wouldn't be trapped by the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

When asked by Shishi, Li Tianba and the wizard also felt strange. After several days, Mu Jingnian had no intention of leaving.

"Of course Mr. Mu is here to help us fight the big mobs! Otherwise, what is he doing here, is he Mr. Mu?" Li Tianba looked at Mu Jingnian and asked.

"Yes, yes!" Mu Jingnian responded with a few words casually, and continued to eat.

Hua Jing said to Li Tianba: "Master, didn't you say that you can't talk while eating? Everyone, stop talking and eat."

Li Tianba smiled and glanced at Hua Jing, but stopped talking.

Now, except for Murong Xuehan's amnesia that makes everyone worry, everyone else is fine.

The next step is to find the whereabouts of Wanjun. Wanjun can’t stay with the Dahua people for a long time. Wanjun will be in danger. If the Dahua people increase their mana through Wanjun, it will be even more difficult to destroy them. up.

Mu Jingnian kept looking at Kao while eating.

The wizard's small eyes were very bright, he had already seen the clues, the reason why Mu Jingnian was willing to stay here was because of Kao.

At the gate of King Jin Palace, the eldest prince Jin Zhiyong welcomed the "Third Prince" Mu Jingnian on behalf of King Jin.

If King Mu came, the person who came to greet him must be King Jin. After all, Mu Jingnian's identity is that of a prince. Although King Jin is his future father-in-law, it is enough to welcome him with an eldest prince Mu Jingnian lost face.

In fact, the reason why King Mu asked Qin Yan to hire him was that he would not be afraid even if things got messed up in the future. After all, Qin Yan is the future Taoist Emperor, and his status is much more noble than Mu Jingnian. If an old and cunning person like Jin Wang knows He was welcoming the future Dao Emperor, and he would definitely not delve into it further.

It is much better to be the Dao Emperor's father-in-law than Mu Jingnian's in the future. If he is the Dao Emperor's father-in-law, he will sit in the top position for any activities in the Sixiang territory in the future, and his status can be imagined.

"Third prince, the Golden Palace is in front of you. The prince must be careful when speaking." After all, Yang Xu didn't know Qin Yan's identity, and she was afraid that Qin Yan would leak his words.

"Don't worry, no matter how stupid I am, I won't cause trouble for myself." Qin Yan got out of the car after speaking.

The betrothal gift Qin Yan brought over this time is enough to show Mu Wang's recognition and attention to this marriage, and the gold alone is ten thousand taels.The number of people who delivered the bride price reached 100 people.

"Brother Jin, long time no see!" Qin Yan looked at Jin Zhiyong and said politely.

They met each other when they were young, because they seldom interacted with each other when they grew up, so it's normal for them not to recognize Qin Yan at this time.

"The third child of the Mu family really deserves his reputation, he is really a good-looking talent." Jin Zhiyong said happily.

"Where, where, I've heard about Brother Jin's brave past, and I've always wanted to find a chance to meet you, but I didn't expect it to be in such a situation." Qin Yan said.

Yang Xu and Yang Kun looked at Qin Yan with a smile and immediately let go of his defenses. Qin Yan's performance surprised them. Qin Yan's conversation did not look like a boy from a medicine shop.

"Don't talk about flattering me like that, I'm so far behind you, my father always asks me to learn from you!" Jin Zhiyong said with a smile.

At this time, Tongtong was trying hard to see Qin Yan's appearance in the welcoming team, "Tongtong, what are you doing?"

Xiaoyu, the bodyguard next to Jin Zhiyong, asked curiously. He was very curious, why Tongtong cared so much about my son-in-law.

"Are you in charge?" Tongtong gave Xiaoyu a blank look and continued to do what he should do.

Xiaoyu thought for a while, "I know what you are looking at, you want to see my uncle's face, go back and report to the princess!" Xiaoyu asked loudly as if he had discovered a new land.

With Xiaoyu's voice, many people looked at Tongtong. If the princess knew about it, the princess would definitely not be able to spare Tongtong, saying that she couldn't handle things well.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you talk nonsense again, I will tell the princess and let her punish you." Tongtong knew that if he was still watching here at this time, he must have verified Xiaoyu's words, so he walked away resentfully.

Xiaoyu frowned, looking at Tongtong's leaving back, he just wanted to say a few more words to Tongtong, he never thought that Tongtong would leave in anger.

"Jingnian, don't be too modest, father is waiting for you in the hall, let's go in now!" Jin Zhiyong talked to Qin Yan and entered the Jinwang Palace with a smile.

There was a sense of immortality in the Golden King's Palace, which showed the profound power of the Golden King. Even Jin Zhiyong exuded impressive strength. Although Qin Yan did not have the strength of Mu Jingnian, he was wearing Mu Jingnian's official clothes when he came. Clothes, and Mu Jingnian's jade pendant, these personal items carry the aura left by him.

As long as you don't stay in the Golden Palace for too long after giving the betrothal gift, you won't be out of order. Other people can still feel the spiritual power emanating from Qin Yan at this time.

"Jingnian, I didn't expect you to grow up so big!" King Jin said enthusiastically after seeing Qin Yan.

"Hello, Uncle Jin!" Qin Yan didn't dare to have distracting thoughts at this time, he was afraid that he would be ruined.

After all, if King Mu could know what he was thinking, so could King Jin.

"Uncle, let them bring the dowry gift I brought first." Qin Yan said to King Jin.

"We will be a family from now on, why are you being so polite, you don't need to bring it up." How could King Jin care about the betrothal gift? He was interested in Mu Jingnian's ability to succeed King Mu in the future.

"Yang Xu, give the gift list to the managers of the Golden Palace, and follow them to put the things in the warehouse, and then let them go straight back to the Wooden Palace!" Qin Yan said to Yang Xu who was beside him.

Yang Xu said: "Obey! Third Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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