Chapter 1928
If the old king can bring people back, maybe he can defeat the big consumption clan, the seventh princess thinks so.

"Father, he has become a god at this time, it is impossible to control us anymore, I will try my best to protect you and the child in the future." Meng Chao said, holding the seventh princess's hand.

"Thank you for being so kind to me!" Princess Seven said to Meng Chao with tears in her eyes.

Although Meng Chao's mana was not very strong enough to compete with foreigners, Meng Chao's heart for her was single-minded.

"Silly girl, you are my wife and I am not good to you, who is good to you! You haven't slept well for a long time, let the nanny look after the child today, can you sleep well!" take a break.

"I can't sleep. I'm very anxious now. I can't sleep well if the foreigners don't leave for a day." Seventh Princess said helplessly.

"I'll sleep with you in my arms. You will definitely be able to fall asleep. This is the elixir left behind by Brother Qin. We usually live too comfortably. We must practice magic well." Meng Chao's meaning is obvious, only he is strong Only then can the family be protected, and he also wants Princess Seven to understand this truth.

If the seventh princess does not cherish her body, she will not be able to take good care of the little prince in the future. The little prince is the lifeblood of the seventh princess. For the healthy growth of the child, she must live well.

"I'll listen to you. I'll go to sleep now." Seventh Princess took the elixir in Meng Chao's hand and put it in her mouth. She wanted to practice, and she wanted to make herself stronger.

She was not interested in spells before, and she didn't want to learn, but now the situation is different from the comfortable life in the past. In the past, if something happened, Qin Yan and Meng Chao could solve it, but now it's different, foreigners dare to invade the big world .

"It's great that you can think about it, I'll sleep with you!" Meng Chao lay behind Princess Seven, hugging her from behind.

In Meng Chao's arms, Seventh Princess, who hadn't slept for a long time, fell asleep, and even the maids didn't dare to go in and disturb her.

If there is anything, you can solve it yourself.

Several people in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion were discussing how to save Jun Jun and Queen Shu Li. Murong Xuehan knew Jun Jun, but at this time Murong Xuehan had already lost his memory. Fortunately, the magic spell did not lose his memory, and it was still very powerful. question.

Huawang and Huajing met Qin Yan in the big world, and the two of them did not know Wanjun. Li Tianba asked everyone to help out after he proposed to rescue the two.

Only the wizard and Mu Jingnian are familiar with the big consumption clan, and the others know nothing about the big consumption clan.

Everyone looked at the wizard and Mu Jingnian helplessly, "What are you all staring at me for? I don't know where they are. You should ask Mr. Mu about such things."

Seeing several people staring at him, the wizard said helplessly that he just wanted to divert his target. After all, he had been trapped in the prison of tree people all the time, so how could he know the situation of the big consumption clan.

But the clever Hu Xiaoxian found out the problem. Hu Xiaoxian looks very much like the wizard's first love Peony Fairy. From the first time he saw her, he had an indescribable feeling for Hu Xiaoxian. .

"My lord wizard, I heard that you have been trapped in the Shuren Palace before, how do you know about the Great Mouse Clan? We have never heard of such a group of people in the Great World." Hu Xiaoxian asked curiously .

If someone else asked, the wizard would have cursed inwardly, after all, it was Hu Xiaoxian who asked, even if he didn't want to say it, he would have to make up a lie to fool him.

It's just that Li Tianba and others are easy to fool, and it's Mu Jingnian who is not easy to fool. After all, he is the third prince of Sixiang Mu's family, so he knows a lot of things naturally.

"That's right, Hu Xiaoxian is right. I'm also wondering how you, an old man, know so many things?" Li Tianba looked at the wizard and asked.

In his opinion, the wizard must have something important to hide from them, but it is an indisputable fact that the wizard has no spiritual power from top to bottom.

In other words, it is true that the wizard does not have spells, but he knows what Mu Jingnian knows, and he also knows about the Great Consumption Clan and the King of Wuming.

None of them knew it, or even heard of it.

"Didn't I know how to count? I also figured it out!" The wizard looked at Li Tianba and said.

Although I don't know if everyone believes it or not, the question Hu Xiaoxian asked was too sudden, and he didn't have time to think of a countermeasure.

The corners of Mu Jingnian's mouth lifted when he heard the wizard's words. He knew that the wizard was lying, but he didn't know why the wizard was lying.

However, it is not a gentleman's job to expose others at will. If the wizard wants everyone to know, he will definitely tell everyone. Since he doesn't say it now, there must be his reasons.

Li Tianba and Hu Xiaoxian were also very curious. Wizards without spells can come and go freely. Wizards have also been to the human world. Although they stayed for a short time, they were able to come back safely.

"You old guy must be perfunctory to us. Now that I think about it, Hua Jing and Kao went to the human world and have no magic power to come back, but you went, and you can come back. Why do you say?" Li Tianba said today. want to find out the truth of the matter.

"I'm tens of thousands of years old, where can I go? If they are like me, they can travel all over the world without magic." The wizard didn't know whether everyone believed his words, but he had no choice. Can't tell the truth.

"I believe you ghost, you fool the children, sooner or later I will find out your little secret." Li Tianba said to the wizard with a smile.

The Seventh Princess, who slept peacefully beside Meng Chao, changed her previous fragile and weak character!

She practiced whenever she had time. Since the little prince wore the jade pendant given by the wizard, the little prince has never cried again. He can eat and sleep, and he has grown taller while gaining weight!
Meng Chao saw that the seventh princess was in good condition, and his mood also became clearer!

When Mu Jingnian went out, he didn't say anything to anyone, he was very puzzled, after all he knew that the day of next employment was not far away, and his father, king and mother didn't even look for him!
Although things in the murloc world are troublesome, they are not a big deal!

Although people's faces will change when they hear about the Dahou clan, not everyone in the Dahou clan is a bad person, there are still good people among them!
Except for the wizards, no one else knew about the Dahou clan, so the only way to do it now was to go to the Dahou clan and ask about the whereabouts of the hostages!
"I know a friend from the big gang, maybe she knows the whereabouts of the hostages!" Mu Jingnian saw that everyone couldn't come up with a good solution, so he kindly helped them!

In fact, he didn't want Kao to bother too much. She is a woman after all, and she shouldn't be involved in things like saving people!
"Really, Mr. Mu, that's really great, I knew Mr. Mu would have a solution!" Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile!
At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Mu Jingnian!
(End of this chapter)

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