Chapter 1939
Bai Hong then made a barrier so that the conversation between the two would not be heard by other people.

"What's the matter? Is there something important?" Bai Hong couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment.

What they said on weekdays, never shy away from it, Xiao Bi took the initiative to make an enchantment, there must be something important.

"The big consumption clan wants the king and the king to cooperate with them and find 24 guardians. If the king and the king don't cooperate with them, their royal family will be destroyed." Xiao Bi told Bai Hong what Meng Chao told her.

She knew the relationship between Bai Hong and the king, and Bai Hong would not harm the seventh princess.

Bai Hong didn't expect that people from the Great Consumption Clan would be so courageous. They had just lost a battle and dared to enter the palace to threaten the royal family.

"Do the people in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion know about this?" Bai Hong looked at Xiao Bi and asked.

"I don't know yet. We have no way to pass the news to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion now. If King Jue goes directly to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion now, is it obvious that he will tell the big consumption clan that he won't cooperate with them?" Xiao Bi was a little anxious Said.

"You want me to find a way to pass the news!" Bai Hong asked.

Xiao Bi nodded, now the only person she can trust is Bai Hong.

"I see. I'll find a way to pass the news on. Don't worry too much. The Immortal Emperor's Mansion will definitely have a solution." Bai Hong looked at Xiao Bi and comforted him.

"Thank you, Brother Bai, I entrust the lives of the royal family to you, and this matter must not be spread." Xiao Bi confessed worriedly.

"Don't worry! I know how to measure!" Bai Hong said to Xiao Bi with a smile.

In the palace of the Dahua clan, Mu Jingnian took advantage of the fact that the chief executive of the palace of the Dahua clan was overwhelmed with nothing, and stole his waist card.

"Let's go to the cell right now and get Queen Shuli out!" Mu Jingnian said as he walked, he knew that when Wuji found out that his waist badge was missing, he would definitely look for it on a large scale.

At that time, not only will they not be able to rescue Queen Shuli and Wanjun, but they may even be discovered.

"What are you holding! Will our aboveboard dignitaries not be discovered?" Li Tianba asked suspiciously.

"You'll find out in a while!" Mu Jingnian knew that it would be better to talk less in other people's territory.

Li Tianba knew that Mu Jingnian would not do anything he was not sure of, so he had no choice but to go to the prison with Mu Jingnian at this time.

"In the name of the chief executive, we want to bring people from the Murloc World to the wedding banquet." Mu Jingnian said while holding up the badge in his hand.

Everyone in the palace of the big consumption clan knows that the king is going to marry someone from other worlds, and Jun Jun vowed not to marry the king of Wuming. Everyone knows that at this time, if they invite the prisoners from the murloc world out, they must be the new queen. the meaning of.

"Okay, sir, I'll go and bring him here." Then the prison guard brought him over quickly.

It directly solved the difficulty of not being able to open the password lock. After seeing Mu Jingnian and the others, Queen Shuli was overjoyed and then calmed down. She knew that she could not show too much emotion at this time, so as not to make other people suspect .

Li Tianba Huawang Huajing and the three were already happy in their hearts at this time, they were still worrying about taking the person away like this, but they didn't expect that the person was alive in front of them now.

"The queen wants you to attend the wedding banquet as a member of the family, let's go!" Mu Jingnian then took Queen Shuli away.

"In the future, you have to say a few good words for me in front of the queen. After all, we didn't embarrass you in the sky prison!" The prison guard flattered Queen Shuli.

Queen Shuli glanced at the prison guards, without saying a word, and followed Mu Jingnian and the others away.

After walking out of the prison, Li Tianba said with a smile: "Mr. Mu, you are really clever! You rescued people without any effort."

"Now is not the time to be happy. We are now divided into two groups. I will go to save Jun Wan with Hua Wang, and you and Hua Jing will take Queen Shu Li back to the big world! This waist card is for you, so that you can come in and out easily!"

Mu Jingnian knew the strength of Li Tianba and Hua Jing, he was afraid that they would not be able to get away if they met someone from the big consumption clan, and they would be able to go back safely with the waist card.

"We came together, let's go back together, this waist card is so useful, let's go and bring Jun Jun out now, how good it is to go directly together!" Li Tianba said with some worry.

"Brother Li, just listen to Mr. Mu's words, the three of you should leave quickly!" Kao said to Li Tianba.

She very much agrees with Mu Jingnian's plan, and she doesn't want Hua Jing to be in the big consumption group all the time, after all, it's too dangerous here.

"Okay, then take care of yourself!" Li Tianba knew the importance of time, since Mu Jingnian let them go first, there must be a reason.

They are likely to be Mu Jingnian's burden, and he is very relieved to have Mu Jingnian protecting Kao.

"Sister, take care! Mr. Mu, pay attention to safety!" Hua Jing said to the two of them.

Mu Jingnian and Hua Jing then rushed to Wanjun's residence, and at this time the welcoming team was walking towards Wanjun's courtyard.

The sound of the instrument was already clearly visible, "We have to go to Wanjun's place quickly, or it will be too late if we don't go." Mu Jingnian said anxiously.

Kao also knew the importance of the matter, followed closely behind Mu Jingnian, and quickly walked towards Wanjun's small courtyard.

Wan Jun was in the room at this time, walking around the room like sitting on pins and needles.

The maids in the room did not dare to speak, after all, Jun Jun would be the future queen, and she was also afraid of any accidents at this time.

After all, Jun Jun is not a member of their big consumption clan. Every woman in the big consumption clan wants to marry Wuming King, but this Wanjun is special. Everyone can see that Wanjun doesn't like Wuming King.

For more than 1000 years, King Wuming has been serving men, not to mention women. Many people always thought that King Wuming didn't like women until the appearance of Jun Wan.

Jun Wan is very conspicuous in the palace at this time, all women's eyes are focused on her.

Many people want to see what the future queen will look like. Their purpose is nothing more than to know what makes Jun Jun different from others, so that they can make their male god fall in love with her at first sight.

"You can't go in!" Seeing that Mu Jingnian and Kao were about to enter Wanjun's room, the nuns outside stopped them loudly.

"We are here to deliver something to the queen!" Mu Jingnian replied.

When Wan Jun heard that it was Mu Jingnian's voice, she shouted to the outside: "I let them come in, let them in!"

"Queen, they are guards. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to enter your room at this time. Why don't I help you get them in?" Mammy asked boldly.

"Bold, you don't listen to what I say!" Wan Jun said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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