Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1946 Discussing Strategies

Chapter 1946 Discussing Strategies
In her opinion, Mu Jingnian has been helping Qin Yan. Qin Yan's mana is far behind him, but Mu Jingnian actually helped Qin Yan openly and secretly. If Qin Yan has no special identity, Mu Jingnian Is it necessary to be so polite to him?
"Xuehan, you mean 24 guardians, and Qin Yan is the guardian, right?" Hu Xiaoxian felt that this possibility was very high.

"It's not necessarily Qin Yan, but there is a great possibility that Mu Jingnian is so polite to Qin Yan, we should know that Qin Yan's status is definitely not ordinary." Murong Xuehan said.

"I think what sister Xuehan said makes sense. In the future, should we find the 24 guardians first?" Shishi looked at several people and asked.

At this time, there are still 24 guardians away from 22 guardians, and the little prince and Murong Xuehan are sure.

"The wizard walked too fast. Since he knows that the little prince is one of the 24 guardians, he must also know where the others are." Li Tianba said with his hands on his hips.

At this time, he regretted letting the wizard go so quickly. After all, many questions had not been resolved, and everyone left.

"Li Tianba, after you go back to the tree-man world, go to the royal palace and communicate with the wizard. Since the 24 guardians are so afraid of gathering together, it can be seen that the 24 guardians are the natural enemies of the 24 guardians. We can only gather the [-] guardians. Save the world." Hu Xiaoxian said, Qin Yan was not here at this time, everyone's actions were discussed.

"After I get the news, I will inform you as soon as possible, but you should also pay attention to your safety and don't take risks in Sixiang!" Li Tianba warned worriedly.

"We're not kids, we won't go until we find 24 guardians." Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile.

In the process of finding someone, you only need to send some delicious food to the guards at Sixiang to maintain the relationship. Whenever they want to go to Sixiang for a walk, they can go there.

"That's good, just don't lie to me, then I'll go first, I won't be with you anymore, let's contact you anytime!" Apart from looking for the wizard, Li Tianba also went to see Zhou Xiaoyu, Counting the days, Zhou Xiaoyu must have been born.

The relationship between Murong Xuehan and Zhou Xiaoyu is relatively good, but at this time Murong Xuehan has lost his memory, and it is estimated that he doesn't even know who Zhou Xiaoyu is.

After Li Tianba came to the Shuren Palace, the king never saw the wizard himself. He thought the wizard was still in the murloc world!

"It's so strange, where will the wizard go back?" Li Tianba was a little confused at this time, especially for the wizard, he always felt that the wizard had something important to hide from him.

"I think the wizard should have gone to another world. If he was in the tree-man world, he would definitely return to the palace first." The king said to Li Tianba.

Li Tianba had no choice but to leave with regret, "Since the wizard hasn't come back yet, I don't have anything important to look for him. I'll go to the human world first, and when I come back, I'll look for him in the palace."

"Is there any important matter for General Li to go to the human world?" The king asked with a smile.

Zihan has been in the human world, the king is very worried, he does not know what Zihan is doing.

Li Tianba sighed at this thought, looked at the king with his eyes, and wanted to tell him about Zihan, but he was afraid that the king would be sad.

After all, Zihan was the king's only child, and if something happened to Zihan, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

If you don't say it, Zihan will make a big mistake in the future, and the king's only blood will be lost.

Li Tianba kept looking at the king, and the king also felt a little strange at this time. Seeing that Li Tianba didn't answer, he continued to ask unwillingly: "What's the matter? General Li, what happened?"

"I don't know if I should say it or not. Zihan is said to be doing very well in business in the human world, but he doesn't handle his feelings very well!" Li Tianba said with some reluctance, frowning. .

He was afraid that the king would find his account in the future, so he thought it would be better to speak out now.

"Has he found a girlfriend in the human world?" The king thought that Zihan would be a mess in the human world, and never imagined that he would be harmful to others.

After all, Zihan has been sick since he was a child, and at the same time, he did not provide psychological counseling for the sick Zihan.

As a result, Zihan does things recklessly and tends to go to extremes.

Hua Jing will definitely not talk to Zi Han anymore, it is very likely that Zi Han and Hua Jing will no longer communicate with each other from now on, if Zi Han still can't think about it, it will be Zi Han who will be hurt in the end.

"He has always liked Huajing girl, but Huajing girl likes a human being, and the relationship between the two is very good. Zihan almost killed her because of jealousy. Not only this, but he also did other things to kill her. Frame Hua Jing's boyfriend!" Li Tianba told the king truthfully what he knew.

"Why is this child so confused, General Li, please apologize to Miss Huajing, and you must not be as knowledgeable as Zihan when you go to the human world. You tell him that I am critically ill, let him come back, and I will be fine Take care of him and don't let him harm anyone again." The king said sadly.

"You are well, king. I went to convey that you are critically ill. It's not good!" Li Tianba himself was a little confused, he didn't expect that there would be someone who cursed himself.

Zihan's matter was very easy for him to solve. He went to the human world, gathered all the people together, and explained the matter clearly.

Of course, whether it is the king or Li Tianba and others, they are not sure that they can control Zihan. At the same time, they are also very confused. They don't know what went wrong and why Zihan has become so cruel and cold-blooded.

"It's nothing bad. Instead of watching him have a conflict with the flower essence girl, it's better to trick him back, and I will educate him well!" The king said angrily, his son did such a thing outside, and the king would feel ashamed.

"Okay, then I'll go to the human world and talk to him." Although Li Tianba was reluctant, he also wanted the king to persuade Zihan so that Zihan wouldn't go further and further away.

"General Lau Lee is here!"

After the wizard left the murloc world, he came directly to the human world. After all, the head of the 24 guardians was born. For her safety, he had to come.

When the wizard arrived at Zhou Xiaoyu's house, there was no one in Zhou Xiaoyu's house.

After all, Zhou Xiaoyu is a mortal with no magic power at this time, and the wizard has no way to track down which hospital Zhou Xiaoyu was born in.

He had no choice but to live near Zhou Xiaoyu's house. He didn't want Jiuyao and others to know the news about him in the human world, so he didn't tell anyone when he came to the human world.

(End of this chapter)

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