Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1948 The opposite

Chapter 1948 The opposite
"It came out so soon!" Seeing many nurses pushing "Zhou Xiaoyu" mother over, Princess Jiuyao asked happily.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao's mother, without you, I would have been too busy!" Since Zhao Huiping had a cesarean section and couldn't move, when she went to bed, the nurse and Teacher Ni worked together to lift her to the bed.

Princess Jiuyao hurriedly carried "Zhou Xiaoyu" to Zhao Huiping's side and put it down. It is better for the child to be next to the mother!
Zhao Huiping hadn't had the strength of the anesthetic yet, and with the wound on his stomach, he looked very fragile, but when his child was close to him, he felt that he had great strength.

A group of people took care of Zhao Huiping, in stark contrast to the young woman on the other side who had no one to take care of her.

If Princess Jiuyao knew that the child beside her was Zhou Xiaoyu, she would definitely take good care of Zhou Xiaoyu and raise her herself.

They believed in Qin Yan too much, and firmly believed that the Ni family was Zhou Xiaoyu's family. They never thought that the order of reincarnation was wrong, and Zhou Xiaoyu's fate had also changed.

Since the woman was discharged from the hospital holding the baby the next day, Princess Jiuyao didn't know where they went. In her opinion, no matter where the woman was, there would be relatives there.

The child she gave birth to must not be thrown away. The woman carried Zhou Xiaoyu to the rental house. This house was paid by Li Tianba, but at this time she only had more than 100 yuan with her. She was very glad that she did not have a caesarean section.

If the money for the caesarean section is not enough at all, the woman feels very lucky at this time.

After all, she gave birth to her own child, and her heart has melted since the child landed on the ground. The next problem she faces is how to raise her own child.

If she works, she won't be able to take care of her children, and if she doesn't work, she and her children will starve to death.

The biggest difficulty in her life was before her eyes, and she imagined that she could meet many people like Li Tianba, so that she could raise her own children.

"Thank you, Xiaoxiao's mother, you come to help us take care of our children every day, we are really sorry!" Teacher Ni said embarrassedly.

"Mr. Ni, you are offended by saying that. Xiaoxiao's grades will depend on you in the future! Besides, we are friends if we know each other, and we should help each other." Princess Jiuyao said with a smile, afraid of arousing suspicion.

"Mother Xiaoxiao, don't worry, I will definitely tutor Xiaoxiao well in the future!" The Ni family is very grateful to Princess Jiuyao at this time.

Under the care of Princess Jiuyao, Zhao Huiping was discharged from the hospital soon, and the wizard waited for several days. When seeing Princess Jiuyao busy up and down, the wizard immediately smiled and thought: It seems that the human world has more The person he cares about.

Of course, how could he let go of this opportunity to get to know the Ni family.

"Jiuyao, why are you here! Whose child is this, he looks so cute!"

The wizard suddenly appeared, and Princess Jiuyao hadn't recovered yet, but the relationship between the wizard and Zhou Xiaoyu was also very good, so it was right to come here to see her.

"Brother Wizard, why are you here!" It would be inappropriate for Princess Jiuyao to call her a wizard at this time, but the human world has the surname Wu.

"I came to visit my relatives, and I happened to see you and came over to say hello to you!" The wizard said with a smile.

"You wait for me here for a while, I will send the child in and come out!" Princess Jiuyao knew that the wizard must have come here to see Zhou Xiaoyu, how could he have any relatives in the human world!
"Okay!" The wizard watched as Princess Jiuyao followed the Ni family into the door of the unit.

"Mother Xiaoxiao, my daughter-in-law has also been discharged from the hospital, and there is nothing else to do. If you have something to do, go and do it!" When the wizard was talking to Jiuyao, Teacher Ni was helping Zhao Huiping back to the room.

But he saw the two talking, because he didn't know him, so he didn't go out. He was relieved that the child was in the hands of Princess Jiuyao.

"Well, I'll come and visit their mother and daughter when I have time." Princess Jiuyao handed "Zhou Xiaoyu" into Teacher Ni's hands and went out to meet the wizard.

"Why are you here, wizard? Did other people come with you?" Princess Jiuyao asked curiously.

"I can't come by myself! How did you meet this family?" The wizard asked curiously.

"Since it's Zhou Xiaoyu's family, of course I have to find a way to get to know them, and I'll be the first to know what's going on with Zhou Xiaoyu in the future!" Princess Jiuyao said with a smile

She knew that Qin Yan acquiesced to them in the human world for a reason, and everyone could take care of Zhou Xiaoyu.

"It's you women who are so delicate. I wanted to come and see, as long as she was born safely, I would leave. I didn't expect to wait for so many days!" the wizard asked curiously.

"It was born by cesarean section, how could it be possible to leave the hospital so early!" Princess Jiuyao said with a curled lip.

"Cesarean section! Impossible! How could Zhou Xiaoyu give birth by caesarean section?" The wizard was a little suspicious. After all, Zhou Xiaoyu was not an ordinary person. If she was born, she would definitely follow the normal law of childbirth.

"Nowadays, there are too few people who can get their children out. What happened to those born by caesarean section!" Princess Jiuyao felt that the wizard's thinking was a little old.

Although the wizard felt that something was wrong, he couldn't figure it out. Zhou Xiaoyu was a mortal at this time, and the wizard knew her past and present life very well, so he didn't count on Zhou Xiaoyu at this time.

If the wizard can count at this time, the "Zhou Xiaoyu" at this time is not Zhou Xiaoyu, and all of them know it.

Later, the wizard also regretted that he did not give Zhou Xiaoyu a divination, otherwise the real Zhou Xiaoyu would not have suffered so much.

"Is this the way of giving birth now?" The wizard asked with some doubts.

"Yes, you are not here, you must not be familiar with the things here, this child is really smart, he often smiles at me!" Laughing is an ability that everyone is born with, but at this time Princess Jiuyao regards this smile as a smile. made a preference for her.

She believes in fate, and feels that Zhou Xiaoyu treats her differently from other people. Although Zhou Xiaoyu is just a baby now, she believes that when Zhou Xiaoyu grows up, his fate with her will definitely be deeper.

"It's good that Zhou Xiaoyu was born smoothly. I'm here because I don't trust her." Zhou Xiaoyu is the head of the 24 guardians. Whether all the staff can arrive has a lot to do with Zhou Xiaoyu.

The purpose of the wizard is very simple, that is to find all 24 guards, so that he has completed the task.

"It's too much for you not to contact us when you come here!" Princess Jiuyao said dissatisfied.

"Aren't I afraid of disturbing your life?" The wizard said with a smile.

"Excuse! Has the matter of the murloc world been settled? How are Murong Xuehan and the others doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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