Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1958 Precious

Chapter 1958 Precious
"How is it possible? If the queen is a prisoner, why would you marry her?" Although the eldest princess knew many masters in Taoyuan Island, and everyone had a good relationship, but after all, the Dao Emperor had been suspended for tens of thousands of years. It is also her task.

Except for those related to 24, the Dahua clan would not call them captives.

"I don't know either. From the first moment I saw her, I was deeply attracted by her." When King Wuming said this, he laughed unconsciously.

After seeing it, Wu Jing snickered, "Then are you sure she will be loyal to us?"

"I've already checked her background. She is not our enemy. On the contrary, she will help us succeed. If you are in the palace, you should play with her more often!"

"Brother, I got it, I will definitely help you take care of her!" Wu Jing knew that her brother had his own opinion at this time, since Jun Jun was married to his brother, then she was a member of their big family.

At this time, Wujing only regards Wanjun as her sister-in-law and her family, and she doesn't care about the rest at all. She believes what her brother said, but in the future, she will never forgive Wanjun if she does something that is sorry for the big family and sorry for her brother. Yours.

Since the eldest princess Wujing came, the maids were a little jealous, and they didn't dare not listen to Jun Jun's words.

Wan Jun looked very young, and the maids saw that she did not have the majesty of a queen, so they were not afraid of her.

Wanjun doesn't like other people in her room, and this wish has been fulfilled after Wujing left.

In the human world, with the help of Princess Jiuyao, Kao and others saw Zhou Xiaoyu and Li Tianba appear as the husband of Princess Jiuyao.

As Kao's friends, although the Ni family is very grateful for Princess Jiuyao's help, they still feel that there is something strange about this matter. After Li Tianba and others came, they gave a lot of gifts, from precious jewelry to health food .

After all, Hua Jing is a big star at this time, if Hua Jing comes, it will definitely cause a sensation, and it will also trouble the life of Zhou Xiaoyu's family.

So Hua Jing can only watch Zhou Xiaoyu's videos and photos in everyone's phone album.

The most exaggerated thing is that Li Tianba also spent more than 2 yuan to buy a massage chair for "Zhou Xiaoyu"'s mother.

"Mother Xiaoxiao, the things you brought over are too expensive, we can't accept them!" Teacher Ni was already in a daze at this moment, after all, he and Princess Jiuyao are just teachers and parents.

Although he was not Li Xiaoxiao's teacher, he felt it was inappropriate to accept such an expensive gift from his parents.

"We didn't buy it for you, we bought it for the child and the child's mother. Now that we know each other, we are friends. Don't be polite."

"The things you sent are really too expensive, we really can't accept them! Take them back quickly!" Teacher Ni said, pointing to the things in the room.

Originally, the space at home was very small, and the massage chair really took up half of the living room.

"You're welcome. Teacher Ni is Xiaoxiao's teacher. He will be a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. We also like your children very much. In the future, our two families will go back and forth as relatives." Li Tianba looked at Teacher Ni and said.

"Ms. Ni, we bought everything, and the master who delivered the goods has left, and we can't refund it, so you can accept it!" Princess Jiuyao said with a smile.

Qin Yan certainly did not expect that at this time, even if Zhou Xiaoyu was born in an ordinary family, he would live well with the care of Princess Jiuyao and others.

But parents are teachers, and the quality of the children they educate must be very high.

"Zhou Xiaoyu"'s mother was already happy at this time, she never thought that her husband would know such a rich family and treat their children very well.

Kao was afraid that Teacher Ni would push back again, so he had to make excuses, "Sister Jiuyao, don't we have something to do? Let's go first!"

Princess Jiuyao immediately understood Kao's words, "Yes, Li Tianba, let's go!"

"Mr. Ni, let's go first, don't send us off, we will come back another day!"

Before Teacher Ni could speak, the three of them ran out quickly.

They also know that "Zhou Xiaoyu"'s parents must be a little uneasy when they send so many gifts at once.

After all, such a good thing is rare, and it can be said to be a good thing that happens once in a thousand years.

After the three of them left, Teacher Ni said, "Why did Xiaoxiao's parents treat us so well? It must not be because I am their child's tutor."

"Don't think about it, I think they have too much money, and this Xiaoxiao's mother likes our daughter, we have all the daughters!" Zhao Huiping said with a smile, looking at the sleeping child at this time, she felt that this At that time, I was very happy.

Originally, she saw on the Internet that many women suffered from depression after giving birth, and she was worried that she would also be depressed, but now that things are going so well every day, she has long put this thought behind her.

"How can we repay this great gift in the future!" Teacher Ni said a little worriedly.

"I'm sure there is no shortage of these material things. In the future, you can tutor your children well, and teach them for free in the future!" Zhao Huiping comforted her husband.

"Okay, I think so too!" Teacher Ni said with a smile.

I have to say that he really likes the things brought by Princess Jiuyao and others.

I really want to buy such a high-end massage chair, but after all, it is not a small amount of money, and I have been reluctant to buy it. It is really comfortable to sit on the chair and have a massage.

Zhao Huiping walked to the living room, "Why did you get a massage by yourself, and you didn't even tell me to get comfortable first. I couldn't get out of bed every day. This massage chair was bought for me."

"Come on, you sit on it, it's so comfortable, and the price is not cheap!" At this time, Teacher Ni opened other gift boxes.

He stood there completely still when he saw a large diamond necklace and an invoice.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Huiping asked seeing her husband standing there motionless.

"The gifts from Xiaoxiao's mother and father are too precious!" Teacher Ni then gave Zhao Huiping the things in his hand!

Zhao Huiping was also very surprised when she saw it. She thought a massage chair worth more than 2 yuan was very expensive, but she didn't expect a diamond necklace worth more than 20 yuan to directly refresh her three views!
"Husband, is there something they need our help with, otherwise, how could they give us such a precious thing!" Zhao Huiping became a little scared at this moment!

"It's not easy to return this chair, but this necklace can no longer be taken away!" Teacher Ni also felt very inappropriate at this time!
"Let's go now, they probably haven't gone far!" Zhao Huiping urged!
(End of this chapter)

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