Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1967 Name

Chapter 1967 Name
They didn't think about the house or the car at all, they thought they were having conflicts in their relationship or family matters.

"Yes, we are arguing! He wants to divorce me." Zhao Huiping immediately cried aggrieved.

Princess Jiuyao and Ye Xiaoqian looked at each other in disbelief, "What's the matter? You have a child, and you now have a house and a car. What is the conflict?"

Zhao Huiping told the story of what happened at home today. She thought that Princess Jiuyao and Ye Xiaoqian had children before, and they knew the hard work of raising children.

"Why do you guys quarrel over such a trivial matter?" Princess Jiuyao said a little speechlessly.

They just need to tell her if they are short of money. As long as Zhou Xiaoyu can grow up healthily, it doesn't matter how much money she spends.

Because the money they used was a very small part after all, Princess Jiuyao comforted Zhao Huiping and said: "Since you want to transfer the ownership to the child, I agree, but you don't want to quarrel over money in the future, okay? We don't want her to quarrel." grow up."

Princess Jiuyao had a serious expression on her face. Zhao Huiping thought that Princess Jiuyao would take back the house when she knew they had quarreled, but she didn't expect that she didn't care about the house and the car at all.

It seems that she is very rich, this house is not worth mentioning to her, and their quarrel over money is like a joke to others.

"Sorry to make you laugh." Zhao Huiping said in a low voice.

"You take this money and use it. Be more generous in the future. After all, you are a family. If your family needs money, just tell me. We will be satisfied if we can!" Princess Jiuyao said a little richly.

Giving a card to Zhao Huiping, she felt that the money should be given to Zhou Xiaoyu's mother, so that her mother-in-law and her husband would not dare to sway in front of her.

After she got angry, the children couldn't get good care, so they didn't do it.

Didn't they give them so much money and so many things for Zhou Xiaoyu's face?
"We can't accept this anymore. You have already given us too much." Zhao Huiping was very happy, and even if he wanted it, he should refuse it.

Everyone knows how valuable the black card is, and in her opinion, the amount of this card must be quite high.

"You're welcome, we only have one request, take good care of Xiao Yu." Princess Jiuyao said quickly, and said Xiao Yu's name.

Zhao Huiping heard clearly, "Is your relative's name Xiao Yu?"

Princess Jiuyao knew that she was talking too much, "Well, her name is Xiaoyu!"

At this moment, "Zhou Xiaoyu" actually smiled at Princess Jiuyao, very happily.

"Princess Jiuyao, Xiao Yu smiled! It's so beautiful!" Ye Xiaoqian said excitedly.

"From now on, when we register our children, we will also call them Xiaoyu!" Zhao Huiping said with a smile.

She felt that Princess Jiuyao and others regarded them as relatives, and she and Teacher Ni should satisfy their wishes.

In the future, when they saw the child, they could call Xiaoyu directly. Although she didn't know if this would work, she couldn't go back on her word now that she had spoken.

After all, the children will inherit the property in the future. If it is another name, they will not be happy when they see it.

"Really? Can you really name her Xiaoyu?" Princess Jiuyao asked excitedly.

"Really, Teacher Ni, do you agree?" Although Zhao Huiping was still angry at this time, he still had to speak in front of Jiuyao.

After all, every time people came to send them a huge sum of money, their family also rushed directly into the ranks of the rich.

"Of course I agree, our daughter will be called Xiaoyu from now on!" Teacher Ni said very embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's go first, please contact us if there is anything in your family." Princess Jiuyao said.

"Sit for a while longer! Is there anything wrong with leaving in such a hurry?" Zhao Huiping asked.

"Now that the child is young, it's not good for us to come. You two have a good talk and admit your mistakes to each other. In the future, what happened today must never happen again." Princess Jiuyao reminded.

How could the two of them not understand what Princess Jiuyao meant.

"Then we won't send you off." Zhao Huiping said with a smile.

"Jiuyao, are you being too generous to them? They have conflicts because they have too much money. Now that you give them so much money, what if there is a bigger conflict?" Ye Xiaoqian asked worriedly .

"Isn't it because of money that they quarreled? Now that I have solved the big conflict in their family, they will not be short of money in the future, so how can there be problems?" Princess Jiuyao felt that she had solved the conflict in their family, and said with some pride .

"I don't know why I always feel inappropriate. Maybe it's a good thing not to transfer the ownership to them today. I don't think it's better not to transfer the ownership to them. If they don't, they are tenants. They will definitely take good care of Zhou Xiaoyu. If they transfer the ownership , Maybe something will happen!" Ye Xiaoqian said with some seriousness.

Princess Jiuyao felt that what Ye Xiaoqian said was very reasonable. With the current situation of Zhou Xiaoyu's family, it would be better not to let them take charge of the real estate. Even if the transfer is under Zhou Xiaoyu's name, the parents have the right to handle it.

At this time, the conflicts in Zhou Xiaoyu's family itself came from the house and the car. If they were not allowed to control, maybe their family would not have so many conflicts.

"But we have promised them to transfer the ownership to Zhou Xiaoyu, how should we tell them if we don't transfer the ownership at that time!" Princess Jiuyao asked Ye Xiaoqian with some headaches.

Ye Xiaoqian knows that if this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely affect the relationship between the two parties, although she feels that not being a householder is conducive to the harmonious life of the Ni family.

But after all, they said what they said. If they want to go back on their word now, the Ni family will definitely have an opinion.

"We can only let nature take its course and not be so active now. Zhou Xiaoyu will definitely have a household registration in the next few days. Let's see how their family behaves in the past few days." The two of them are not from the human world. Even if you want to sell real estate under the name of an adult, it is not easy.

They don't know Zhao Huiping's careful thinking. In her opinion, the house and car are all under her daughter's name. Even if they divorce, they will live in the house and car with their children.

If Princess Jiuyao knew that Zhao Huiping had this intention, they would directly refuse to transfer the ownership to them.

"I gave them money today. If there are any more conflicts, I will ignore them at that time. If Zhou Xiaoyu is wronged, I can't spare them!" Princess Jiuyao said seriously.

After all, they had a relationship with Zhou Xiaoyu, were not familiar with Zhou Xiaoyu's parents, and had no relationship with them. If Zhou Xiaoyu was hurt, they would die.

(End of this chapter)

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