Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1985 Release

Chapter 1985 Release

Of course, their Huo family also has a family heirloom, but his family's heirloom is a practice secret book, and only those who are destined can understand it.

No one in their entire Huo family could understand the cheat book, so the other three families naturally didn't dare to be interested in their family's treasures.

After all, their parents couldn't understand things, let alone their parents.

Qin Yan thought that he would be visited by the fourth prince Yan Yaxin soon, but he didn't expect that he would wait and see if no one came, Qin Yan was a little bit guilty.

If Yan Yaxin doesn't come, will he stay here forever? Thinking of this, Qin Yan is a little panicked. He doesn't want to be like a wizard, shutting himself up here for tens of thousands of years, waiting for Li Tianba and others to become useful. get him out.

If that was the case, then his life would be meaningless.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan became a little anxious, "Brother, I want to ask, when will the fourth prince see me!"

The prison guard who was very close to Qin Yan felt a little funny when he heard Qin Yan's words, "What are you daydreaming about, will our fourth prince come to such a place? You just stay there."

"What did I do wrong, I was wronged, I want to see him." Qin Yan kept yelling loudly, the prison guard had no choice but to click on Qin Yan's Ya acupoint.

The people in Sixiang have high mana, no matter how hard Qin Yan tried, it was impossible to catch up with them.

Don't mention how aggrieved Qin Yan is at this moment. He has never suffered from being dumb since he was a child, and this prison guard made him suffer.

After Qin Yan disappeared, the owner of the medicine store hurriedly sent someone to the third prince's mansion. After all, Qin Yan belonged to the third prince. If something happened in Sixiang, he would definitely not be able to afford it.

Mu Jingnian was trapped in the palace, and the two sisters, Yang Xu and Yang Kun, were always in a hurry. The disappearance of Qin Yan's disappearance may be beneficial to Mu Jingnian.

The two hurried to find Mu Jingnian's mother. Mu Jingnian was locked up by Mu Wang. She was also very anxious, but Mu Jingnian was in charge of Qin Yan's safety. Qin Yan disappeared. Maybe Mu Jingnian would be able to come out this time. .

The marriage can be postponed, but Qin Yan's safety cannot wait.

After Mu Jingnian's mother heard the report from the two sisters Yang Xu and Yang Kun, she felt that Qin Yan's disappearance was an opportunity, so she hurried to find Mu Wang.

King Mu was not very happy when he saw her. Mu Jingnian was born by her. Now that he is so disobedient, the queen is implicated by his son.

"I heard that Qin Yan is missing, should I send someone to look for him!" The queen did not directly ask Mu Wang to release Mu Jingnian, she knew that Mu Wang would not necessarily listen to her if she said so.

"How is it possible? Hasn't he been in the medicine shop all the time? Why did he disappear?" King Mu was a little surprised.

"I don't know. I heard that he has been missing for two days. His magic power is so low. If he doesn't look for him, he may be in danger." The queen said calmly.

"Does Jingnian know? Let him look for it." King Mu knew that Mu Jingnian was familiar with Qin Yan, so it would be easier for Mu Jingnian to find him.

In his opinion, it is possible for Qin Yan to return to the big world. After all, there is a difference between living there and living in Sixiang. If he were anyone else, he would not suffer this kind of suffering in Sixiang.

"Didn't Jingnian be locked up by you? You are afraid that he will escape from marriage!" The queen reminded with some dissatisfaction, cooperating with Mu Wang to lock Mu Jingnian up and forget about it.

"Hey! I forgot, come here, hurry up and release the third prince." Mu Wang knows his son's temper, the more you control him, the more disobedient he will be, if you discuss it with him, it may be possible.

When Mu Wang was in charge of Mu Jingnian, he was also angry for a while, and he forgot about it when his anger subsided.

"I thought you were serious. After locking him up for so long, it turns out that you forgot about it." The queen said slightly angrily.

His own son was locked up, and Mu Wang actually forgot about it, and he was a little angry thinking about it.

"Didn't I get angry that day? There are so many things on weekdays, how can I remember it!"

"The child is so old, communicate with him well in the future, don't you think it won't work at all?"

When the queen spoke, she wanted to laugh out loud, but she had to pay attention to the funny things in her image and endure them on a daily basis.

"Jingnian has made me feel at ease since he was a child. The princess of the Jin family is a good match for him both in appearance and identity. I really can't figure out why he doesn't want to. It really pissed me off. "Mu Wang said expressionlessly.

"He's still young and ignorant. In my opinion, the two should meet to cultivate their relationship before they get married. I think Jingnian just needs to meet Princess Jin."

The queen knew her child well, and it was impossible for him to marry a stranger. His son was a sentimental man.

Mu Jingnian soon followed the guards to the main hall, and Mu Jingnian greeted King Mu and his mother expressionlessly.

"Qin Yan is missing, you are his full-time guard, and you need to find him for this matter." Mu Wang said seriously.

Mu Jingnian had some negative emotions at this time. If King Mu didn't lock him up, Qin Yan would come to him if he had something to do. He must have known that he was locked up, so he took care of it himself.

"I see!" Mu Jingnian said expressionlessly.

When Mu Wang saw Mu Jingnian's face as black as coal balls, he became a little angry, as if he owed him money.

"Okay, let's go, communicate with me anytime if you have anything to do." Mu Wang said.

After Mu Jingnian left, he first came to the medicine shop to find out the situation.

"Third Prince, I really don't know where Qin Yan has gone. He didn't tell me when he left." The shopkeeper of the medicine shop said anxiously.

"Is there anything unusual when he left?" Mu Jingnian felt that if he wanted to find Qin Yan, he couldn't let go of any clues.

"He went out for a while, and has been practicing in the room since he came back. He doesn't usually come out. As for why he left, I really don't know." The shopkeeper replied truthfully.

People are lost here. If something happens to Qin Yan, he will not be able to escape responsibility.

Originally, the shopkeeper of the medicinal material shop didn't want to take Qin Yan in, he was afraid that something would happen to Qin Yan, but the medicinal materials of the whole Muwang Palace were taken from him, so he couldn't refuse.

"I see, if he comes back, please send someone to notify me." After saying that, Mu Jingnian got up and was about to leave.

"Third Prince, Qin Yan said something to the slave before he left, but I dare not say it." The clerk at the medicine shop said boldly and somewhat embarrassed.

"Stop talking nonsense, speak up quickly if you have something to say." Mu Jingnian hated half-talking the most.

"When Qin Yan left, he said that he would help the third prince settle the marriage. The servant didn't know how he would solve it. He didn't say, did he go to the Jin family?"

(End of this chapter)

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