Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1989 Going to the Jin Family Together

Chapter 1989 Let's go to Jin's house together
"So it wasn't him. I'm still surprised. Why is his spell so low? I caught him so easily."

"I also ask the fourth prince to release him first and let him tell you in person. After all, I don't know much about what happened. Let him tell the story."

"I'll order someone to bring him here." After speaking, Yan Yaxin whispered a few words into the ear of his bodyguard.

"Wujing, why haven't I heard you say that you have friends in Sixiang?" Helen asked with some doubts.

"I also just met, my brother married a wife, he is my sister-in-law's brother." Wu Jing said with a smile.

"So that's how it is! Brother Yaxin, you are so courageous, you even dared to arrest Wuming King's brother-in-law." He Lun said with a smile.

"Brother Hei, just make fun of me. I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to touch him!" Yan Yaxin said with a smile.

When the prison guard respectfully asked Qin Yan to come out, Qin Yan knew that Wu Jing must have seen Yan Yaxin.

He was brought to Helen's house by the guards.

"Why did you bring me here?" Qin Yan asked with some doubts, he was afraid that Yan Yaxin had dealt with him secretly, and no one else would know.

He still wanted to live a few more years, and rule the four elephants in the future, so he couldn't die now.

"The fourth prince is here, and your friends are here."

After hearing what the guards said, Qin Yan was relieved. It seemed that Wu Jing was here, and it seemed that it would be beneficial to know more people.

Qin Yan didn't know that Mu Jingnian had come out and was looking for him everywhere. If he found out, he would be very moved.

"Brother Qin is sorry for the flood that rushed into the Dragon King Temple!" Yan Yaxin said with a smile after seeing Qin Yan.

"It's okay!" Qin Yan didn't know why Yan Yaxin was so polite.

"You are the brother-in-law of King Wuming, why don't you say it out, if you do, I won't dare to neglect you." Yan Yaxin looked at Qin Yan and said apologetically.

"I thought you would summon me that day." Qin Yan said with a smile.

King Wuming seems to be a very powerful person. If this Wujing is so powerful, then her brother must be even more powerful. If she has high spells, she will have a great reputation. People will be polite wherever she goes.

Seeing that Yan Yaxin is so polite now, it can be seen that King Wuming is a very important person.

"I'm really sorry. I heard that you came here for Mu Jingnian's marriage. What do you want to see me for?" I thought Mu Jingnian was protesting against him, but I never thought that there would be such a big fuss. dragon.

"Actually, I was the one who hired the Jin family. Mu Jingnian didn't agree with this marriage at all." Qin Yan looked at Yan Yaxin and said, he wanted to see Yan Yaxin's reaction.

Yan Yaxin was a little surprised, he didn't expect the Mu family to do such a stupid thing.

In his opinion, Qin Yan must not be an ordinary person. Although Qin Yan's mana is not high, it can be seen from the friends he knows that he has a wide range of contacts.

He had heard from his father's side that the Dao Emperor had been highlighted, but his father didn't say where he was. Yan Yaxin felt that Qin Yan was very likely to be the Dao Emperor.

"He disagrees, what does he mean, does he want to play the princess of the Jin family?" Yan Yaxin was a little angry.

"That's not what he meant. He already has someone he likes, and he doesn't want to hurt Princess Jin. He also heard that the fourth prince is very fond of Princess Jin. Don't gentlemen never steal people's love?" Qin Yan said with a smile.

"Marriage is a trifling matter, how could Princess Jin change her mind." Yan Yaxin said with some disappointment.

"The matter of her changing her mind is on my shoulders. The fourth prince just needs to cooperate with me."

At this time, Qin Yan has Wu Jing by his side, and now he wants to form his own public relations team to create public opinion, and his good comments on the fourth prince Yanya must be spread as far as possible.

"Can you do this?" Yan Yaxin didn't expect Qin Yan in front of him to speak so loudly.

How can things like feelings change so easily? If he is asked to give up Princess Jin and marry someone else, he will definitely not be able to do it.

In the same way, he thought it was a fantasy for the princess of the Jin family to give up her favorite Mu Jingnian and be with him.

"I can't guarantee it either. After all, I'm not the princess of the Jin family, and I can't influence her thoughts." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Yan Yaxin smiled awkwardly but politely, "I know you are thinking of me, and things like feelings really cannot be forced. I thought that Mu Jingnian would take good care of her in the future, but I didn't expect Mu Jingnian to take good care of her. She already has her own heart, and Princess Jin will not be happy if she marries in the past, although I don't quite agree with your idea, but for her future happiness, I am willing to give it a try."

"With the words of the fourth prince, I can rest assured that I will try my best to do it."

Wu Jing is not familiar with Yan Yaxin, this Yan Yaxin is really kind to the princess of the Jin family, knowing that she already has a marriage contract, she actually wants to fight for it, if it were someone else, she would definitely not have this idea.

Those who can work hard must really like it. Wu Jing is a person who is tens of thousands of years old and knows nothing about relationships. Yan Yaxin's infatuation moved her very much.

"Your plan looks so interesting. I've decided. I'll stay in Sixiang and see the result before leaving." Wu Jing said with a smile.

Wujing's transparency and generosity was noticed by Yan Yaxin. He always thought that there were no good people in the big consumption clan. Wujing's performance today changed his view of the big consumption clan.

"Great, with the joining of Princess Wujing, the success of this matter is just around the corner." Helen said with a smile.

Qin Yan looked at Wu Jing with a smile at this time, and Wu Jing felt a little embarrassed when he met Qin Yan's gaze.

"I'm just playing around, not doing business, don't give me too much hope." Wu Jing said with a smile.

"Then let's go to Jin's house together." Qin Yan looked at Wu Jing and said.

"If you go to the Jin family, I'll get you an ultimatum, otherwise you won't be able to enter the Jin family's territory."

"Don't bother, there is nothing in this world that money can't solve." Qin Yan looked at Yan Yaxin and said.

Qin Yan was able to come to their Huo family from the Mu family, Yan Yaxin did not doubt Qin Yan's strength at all.

"Well, if you have anything to do, just come to my house and find me. If there is anything that needs my cooperation, I will cooperate with all my strength." Yan Yaxin didn't know why he trusted Qin Yan so much at this time, Although Qin Yan's mana is very low, his conversation is not ordinary.

Wujing and Qin Yan walked towards the Jin family.

When leaving the city, Qin Yan saw Brother Jun, "Long time no see, Brother Jun!"

Brother Jun was a little surprised when he saw Qin Yan. He didn't expect that Qin Yan could come out of the fourth prince's mansion without incident.

(End of this chapter)

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