Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1991 Cheeky

Chapter 1991 Cheeky

Princess Jin didn't expect that the relationship between the Huo family and the Dahua clan was so good that the princess of the Dahua clan would come here.

"Okay, since you're here, let's rest in my mansion. We, Sixiang, have always been committed to benefiting the people on both sides of the strait." Princess Jin said with a smile.

"I still have a friend outside, he will definitely look for me all over the street." Wu Jing said to Princess Jin.

"What's your friend's name?" Princess Jin knew that if Wu Jing wanted to rest at her place, she must find her companion.

"His name is Qin Yan, but I think he doesn't want to see you." Wu Jingxin said bluntly.

"Qin Yan? Why doesn't he want to see me?" Princess Jin asked with some doubts.

"I can't tell you clearly, you will know when you see him!" Wu Jing knew that it was not the time to push Qin Yan out.

Now the entire Jin family thinks that Qin Yan is Mu Jingnian, if Qin Yan appears in the Jin family, it will have a bad influence on Mu Jingnian!
"I'm going to send someone to tidy up the guest room now, the princess of the Dahu clan should not despise the shabby!" Princess Jin said afterwards!

When Qin Yan came to the Princess Mansion, the gate of the Princess Mansion was already closed!
At this time, Qin Yan had already changed into Yan Yaxin's appearance!

"Is anyone there? Open the door, I'm here to find someone!" Qin Yan shouted with a smile!

"Bold, you dare to shout loudly in the Princess Mansion, don't you want to live?" the guard said to Qin Yan angrily!
"Don't dare, I'm here to find the princess, please let me know!"

"Look at your appearance, no one dares if you don't dare, today is really unlucky, there are so many things on duty." The guard said to himself.

"Excuse me! Qin Yan took some broken gold and put it in the guard's hands." The guard immediately became happy.

Today, when Qin Yan bought the customs service, it was the same as when he entered the Huo family. Jin Jin solved the problem. In his opinion, he must find a way to make more money.

Seeing Qin Yan asking for an interview, "It seems that you are not lying." Princess Jin has been waiting for news from the guards.

"How can my majestic princess lie?" Wu Jing said with some pride
It was the first time that Princess Jin saw a princess like Wu Jing, and her magic power was so high.

After Qin Yan entered, Wu Jing almost didn't recognize him.

"Qin Yan?" Wujing asked uncertainly.

"Eldest princess, why didn't you wait for me? Knowing that your spells are low, you bullied me like this." Qin Yan said speechlessly.

At this time, Princess Jin was also looking at Qin Yan. She had seen Yan Yaxin once when the four major families at the top of Xiangfeng made sacrifices.

At that time, Yan Yaxin met the beast halfway up the mountain, and she was the one who helped Yan Yaxin beat the beast away. If it weren't for her, Yan Yaxin's life might be gone.

Princess Jin was a little surprised when she saw Yan Yaxin, "Fourth Prince? Why are you here?"

At this moment, Yan Yaxin suddenly remembered that Princess Jin knew him, and he was afraid that Qin Yan and Wujing would be cheating on each other.

"You know me?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

"You forgot that we met on the day of the sacrifice, maybe you don't know me anymore." Princess Jin said with some disappointment.

At this time, Qin Yan knew that Yan Yaxin and Princess Jin had met before. No wonder Yan Yaxin had a deep love for Princess Jin. If he hadn't met before, how could he have such feelings.

"Oh, I remembered, you are getting more and more beautiful now." Qin Yan changed the topic casually.

"Why did you come to my place?" Princess Jin asked a little shyly and curiously.

"I proposed marriage to your father and the king did not agree, I came this time to try to win." Yan Yaxin stared at Princess Jin affectionately and said.

Princess Jin didn't expect Yan Yaxin to say that, and she wasn't sure whether what he said was true or not.

"How did you become so thick-skinned?" Princess Jin said shyly.

Qin Yan's reaction made Wu Jing dizzy, she didn't expect Qin Yan to be so good at teasing girls.

With his thick skin around, even a stone can be warmed by him.

"Men are not bad and women don't love. Whether Mu Jingnian is good or bad is a legend. You have never met him yourself. How can you be so sure that you will be happy if you marry him?" Qin Yan said affectionately.

Originally, he was still thinking that if he appeared in the princess mansion with his own appearance, wouldn't that be a trap for himself?Fortunately, he will be easy.

"I told his parents what the matchmaker said, how can you change it with a few words of nonsense here." Princess Jin said a little angrily.

"Princess, don't get excited, he can't talk, he really likes you, otherwise why would he come to you." Wu Jing said on behalf of Yan Yaxin.

But she could tell that Princess Jin still liked Yan Yaxin, who was pretending to be Qin Yan, mainly because Qin Yan was too good at teasing girls.

"This is a gift from me to Princess Jin. I hope you can accept it. Even if we have no relationship in this life, I will always wait for you. If Mu Jingnian treats you badly, you can come to me at any time." Qin Yan took out the most valuable diamond ring on his body.

This is a limited edition made by a famous designer in the human world, and at this time Mu Jingnian's marriage can be refunded, so he is also fighting.

"This thing is so beautiful and special." Princess Jin had never seen a diamond.

Although Princess Jin likes it very much, she will definitely not accept this thing. Although Yan Yaxin likes her, she is very honored, but she and Mu Jingnian are already engaged, not just a marriage contract.

"Let me bring it to the princess, and treat it as a gift from me!" Qin Yan has been watching the change of Princess Jin, after all, he is confident about this matter.

"Fourth Prince, your gift is too expensive, I can't accept it." Princess Jin said with a smile, if she accepted Yan Yaxin's gift, she would have no way to explain it to Mu Jingnian in the future.

"Since the princess doesn't accept it, I'll hold it for you for now, and one day I will bring it for you myself." Qin Yan said with a frustrated expression.

Qin Yan knew that if he insisted on giving it to others, it might make people feel bored. At this time, taking advance as retreat might get twice the result with half the effort.

Princess Jin was a little embarrassed, "Since the fourth prince is here, our Jin family should treat him well, and I will order someone to notify my father."

"Princess, you don't have to be so polite. I'm here to see you. I know you're getting married soon. If I don't come now, I'm afraid I will regret it in my life, so I just want to see the princess." Qin Yan said affectionately, saying The maids around Princess Jin's family were all tempted. If it was her, she would definitely choose the affectionate fourth prince.

This is Qin Yan's purpose. Someone who helps him to listen to the wind is more important than him saying a thousand words.

"He came today to confess his love to you, so I came first because I was particularly curious about you." Wu Jing also helped Qin Yan to speak at this time.

"At first I misunderstood you, I'm sorry!" Princess Jin said politely to Wu Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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