Chapter 1995

"I'm borrowing it. I'll return it after you finish your cultivation. You must not let Yan Yaxin know. If he finds out, he will definitely have a problem with you. This book is more important to them than their lives." Important." Wu Jing told Qin Yan.

"Sister Jing, I understand. After you go back, you must help me take good care of Wanjun. She is very simple and has no intentions. I am afraid that something will happen to her." Qin Yan asked solemnly.

"I will, what can she do if she has my brother?" Wu Jing said with a smile, her brother can bear the physical needs and not force Wan Jun, if it is not for true love, it is impossible to do so.

"The next time we meet, I will definitely impress Sister Jing." Qin Yan smirked after speaking, Qin Yan didn't know why he felt a little bit reluctant at this moment.

Wu Jing also looked at Qin Yan with some reluctance. Although many people had high spells, there were very few who could catch her eyes.

Maybe it's the inexplicable sense of familiarity, let her see how close Qin Yan is, just like a good friend for many years.

"Well, let's leave it alone, and pay more attention to safety here in the future." Wu Jing disappeared immediately after speaking.

Qin Yan looked at the place where Wujing disappeared, and smiled. He knew that Wujing must be reluctant to leave him, and he believed that the two of them would meet again soon.

When Qin Yan walked out of the city, he didn't see Brother Jun.

"Where is the brother Jun who is here often?" Qin Yan asked the guards guarding the city curiously.

At this time, Qin Yan was already an undisclosed nobleman in the Huo family. It was because Qin Yan came here to go through Brother Jun for convenience. After Master Wu tracked it down, he arrested all the guards.

Of course, Brother Jun was also arrested. Fortunately, Qin Yan had nothing to do, but this incident directly brought security risks to the Huo family, because the Huo King directly ordered Mr. Wu to conduct a strict investigation, so the guards who let outsiders in privately Brother Jun and others were all locked up.

"He's been arrested!" The guard said to Qin Yan truthfully, Qin Yan didn't even need to think that it must be because he was arrested.

Yan Yaxin had already told him about Mu Jingnian's past, the members of the Mu family had directly entered the territory of the Huo family, and the Fire King must investigate the reason.

"Oh, thank you!" After getting the answer, Qin Yan walked towards Mu's house. Thoughts flashed in his mind that he wanted to rescue Brother Jun, but after all, he was not very familiar with Brother Jun. He was still an informer, anyway. His life would not be in danger if he went in, and he had nothing to blame.

Before Qin Yan returned to Mu's house, King Mu had already received the news that Princess Jin had regretted her marriage, and King Mu was furious.

Mu Jingnian also became the joke of the entire Mu family. Although Mu Jingnian hoped that Princess Jin would take the initiative to resign, he didn't want to marry her, but at this moment, everyone wanted to laugh when they saw him. Very depressed.

After Qin Yan came back, he went directly to Mu Jingnian's house to ask for credit.

When Qin Yan was walking in the Mu family city, he had already heard the common people's discussion, so it could be seen that Mu Jingnian already knew about the Jin family's remorse.

It's just that Qin Yan was a little depressed. How could there be such a commotion about retiring the engagement? The reason why he thought of the method of getting sick was to save the Mu family from talking about it.

It turned out that the marriage between Princess Jin and the fourth prince of the Yan family was known by the people of the Mu family, so Mu Jingnian became the object of entertainment for the entire Mu family.

When Qin Yan walked to the gate of Mu Jingnian Mansion, the guards politely invited Qin Yan in after seeing Qin Yan. When Qin Yan came before, the guards all pointed their nostrils at Qin Yan. Suddenly changed his attitude.

Qin Yan looked at the guards who had changed so much and thought there was some conspiracy waiting. After all, Mu Jingnian became people's entertainment object directly because of him.

Mu Jingnian was very happy after seeing Qin Yan.

After Qin Yan saw Mu Jing, he smiled and said, "Third Prince, how are you? How can you thank me for helping you solve the big trouble?"

"You still have the face to smile? Do you know how much you have hurt me?" Mu Jingnian said pretending to be angry.

"It's you who don't want to marry the princess of the Jin family. I've solved it for you. You should be able to think of the negative impact of this matter. After a long time, people will stop talking about it. If someone says it again, you can directly catch some people and kill others. For a moment, I promise no one will talk about your being dumped anymore." Qin Yan said with a smile.

"What method did you use to convince Princess Jin, didn't she notice you?" Mu Jingnian asked curiously.

"I didn't see it. It's a long story and I'll tell you slowly." Qin Yan said with some pride.

"You can do it, relying on your three-legged cat's kung fu, you can straddle the three major families. It's really capable." go.

"I'll let you live your mouth now, and see how I can surpass you." Qin Yan left immediately after speaking. He needs to be quiet and practice now.

Mu Jingnian immediately stopped him, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the herb shop!" Qin Yan asked with some doubts, Qin Yan wondered if it was possible for him to live in his house?

"I heard that you have been cultivating in the medicine store. It's so noisy there, so it's not suitable for cultivation. You can stay in my house in the future. There is a quiet yard in the backyard. No one will disturb you there." Mu Jingnian I feel that the test of Qin Yan has already been tested, and the most important thing is to provide him with a place to practice spells.

"Why are you so kind to me? You don't want to thank me." Qin Yan asked curiously.

"You're overthinking. You were the one who caused the trouble. Now you're messing up the marriage. It's what you should do." Mu Jingnian said with a smile.

"Since you invited me, if it would be inappropriate for me not to give you face, then I'll stay here." Qin Yan sat down again unceremoniously.

After Mu Jingnian settled Qin Yan, he went to the palace.

After her mother knew that the princess of the Jin family regretted her marriage, she was almost pissed off. For her, her son could despise her, but she didn't marry his son at this time. The queen really couldn't figure it out.

"Queen, I don't want to anyway. Isn't it good for the Jin family to retire? Don't you want to see me unhappy!" Mu Jingnian comforted.

"This golden princess really doesn't know how to flatter her. She has eyes but no eyes. If you knew, I would have asked your father to divorce the engagement early." The queen said angrily while lying on the bed.

"How could my royal father withdraw the engagement? If he wanted to withdraw the engagement, he wouldn't lock me up. I'm fine now, don't be angry, Queen Mother?" Mu Jingnian said with a smile.

"At this time, you still make your mother happy. From now on, your mother will definitely find you the most beautiful and high-status wife." The queen said to her son like a child.

"Okay, I will listen to my mother from now on." Isn't Kao the most beautiful woman in the world?Mu Jingnian is in a very good mood right now, as long as his father doesn't give him a random match, he can marry whoever he wants.

After Mu Jingnian told the nuns in the queen's palace to take good care of the queen, he went straight back to the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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