Chapter 1999
"Does General Li have any plans in the future? Have you been staying in the Tree People World?" the wizard asked Li Tianba as he walked.

Qin Yan's situation in Sixiang is not very good, and the wizard can feel it. He has been paying attention to Qin Yan's mana, and he can only say that he has improved a little.

It will take a long time for Qin Yan to accomplish great things, and they have nothing to do in the big world.

"I want to go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and take Xiaocui and Xiaoyue with me. Regarding the matter between Zihan and Huajing, we all go to Huajing's side and don't think about Zihan. Now that I think about it, if someone robs the woman I like, I will definitely kill my love rival too." Li Tianba said.

In fact, Li Tianba is a little embarrassed. Although Zihan has returned to the human world, in order to avoid future embarrassment, Li Tianba thinks it is better to wait for Qin Yan in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"You want to go out and hide in peace! When did you become so thoughtful?" The wizard stroked his beard and asked cheerfully.

"I'm not thinking carefully. This child Zihan is too extreme. I don't know what the Shuren world will look like in the future. I have a good relationship with Seventh Princess and Meng Chao. I will live as I like in the murloc world."

Li Tianba thought that after three years, the big consumer clan would enter the big world. Since the little prince born to Princess Seven and Meng Chao was the guardian of 24, he must protect him.

Although his mana is not as powerful as the general in charge of the Great Consumption Clan, as long as he devotes himself to practicing for three years, he can still protect himself at that time.

"It's fine if you go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. Murong Xuehan and the others are over there, and they are eager to move towards Sixiang. For their safety, you are optimistic that they can no longer take risks in Sixiang. Qin Yan is very safe in Sixiang. Everyone Don't worry." The wizard told Li Tianba.

"I understand, I will convey what the wizard said, and I am worried about the three of them." Li Tianba said with a sigh.

After Li Tianba separated from the wizard, he hurried back to his house. He hadn't seen Xiaocui and Xiaoyue for a long time, and Li Tianba missed them very much.

Since Li Tianba left the mansion, Xiaocui and Xiaoyue have never stepped out of the mansion. When they are free, they run at home. Now the word weight loss is the most popular word in the world. The two have always felt inferior because of obesity Fortunately, Li Tianba has a problem with his eyesight.

Although Li Tianba said that they are beauties, outsiders don't think so, they want to be as thin as a lightning bolt.

After Li Tianba came back, seeing Xiaocui and Xiaoyue who had lost weight, he instantly felt overwhelmed, "What's wrong with you two? Are you sick?"

After seeing the two of them getting a little ugly, Li Tianba hurriedly asked.

"Isn't it good for us? Since you left home, we haven't been out of the house. We lose weight at home every day, run in the garden in the morning and evening, and play shuttlecock with the maids in the rest of the time. We haven't eaten dinner. Becoming beautiful is so exhausting that I want to vomit blood." Xiaocui pouted.

"We never had such a strong will to lose weight before, but the general is with us. We can't let the general be laughed at by outsiders, so we encourage each other to lose weight." Xiaoyue echoed.

"You guys are fooling around, I just like your plump figure." Li Tianba said angrily.

Li Tianba was speechless. He didn't expect Xiaocui and Xiaoyue to have such great perseverance to lose weight. Although many people praised them for losing weight, if they knew Li Tianba's aesthetics of being fat After that, you will definitely not lose weight.

"General, many people say that after we lose weight, we become more and more beautiful. Isn't the general happy?" Xiaocui asked with some disappointment.

"You look so fat, why do you want to lose weight? Who told you to lose weight?" Li Tianba felt that the person who instigated the two of them to lose weight must have a grudge against him.

"We want to lose weight. It's inconvenient to do anything on weekdays. It's very laborious to pick up things from the ground." Xiaoyue whispered.

She couldn't understand why she became more beautiful and why Li Tianba was so unhappy.

Originally, I wanted to surprise Li Tianba, but it seems that the surprise is gone, which frightened him.

"The doctor said that our blood sugar and blood lipids are high, which affects our health. We have to lose weight. At the same time, we also want to surprise the general." Xiaocui said a little unhappy.

"What's wrong with your body? I'll find a wizard to show you!" Li Tianba himself was very thin, and he didn't know the pain of fat people at all.

"Our bodies are fine, as long as we lose weight, our bodies will recover naturally." Xiaoyue looked at Li Tianba and said with a pout.

In the past, it was Li Tianba who coaxed them both, but today Li Tianba's inquisitive appearance made them a little scared. They already knew that Li Tianba's aesthetics was different from other people.

Li Tianba probably likes their fat appearance, but at this time they have lost weight, but it is difficult to lose fat easily, and gain weight very quickly.

"Okay, let's go back to the room first." Li Tianba felt that since the facts had already been like this, they couldn't be kicked out. They lived together for a long time, and Li Tianba already regarded them as family members. , How could it be possible to say no to it?

Seeing Li Tianba walking into the room, the two looked at each other and smiled and quickly followed Li Tianba into the room.

In the human world, Mo Yuxin opened a performing arts company and a modeling agency, which caused a great commotion. The matter between Mo Yuxin and Chen Yilin was full of uproar, and the matter of Mo Yuxin's termination of the contract with the agency company was also a big commotion. Everyone knows.

Of course, the biggest benefactor behind Mo Yuxin is Zihan. Zihan's purpose is very simple, that is, to make Chen Yilin go bankrupt and Phaeton go bankrupt.

"Hua Jing, have you read the news? Mo Yuxin started a company!" Haihai immediately called Hua Jing after seeing the news.

"She started a company? What kind of company? Isn't she terminating the contract with her company? Has she reached a settlement with the company?" Hua Jing asked with some doubts.

"It should have been reconciled. Otherwise, how could I start a company with such a high profile? I heard that many young actors who worked with her have already been signed by her to the company."

Haihai knows Mo Yuxin's abilities best. If he terminates the contract peacefully with his agency, he will pay a large sum of liquidated damages. This liquidated damages will even use up all of her savings for so many years.

"She is so powerful, there must be someone behind her to support her, she must have started the company to fight against us." Hua Jing said while watching the news about Mo Yuxin on her phone.

"Hua Jing, you just got married, and you should go on vacation with Mr. Chen, but now the company is in troubled times, and now there is a very good work, the copyright of the TV series and the movie are in our hands, and Xueer has signed a contract with the TV series. The purpose of contacting you is for the film copyright, which is very suitable for you."

The purpose of Haihai calling Huajing today is for work.

(End of this chapter)

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