Chapter 2023

Mu Jingnian hurried to Qin Yan's side, "Qin"

I just wanted to call him Qin Yan, but when I saw Jin Zhiyong, the word Yan in the back was forced back into my stomach.

Qin Yan glanced at Mu Jingnian, and Mu Jingnian almost messed up the matter.

Qin Yan smiled and said to Jin Zhiyong: "Brother Jin, I have something to deal with, I'll have a drink with you later!"

Jin Zhiyong didn't pay attention to the two of them at all. After all, King Wuming came and attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Mu, you have something to do, by the way, pay attention to your safety!" Jin Zhiyong reminded.

Jin Zhiyong felt that "Mu Jingnian"'s mana was much lower this time, which was different from the first time he met the profound mana.

But after all, he owed the Mu family a lot, so he didn't think too much about it, because many people with strong spells would deliberately hide their mana.

"Mu Jingnian, look at that woman in red is the princess of the Dahua clan, and that girl in white is Jun Wan!"

Qin Yan was a little excited at this time, he wanted to go to find Jun Jun, but Yan Yaxin was holding a wedding, he was afraid of ruining the wedding.

"I see, they are all beautiful!" Mu Jingnian said casually, he hadn't mentioned anyone who was good-looking yet.

Mu Jingnian knew that Jun Wan was with King Wuming for the sake of everyone's safety, but seeing that King Wuming was so kind to Jun Jun, Mu Jingnian was relieved a lot. It was his regret that he could not rescue Jun Jun. Pity.

"That's natural. Of course my sister is beautiful." Qin Yan was very happy, and he missed the time when he first met Wanjun very much.

It was originally a cheerful and relaxed wedding, but the atmosphere became a little tense after King Wuming came uninvited. Wujing has been looking for Qin Yan. She guessed that Qin Yan would definitely come on this occasion. After all, the biggest "matchmaker" is Qin Yan. .

"What are you looking around for?" Wuming Wang saw that Wujing was looking for someone. If he was watching the couple's wedding ceremony, he only needed to look at the bride and groom.

"It's nothing, people are just curious." Wujing looked at Wuming King and said with some embarrassment.

Wan Jun lowered her head and smiled secretly, she knew that Wu Jing must be looking for Qin Yan, but she must not expose Wu Jing, if she did, she would be exposed.

The ceremony between Yan Yaxin and Princess Jin was completed soon. Yan Yaxin brought Princess Jin into the bedroom. At this moment, Yan Yaxin felt guilty.

Princess Jin wears a veil on her head, because the veil is very thin and she can see Yan Yaxin's appearance clearly.

"Yuyan, I finally married you back home!" Yan Yaxin looked at Princess Jin affectionately and said.

Princess Jin lowered her head in embarrassment. She was actually very happy to marry Yan Yaxin, but she was too embarrassed to say so.

Yan Yaxin knew that Jin Yuyan must be a little embarrassed at this time, "You should rest in the dormitory first, I'll go outside to greet the guests."

"Wait a minute, when you see the third prince of the Mu family after you go out, say sorry to him for me." Princess Jin said embarrassingly.

"I see, you rest first and I'm going out!" Yan Yaxin came out of the room and went directly to Qin Yan, and he was relieved to have Qin Yan talking to him.

The four kings of the four elephants, gold, wood, water, and fire all came to the table of the Wuming King and sat with the Wuming King.

"Wu Ming Wang came here this time not just to attend the wedding of the fourth son of the Huo family." Mu Wang asked with a smile on his face.

"I haven't seen King Mu for a long time. I didn't expect King Mu to be so cautious. I came here for Sixiang."

King Wuming didn't shy away from exposing his target at all. At this time, the four kings could no longer restrain him. With the help of Jun Wan, his magic power has been improved to a higher level.

"Did the Wuming King forget the agreement between Sixiang and the Great Consumption Clan, that is, not to interfere with each other." Mu Wang said with some seriousness.

"Of course I remember, I didn't come here to interfere with Sixiang, I came to fetch Youyoucao!"

The Yoyo Grass is the sacred object of the Four Elephants, whoever gets this grass gets the Four Elephants. The Yoyo Grass is in the ghost valley, and no one who enters it will come out alive.

Hearing what King Wuming said, everyone was relieved. Since he came to die, they couldn't stop him.

"Since this is the case, let's wish King Wuming success in advance. If King Wuming can obtain Youyoucao, our four kings are willing to submit to the Great Consumption Clan." King Mu said with a smile.

The other four kings echoed, "I agree!"

Knowing that the four kings agreed so happily at this time, the King of Wuming must have thought that he was here to die.
"Then let's make a deal! If someone is looking for something at that time, don't blame me for being rude."

Then the King of Wuming raised his cup and drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, Jun Wan didn't know what they meant, but the only thing she knew was that her husband was going to do something big, but she didn't know why she was a little worried.

Wanjun tugged on Wujing's sleeve, wanting Wujing to stop her.

"It's okay, brother has his own idea."

After Wujing finished speaking, he smiled at Wanjun, and Wanjun saw that Wujing smiled so easily, it seems that King Wuming should be fine.

"My lords, I'm leaving for a while, you guys continue to chat!" Wu Jing stood up and said with a smile.

King Wuming glanced at his sister coldly. When he came to Sixiang today, he knew that his sister had something to do. Sixiang still had her friends, so he didn't think much about it.

Wan Jun also wanted to leave to find Qin Yan at this time, she thought that since she came here, she should meet Qin Yan.

Yan Yaxin came to Qin Yan and the others, and everyone stood up. Yan Yaxin came to apologize to Mu Jingnian, but at this time Princess Jin's brother, Jin Zhiyong, was also there.

Yan Yaxin naturally knew that Qin Yan was hired for Mu Jingnian, and it would not be good for Mu Jingnian and Qin Yan to expose it in front of Jin Zhiyong, "Thank you for your hard work everyone!"

Yan Yaxin didn't know how to address her at this time, so she could only address them collectively, and it seemed that the matter of apologizing could only be discussed later.

After all, the Jin family is leaving today, and he will spend a lot of time in contact with the Mu family.

"Congratulations to the groom, you have the highest status today, so don't be so polite to us!" Qin Yan replied with a smile.

Jin Zhiyong was a little stunned. In his opinion, the two were rivals in love, but at this moment they had a very happy conversation.

"You haven't changed at all, it's always so interesting!" Yan Yaxin said with a smile.

Seeing that the two got along so well, Jin Zhiyong was relieved. It seemed that the Mu family did not intend to blame the Jin family and the Huo family.

Wu Jing walked over, and asked behind Qin Yan and Yan Yaxin: "Qin Yan, you saw me coming, why didn't you take the initiative to say hello to Teacher Wei?"

Qin Yan was extremely embarrassed at this time, and if he turned around and spoke, he would definitely be confused.

Mu Jingnian walked to Wu Jing's side with a smile, "Beautiful master, I was just going to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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