Chapter 2035
"What a weirdo!" The waiter put away the money and cleaned the table with a smile.

"What a weirdo!" said the ugly man holding the gold leaf.

"It looks like he's still a rich weirdo. It's definitely not an ordinary person to be so generous. Look at the logo printed on the gold leaf."

All gold in Sixiang must come from its source.

"It's strange, what word is this, I can't even understand it." The ugly man said.

The others looked at each other, "Could it be fake!"

"Looking at the fineness of this gold, it doesn't look fake. Could it be our Sixiang's gold?"

"Aren't those people from our Sixiang? If not, they dare to come to our Sixiang?"

As the saying goes, people die for wealth, birds die for food, and a few people who are not from Sixiang are so rich, even if they die in Sixiang, no one will uphold justice for them.

"Those people Xuehan just now are simply too hateful, I really want to stab them to death with a sword." Li Tianba said a little angrily.

"Tianba, I'm fine, our mana is too low here, we are not their opponents at all, one thing more is worse than one thing less." Murong Xuehan said.

"Xuehan, I'm not at ease, do you think those people will come to trouble us for money!" Hu Xiaoxian thought a lot.

"That's really possible, what should we do!" Murong Xuehan frowned and said.

"It would be great if Jia Bian was here, at least he can protect us from being harassed by these people." Shishi said.

"Is it okay to think about others so soon?" Murong Xuehan said with a smile.

"When is sister Xuehan, you are still in the mood to joke!" Shishi said embarrassedly.

"If they come, kill them!" Murong Xuehan smiled strangely.

She brought mandala poison with her when she came. Although all the mandala trees in the tree world were wiped out, Qin Yan collected the poison and made a batch of poison. She took some when she came. To protect yourself from harm, you can only be ruthless.

"Our magic power is not as high as theirs, how can we kill them?" Hu Xiaoxian said with a sigh.

Li Tianba was also very helpless. As a man, he couldn't protect the woman around him at this time, and he blushed a little.

"This is mandala poison, the poison proposed by Qin Yan before, as long as it is sprinkled on them, their skin will immediately fester, until the poison penetrates into their bone marrow and they die." Murong Xuehan said seriously.

"Isn't it too bloody!" Shishi felt goose bumps all over her body.

"If they don't come to provoke us, nothing will happen, they are here to seek death." Murong Xuehan said.

When Li Tianba and Murong Xuehan were talking, they were blocked by several people.

These people are none other than the people who wanted to harass Xuehan in the restaurant just now.

The leader is the most powerful ugly man.

The ugly man looked at Murong Xuehan with a smile: "Girl, you are not from Sixiang, are you?"

As the ugly man spoke, he shook the gold leaf in his hand.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Tianba stood up first and stood in front of Murong Xuehan
There is only one man, Li Tianba.

I must stand up.

"Boy, if I were you, I would sneak away right now."

The ugly man raised the corner of his mouth to show a cruel sneer.

The ugly man's name is Chu Zhong, and he is a well-known local street fighter.

He will never be soft on those who dare to go against his will.

He decided that if Li Tianba is sensible and doesn't participate in this matter, then let Li Tianba go.

If Li Tianba is obsessed with his obsession, then he will use the cruelest criminal law to punish Li Tianba well, so that everyone around him will know what kind of person Chu Zhong is and dare to provoke him.

Just as Li Tianba was about to speak, Murong Xuehan stepped forward and stood beside Li Tianba.

She hooked her finger to Chu Zhong: "My friend, come here, I want to have a word with you."

As Murong Xuehan said, she squeezed the porcelain bottle tightly in her hand.

There is mandala poison in the porcelain bottle.

She was going to wait for Chu Zhong to walk in front of her, and then she would sprinkle the mando poison on Chu Zhong and kill Chu Zhong with the poison.

Chu Zhong never expected that Murong Xuehan would hook his finger at him.

He was a little moved, because the women in the brothels in Four Elephants liked to use this gesture.

He felt that either Murong Xuehan fell in love with him, or he was ready to dedicate himself to him for the sake of his friends.

Chu Zhong swaggered towards Murong Xuehan, while imagining in his mind how he could push Murong Xuehan down, and how many positions he made on the bed.

At this moment, someone shouted loudly: "Who gave you the courage to touch my woman?"

The people who heard the words, whether it was Murong Xuehan, Li Tianba or others, felt infinite ecstasy in their hearts.

They judged from the sound that it was Qin Yan's voice.

They followed the voice and looked towards the speaker.

They found that the speaker was indeed the Qin Yan they had been thinking about day and night.

Qin Yan walked slowly from a distance.

Behind him followed two women in maid costumes.

Although these two women are not stunning beauties, they have outstanding figures and beautiful faces.

In addition, their words and deeds are very elegant, and one can tell that they are maidservants from rich families.

Chu Zhong frowned when he saw Qin Yan's clothes and the clothes of the two maidservants behind Qin Yan.

He could tell that Qin Yan should be the young master of a wealthy family.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for such two stunning beauties to follow behind.

"Qin Yan!" Murong Xuehan yelled, ran forward quickly, and plunged into Qin Yan's arms.

At the moment when she hugged Qin Yan, Murong Xuehan's heart was pounding like a deer.

She was so excited that she didn't expect to meet Qin Yan not long after entering Sixiang.

Hu Xiaoxian also wanted to fall into Qin Yan's arms and feel Qin Yan's warm heart.

It's just that Murong Xuehan took Qin Yan's embrace first.

Hu Xiaoxian could only stand aside and sigh helplessly.

"Master, it's great to see you!" Li Tianba said respectfully.

Seeing that the person behind Murong Xuehan was called Qin Yan, Chu Zhong couldn't help but frowned.

Qin Yan has become famous recently.

One is that Qin Yan is related to King Wuming of the Great Consumption Clan.The second is that Qin Yan and Mu Wang are very close.

It can be said that Qin Yan has been very popular among the four elephants recently.

Although Chu Zhong is a street tyrant, he definitely wouldn't dare to provoke someone like Qin Yan.

"It turned out to be Mr. Qin. I have offended your friend because I don't know Taishan. I ask Mr. Qin to forgive me. Mr. Qin, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Chu Zhong turned around and prepared to leave.

He wants to get out of here quickly now.

He didn't want to be an enemy of Qin Yan.

In that case there is only one dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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