Chapter 2114
After the meeting, Murong Xuehan, Hu Xiaomei, Li Tianba and the others quickly withdrew from the desert city with an army of [-].

Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian led five thousand troops to ambush outside the city, quietly waiting for the arrival of the imperial guards.

Soon, the guards came outside the city. The guards were afraid that Qin Yan and the others would have an ambush, so they didn't enter the city, but sent scouts to investigate.

As soon as these scouts entered Qin Yan's ambush area, they were directly killed by Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian.

After waiting for a while, the leader of the imperial guards found that Tan Ma had not returned, and immediately ordered the siege of the city. He planned not to enter the city, but surrounded Qin Yan and the others to prevent Qin Yan from coming out.

This method may seem clumsy, but it is actually more ingenious. First, it can avoid a large number of casualties, and second, it takes the initiative.

"Qin Yan, the other party seems to be trying to trap us to death, what should we do next?"

"We definitely can't let them surround us, we go out and fight them, then run away immediately, hoping they will come after us."

Hu Xiaoxian nodded.

Just when the leader of the imperial guards was besieging the city, Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian suddenly came out with 5000 troops.

This army should be a regular army. Not only did they not panic when they saw Qin Yan coming out, but they immediately formed a formation to fight Qin Yan and the others.

Qin Yan gave the opponent a thumbs up in his heart, feeling that the opponent deserved to be an iron army.

The two sides collided quickly, like two giant mountains colliding together, erupting with earth-shattering fighting sounds, shouts, roars, and screams.

The stumps and broken arms flew into the sky in an instant and fell to the ground, but none of the troops on both sides flinched.

Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian were very surprised to see hundreds of people died in the blink of an eye.

They never imagined that the strength of this imperial guard was so powerful.

The leader of the Imperial Guard was also very surprised. He thought it was a small group of bandits hiding in the desert city.

Who would have thought that these people were so strong, even similar to them.

Just when the leader of the imperial guards was about to order to encircle and wipe out Qin Yan and the others, Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian immediately ordered the army to retreat.

In order to reduce the loss, Qin Yan asked Hu Xiaoxian to lead the team at the front, and he cut off the rear.

Qin Yan walked behind, almost as if he was an official, and no one could drive away. All those who chased him were killed in one move.

Seeing this, the leader of the Imperial Guard narrowed his eyes.

It never occurred to him that he could actually see such a powerful master here, who was several points stronger than him.

In fact, he didn't know that Qin Yan had already hidden his strength.

He was afraid that the other party would scare him away after discovering his true strength and stop chasing him.

In a short while, Hu Xiaoxian led everyone to rush to more than 20 miles away, they quietly lurked, quietly waiting for the opportunity, and then harassed.

The commander of the imperial guards was also relieved when he saw Qin Yan and the others leave. He felt that there was no need to chase Qin Yan, they just had to drive Qin Yan and the others away from here.

After dawn, the imperial guards entered the desert city, and they stayed in the desert city.

Qin Yan and Hu Xiaoxian led an army of five thousand to fight back again.

This time they threw some fire starters that they had prepared in advance into the desert city.

The imperial guards were very curious when they heard the sound outside the room. They didn't know what was going on outside, so they opened the windows to look outside.

When they saw bundles of timber piled up on the road, they showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

"No, run, they're going to burn us."

The imperial guards roared one after another.

They rushed out immediately.

However, the moment they ran out the door, they were sunburned, and there was a "squeaky" sound on their skin.

These people hurried back into the room, took out a big umbrella, opened it, and rushed out of the room again.

But at this moment, rockets shot into the city from all directions, and immediately ignited a raging fire, igniting the entire desert city.

The imperial guards let out shrill screams.

Those with low strength were immediately burned to death by the fire, and those with high strength escaped from the desert city with the leader of the Imperial Guard.

Seeing that they were in a panic, Qin Yan immediately led an army of [-] to kill them like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

At this moment, the imperial guards were all frightened and had no mood to resist at all, and they all ran in all directions.

The more they behaved like this, the faster they died. After they were caught up by Qin Yan and the others, almost all of them were cut off in two.

After chasing and killing for several hours, there were only less than 3000 people left in the Imperial Guard.

They frantically fled towards the city where the king was located, not daring to stop for fear that Qin Yan and the others would kill them again.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Hu Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Qin Yan, I never thought that your plan to lure the enemy deep into the ground would not succeed."

Qin Yan shrugged: "Who would have thought that they would be so stupid that they would run into the desert city to live there."

Under normal circumstances, an army like them shouldn't enter the desert city.

The desert city has no walls and no defenses.In addition, the desert city is a place where the enemy has lived, and it is very likely that they will encounter resistance after entering. Few people will enter at this time.

Who would have thought that the leader of the Janissaries could be so stupid.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the stupidity of the leader of the imperial guards. He saw that Qin Yan had only more than 5000 people with him, and all of them ran away. Inflammable objects were placed in many corners of the city.

What they didn't expect was that Qin Yan would come back with an army of five thousand.

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to do this, because everyone understands that five thousand is against thirty thousand, which is definitely courting death.

"But although they ran away, the next time the King of Humans sends out an army, it may be [-], or even [-]."

As Qin Yan said, he looked towards the place where the King of People was.

"Qin Yan, aren't we here to lead the people of the Sancai World to rebel against the Liangyi World? Why do you want to kill the troops of the Sancai World one after another?"

Hu Xiaoxian always wanted to ask Qin Yan, because she didn't particularly understand this truth.

Qin Yan smiled and said, "If someone breaks into your house now, says they want to occupy your house, and direct you to fight your enemies, would you be willing?"

Hu Xiaoxian said without hesitation: "Of course I don't want to. Why should I give him my home? He suddenly broke in, isn't he the same as my enemy?"

Qin Yan nodded: "That's the reason. We are outsiders now. Only when the people in the three-talented world are scared and convinced, will they admire me. Then we will fight against the people in the Liangyi world. Public opinion, let the people of the Three Talents World follow us. Or simply conquer the Three Talents World and let them join us in dealing with the Liangyi World.”

(End of this chapter)

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