Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 242 Brothers and women, and decisions

Chapter 242 Brothers and women, and decisions

Just as Murong Xuehan opened her mouth to retort, Qin Yan patted Murong Xuehan's shoulder, signaling her not to speak.

Murong Xuehan bit her lip indignantly, turned her head to look elsewhere, as if a single glance at Li Tianba could stain her eyes.

"Tianba, don't talk like that in the future. You and Xuehan are my right-hand men. I don't like my left hand pinching my right hand, and my right hand pinching my left hand!"

For a long time, Murong Xuehan and Li Tianba were at odds.

Li Tianba often called Murong Xuehan an ugly ghost, and Murong Xuehan always called Li Tianba a stinky corpse.

Qin Yan felt that this could no longer be the case.

After a pause, Qin Yan continued: "Although you are my corpse servants and ghost servants in name, I don't actually regard you as corpse servants and ghost servants."

In the beginning, Qin Yan guarded against Murong Xuehan and Li Tianba, but as time went by, and after going through life and death trials again and again, the relationship between them has sublimated.

Qin Yan now treats Li Tianba as a brother and Murong Xuehan as a girlfriend.

"Really?" Li Tianba sat up from the sofa and asked excitedly.

"What do you think? If I treat you badly, how can you be so foolish now? Look at you, now you don't have a sitting posture, and you don't have a standing posture." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Li Tianba thought for a while, and felt that this was really the case.

When Li Tianba was in front of Qin Yan, he was very respectful. He was afraid of offending Qin Yan, so he gave him a ghost jade Shenhua curse.

But it's different now. Li Tianba behaved very casually in front of Qin Yan, like a friend, not a master and servant at all.

Li Tianba scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I know! But I want to ask a question! I don't know if the master can answer it?"

"Yes! Tell me!"

"Master, in your heart, who am I to you?" Li Tianba looked at Qin Yan expectantly, with expectant eyes shining in his eyes.

"Brother!" Qin Yan said word by word, and Li Tianba looked at each other with a sincere look in his eyes.

Li Tianba also looked at Qin Yan, and he saw the sincerity from Qin Yan's eyes, which could not be concealed at all.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the emotions they express come from the depths of the soul.

Li Tianba took a deep breath, stood up and walked to Qin Yan step by step, hugged Qin Yan, and said in a very low voice: "Master, thank you!"

Qin Yan patted Li Tianba on the shoulder and said, "It's done! It's done!"

Qin Yan never thought that Li Tianba's emotional world was so rich. He always thought that Li Tianba was a zombie, and his emotional world was not as rich as that of human beings.

"Damn it! Eye shit came out! I'm going!" Li Tianba let go of Qin Yan, and wiped the blood-red eye circles.

Seeing Li Tianba's pretentious appearance, Qin Yan almost laughed out loud.

"Master, then I... I... Who am I?" Murong Xuehan said several times about me before expressing what she felt in her heart.

After finishing speaking, Murong Xuehan bit her lip and lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.

At first Murong Xuehan was embarrassed to say it, but she didn't want to continue like this, she wanted Qin Yan to tell her what she was in his heart.

This is especially important for Murong Xuehan.

At the same time, Murong Xuehan's heart was beating non-stop.

She was full of anticipation, but also full of fear.

She expected Qin Yan to say what she wanted to hear, but she was afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want to hear.

At this moment Murong Xuehan was extremely contradictory.

Looking at Murong Xuehan's appearance, Qin Yan already guessed what she wanted to know.

Qin Yan put his hands on Murong Xuehan's shoulders, and said to Murong Xuehan, "Xuehan, raise your head."

Hearing Qin Yan's voice, Murong Xuehan's body trembled. She thought that Qin Yan was going to tell her the answer, but she didn't expect Qin Yan to ask her to raise her head.

Murong Xuehan felt a little disappointed.

But Murong Xuehan knew that Qin Yan must look her in the eyes and give her the answer, because that's what Qin Yan and Li Tianba said just now.

Biting her lip, Murong Xuehan mustered the most courage ever and raised her head, looking at Qin Yan.

For some reason, Murong Xuehan felt that even in the face of the most formidable enemy, she didn't need to muster such great courage.

But when facing Qin Yan, she had to muster up such great courage.

Maybe it's because she cares too much about Qin Yan.

When Murong Xuehan saw Qin Yan's clear eyes from the heart, her heart trembled.

After trembling for a while, Murong Xuehan felt that her heart stopped beating and her lungs stopped breathing. She is now waiting for Qin Yan to tell her the answer.

Seeing Murong Xuehan's expectant eyes, Qin Yan was filled with emotion.

Now he could feel that Murong Xuehan's body was shaking slightly, and the frequency was very high, so high that it was like the engine of a car shaking.

Qin Yan could imagine that Murong Xuehan was extremely nervous now.

Xuehan, I never thought that I was so important to you. No wonder you risked your life so many times to shield me from the enemy's attacks.

If I am sorry for you in this life, I will be punished by God.

"Xuehan..." Qin Yan spoke.

Murong Xuehan's heart trembled.

"In my heart, you are my girlfriend!" Qin Yan stared into Murong Xuehan's eyes and said, his tone was flat but full of sincere emotion.

Murong Xuehan hissed softly in her heart.

The three words "girlfriend" are like three cloud-piercing arrows, passing through Murong Xuehan's eardrum, following the ear canal, and piercing deeply into Murong Xuehan's heart. The arrow sees blood, and the arrow is true love.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down Murong Xuehan's eyes.

"I'm going! This ugly ghost also has eye shit!" Li Tianba immediately teased.

"Get out! Stinky corpse!" Murong Xuehan gave Li Tianba a hard look.

I go!here we go again!Forget it, I don't care about you!Make as much noise as you like!

In fact, Qin Yan knew that no matter how much trouble they made, no matter how harsh their words were, they would help each other when life and death were at stake.

"Let's continue, leave them alone!" Qin Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Qin Yan, since this is the case, I think you'll be the bait to lure the Mao family out!" Ma Tengfei said with his eyes narrowed, his eyes full of coldness.

"Okay! That's it!" Qin Yan slapped his thigh and made an immediate decision.

If it was someone else, I would definitely not agree.

But Qin Yan is different. He is no longer the ignorant young man he used to be.

"Patriarch, since this is the case, let's refine Huai Lao as soon as possible! This quality of Huai wood sword is definitely a first-class magic weapon!" Ma Zehong said.

 Fourth update.Before twelve o'clock on the fifth watch.Vote out!Six more tomorrow!Thanks to the book friend "Jiu Yucai" for the reward of [-] book coins, and thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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