Chapter 250

"What? Fire? Isn't this too cruel? Zhao Pengfei didn't beat someone to the hospital once or twice, why didn't he fire him!"

"Zhao Pengfei also molested the new Mr. Kang! If Mr. Liang and Mr. Liu hadn't bumped into him, he would have successfully raped him! Don't say he was fired, he would have been jailed! But why didn't he be fired?"

"This is obviously partiality!"

"Yes! He's too inhuman!"

The students started talking in low voices, but none of them dared to stand up and speak for Qin Yan.

Qin Yan shrugged and said indifferently: "You can't fire me!"

Then Qin Yan said: "Even if you fire me, you will beg me to come to school again!"

Hearing Qin Yan's words, Zhou Zhao was annoyed. He didn't expect Qin Yan to speak so loudly: "Student Qin Yan, you are dreaming! Let me beg you to go to school, who do you think you are!"

Before Zhou Zhao made this decision, he went to the archives with Han Chu and looked through Qin Yan's archives.

He even called the village committee of Qin Yan's hometown through his relationship and asked about Qin Yan's family conditions.

This decision was made after confirming that Qin Yan had no background.

This is why Zhou Zhao and Han Chu came to Qin Yan more than an hour later.

After all, Qin Yan led Li Tianba to do Zhao Pengfei's affairs is too shocking, except for powerful people, ordinary people really dare not do it.

"Don't you believe me? Alright! I'll let you believe this time tomorrow!" Qin Yan curled his lips and looked at Zhou Zhao with disdain.

Qin Yan has a hundred ways to deal with people like Zhou Zhao.

"Hahaha! This is so funny! You will be in the detention center at this time tomorrow! Do you know how you beat Zhao Pengfei? Severe concussion! According to the law, you will be sentenced to at least three years in prison!"

Zhou Zhao squinted his eyes and stared at Qin Yan. He didn't expect Qin Yan to be so arrogant that he dared to confront the head of his school.

Hearing that Qin Yan might be sentenced to three years in prison, the students were once again in an uproar, discussing in whispers, thinking that Zhao Pengfei and Zhou Zhao were going too far.

Not to mention the three-year sentence, even if Qin Yan was fired, it would be equivalent to ruining the rest of Qin Yan's life.

Now I can't even find a job without a diploma.

Geng Yaoyao also opened her eyes wide, full of disbelief.

"Principal Zhou, it's not that serious! Do you want to think about it again! After all, Qin Yan is too young to do things..." Geng Yaoyao wanted to intercede with Qin Yan.

"Teacher Geng! Why are you begging for this kind of rubbish? Don't worry, I won't be sentenced, and he will beg me to come to school in public at this time tomorrow!" Qin Yan interrupted Geng Yaoyao and said confidently .

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yan turned his head and said to all the students: "Students, let's wait and see tomorrow!"

None of the students present believed Qin Yan's words. They dared to confront the principal and Zhao Pengfei. This was absolutely crazy.

In their eyes, the principal is a superior existence, and Zhao Pengfei is the second generation of the upstart in Baoshi, and no one can provoke them.

"Qin Yan isn't out of his mind, is he? He can't be crazy!"

"I think he's speaking on the spot, and he just said that to save face!"

A lot of people want to save face, they were beaten bloody, but they just want to support the scene, saying that his father is a cadre, his uncle is a leader, and he is actually a small civil servant.

This classmate felt that Qin Yan was in the same situation now.

Geng Yaoyao was also stunned by Qin Yan's words, she did not expect Qin Yan to be so impatient.

"Teacher Geng, did you see it, did you see it, you pleaded for mercy for such a ignorant person! Let's forget it!"

Zhou Zhao was also furious. He didn't expect Qin Yan to call him trash in front of so many students.

It affected his image too much.

"What's more, the police looking for him has nothing to do with me, and I can't control them!" Zhou Zhao was cunning and didn't want to offend Geng Yaoyao's father, so he added.

At this moment, Zhou Zhao's cell phone rang.

Zhou Zhao picked it up to look at the caller ID, raised the corner of his mouth to show a sinister sneer, then raised his head to look at Qin Yan, with a sinister look in his eyes, as if saying: Boy, you are dead.

"Hello! Officer Wang! Hello!"


"Yeah! People are here with me, come here!"


"Oh! I'm in classroom 2014 on the second floor of the third teaching building! Let the guard at the door, Xiao Zhao, bring you here! He's been waiting for you at the door!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Zhao looked at Qin Yan again, gloating in his eyes.

As long as you are not a fool, you can guess that Zhou Zhao called the police over.

Seeing this, Geng Yaoyao was a little anxious, she touched Qin Yan with her arm, gave Qin Yan a wink, and told Qin Yan to leave quickly.

As long as the person is not caught, there is still room for maneuver.

Qin Yan sat back in his seat, closed his eyes and waited for the police to arrive.

Seeing Qin Yan like this, Geng Yaoyao was so anxious that she wished she could give Qin Yan a big slap.

Zhou Zhao and Han Chu were very surprised and did not understand why Qin Yan was so calm.If it was any other student, his legs would have been trembling with fright at this moment.

After a while, the guard Xiao Zhao brought Officer Wang over.

This Police Officer Wang is none other than Wang Tianjin

Wang Tianjin exchanged pleasantries with Zhou Zhao and asked, "Where is the person?"

Zhou Zhao pointed to Qin Yan, who was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, and said, "That student is too arrogant. Look at him, he is still closed his eyes, and he doesn't take you seriously. He was arrested and severely educated!"

Zhou Zhao was annoyed by Qin Yan's reckless appearance, and fanned the flames from the sidelines.

Wang Tianjin didn't expect that there would be such a bold student. When they came, the other party would still keep their eyes closed. They really should be properly educated.
But when Wang Tianjin saw that it was Qin Yan, he was immediately blindsided.

Um?what's the situation?How could it be Master Qin?
Wang Tianjin thought he was wrong, blinked his eyes and looked at Qin Yan again.

Or Qin Yan.

It's really Master Qin!How can you catch it!

Wang Tianjin really wanted to turn his head and leave, but seeing Qin Yan and leaving without saying hello to Qin Yan, it was really unreasonable.

"Cough!" Wang Tianjin coughed dryly, and walked towards Qin Yan step by step.

Qin Yan opened his eyes at this moment, wanting to see who was going to arrest him.

Because they often deal with Tang Xiaomeng and the hunchback, their subordinate Qin Yan knows almost all of them.

When Qin Yan saw that it was Wang Tianjin, he couldn't help laughing, knowing that he could play a good role today.

When Wang Tianjin came to Qin Yan's side, Geng Yaoyao and other students raised their hearts in their throats, for fear that Qin Yan would be taken away.

Zhou Zhao and Han Chu looked at each other with a smug smile.

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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