Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 256 It's Not Simple

Chapter 256 It's Not Simple

"Master, why are you doing this? Aren't you going to plant a ghost for me?"

Little Taozi blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at Mao Zhantong with desolate eyes, as if she didn't believe it was true at all.

"Because you are no longer useful!"

Mao Zhantong sneered, picked up a stick more than one meter long from the side and stabbed Qin Yan in the stomach.

Qin Yan only felt a sharp pain in his stomach, staggered and couldn't stand still, and sat down on the ground.

The locust wood sword fell from Qin Yan's hand to the ground, making the sound of gold and iron.

It turned out that Mao Zhantong knew that Qin Yan's pagoda tree sword was powerful, so he forced Xiao Taozi to block the sword, and he attacked Qin Yan from the side.

Hearing Mao Zhantong's words, Little Taozi showed a miserable and helpless smile, and then disappeared into the air, her soul shattered.

Xiao Taozi originally fantasized that she could be planted with a ghost and become a member of the Ma family, even if it was just a ghost.

But she never expected that her result would be like this.

It's like a young girl with a beautiful dream, fell in love with a prince charming whom she thought she could entrust her whole life to, but finally found that the prince charming she fell in love with was a demon, which not only destroyed her innocence, but also killed her. Pushing into the fire pit is beyond redemption.

Seeing Xiao Taozi's soul was gone, Qin Yan's mood was very complicated.

He especially hoped that Xiao Taozi would die, because Xiao Taozi was Mao Zhantong's ghost servant, and if he died, there would be one less opponent.

But after seeing Xiao Taozi's miserable eyes just now, Qin Yan didn't want her to die like this, thinking her death was too miserable.

I will definitely not be as ruthless as Mao Zhantong in the future, and I will never let Xuehan and Xiaoyu down.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan couldn't help but look at Murong Xuehan.

Murong Xuehan is currently fighting fiercely with Mao Zhantong's corpse servant.

"Master! Be careful!" Murong Xuehan saw Mao Zhantong rushing towards Qin Yan again, and immediately reminded him loudly.

Qin Yan didn't care about his image, and escaped Mao Zhantong's blow by rolling a donkey.

With a "bang", one end of the stick hit the ground, stirring up countless dust.

Taking advantage of the gap between Mao Zhantong swinging the stick again, Qin Yan hooked the pagoda tree sword in front of him with the tip of his toe.

Mao Zhantong laughed ferociously: "Qin Yan, stop struggling, you will definitely die today!"

After finishing speaking, Mao Zhantong picked up the stick and threw it at the top of Qin Yan's head.

If he was hit by this stick, even if he would not be killed, at least his head would be bleeding.

Qin Yan didn't dare to be negligent, and jumped to the side again, narrowly avoiding Mao Zhantong's attack, while swinging the locust tree sword to chop on the stick.

With a "click", the stick was split in two by the locust tree sword.

Mao Zhantong was stunned, he didn't expect Qin Yan's pagoda tree sword to be so sharp.

Qin Yan swung the pagoda tree sword, and slashed at Mao Zhantong one after another.

Mao Zhantong kept dodging backwards.

When Mao Zhantong retreated to the wall of the elevator machine room, he could not avoid it.

"There's nowhere to run! Go to hell!" Qin Yan yelled, and swung his locust tree sword to chop Mao Zhantong's neck.

At this critical moment, Mao Zhantong chanted the incantation, summoned another female ghost servant of his, and stood in front of him.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the locust tree sword slashed at the female ghost servant's body, and the female ghost servant died in response, and her soul flew away.

Mao Zhantong took the opportunity to jump aside.

"You are so ruthless! You killed two of your ghost servants one after another!"

Although Qin Yan had heard that many Taoist priests raised ghost servants for fun and as cannon fodder, but after seeing Mao Zhantong doing this today, he still felt that these female ghost servants were too pitiful.

Many people always think that ghosts are harmful to people, but sometimes it is not necessarily true.

When ghosts meet ordinary people, they will naturally harm them.

But when the ghost met a powerful Taoist priest, he was either taken in as a ghost servant or shot to death directly.

It's like the law of the sea, the fish eat the shrimp, and the shrimp eat the fish.

It depends on who is stronger.

"I raised them to protect me from the sword! Do you think it's for them to carry on the family? It's ridiculous!"

Mao Zhantong curled his lips and said dismissively.

In this world where the jungle preys on the weak, it is indeed the case. Without strength, one can only become the object of being exploited by others.

At this moment, Li Tianba's scolding came from behind Qin Yan: "I'm going! You are too shameless! Ah! Oh! I'm going! It hurts!"

Qin Yan turned his head and saw that Mao Quyu and the three formed a small formation again, biting his left middle finger, drawing symbols on his right palm continuously, and attacking Li Tianba with the light of symbols.

Li Tianba screamed again and again after being beaten.

Fortunately, Li Tianba is strong enough. If it was another corpse king or ghost king, he would have been beaten to death by now.

Just as Qin Yan was about to turn around to rescue Li Tianba, Mao Zhantong blocked Qin Yan's way again with half a short stick.

"It's impossible for you to save him!" Mao Zhan smiled darkly, his face full of expressions that I'm a rascal and I'm afraid of someone.

"Qin Yan, we are here to help you!" At this moment, Ma Tengfei rushed up from the stairs.

Behind Ma Tengfei followed Ma Zehong and seven or eight children of the Ma family.

Seeing Ma Tengfei and the others coming, Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "Master, uncle, you are finally here!"

Just as Ma Tengfei was about to nod, he suddenly raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the sky.

At the same time, Ma Zehong seemed to realize something, and raised his head to look into the air.

Qin Yan was very surprised, and didn't understand why the master and uncle suddenly looked towards the sky.

He also raised his head and looked into the air.

The sky was cloudless, blue, nothing at all.

"Damn, it's been tricked!"

Ma Tengfei cursed loudly, then bent down and stretched out his hand to slap the ground, chanting a mantra loudly: "Nine Yins are secluded, Nine Yangs are mysterious, and the heaven and earth are full of righteousness. Jiugongyao, Jiuzhuanming, the sun and the moon shine on the eight wastelands! Lock!"

Seven or eight vines sprang out from the roof, bound Li Tianba's legs, and dragged Li Tianba from the three of Mao Quyu to Ma Tengfei's side.

Ma Zehong also recited the mantra, pointing to Qin Yan and Murong Xuehan.

Two golden lights tied Qin Yan and Murong Xuehan's waist respectively, pulling them to Ma Zehong's side.

At this moment, the sky changed drastically, and the original blue sky disappeared, replaced by a dark sky.

It's as if the sky is compressed by dark clouds.

There is a huge vortex in the dark sky, and this vortex covers the entire sky.

Qin Yan felt that it seemed to be spinning when he saw it for the first time, and it seemed to be stationary when he saw it for the second time, but it seemed to be still spinning when he saw it for the third time.

In short, this vortex is very weird.

In addition to the sky, the roof of the building under his feet has also changed at this moment.

What they stepped on was no longer a roof, but a wilderness.

The wilderness is overgrown with weeds and is very depressed.

All around the wilderness is gray, like fog.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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