Need for Urban Supreme

259 Shocked chin

259 Shocked chin

"Brother, have you seen it?"

Ling'er sat on Qin Yan's heart, swayed with her legs crossed, and asked in a childish voice.

Just now Qin Yan suddenly found a loophole in the formation, not because he saw the clue, but because Linger told him after waking up.

Qin Yan nodded, and sent a voice transmission to Linger: "I see! I understand how to do it!"

"Master, uncle, you are waiting here! I will destroy this formation!" Qin Yan picked up the pagoda tree sword and walked slowly towards the formation.

"Qin Yan, what are you doing?" Ma Tengfei and Ma Zehong asked in unison.

Although Qin Yan is a body of nine yin and nine yang, his strength has only reached that of a Taoist master after all.

They couldn't break the two celestial masters and the corpse king just now. They didn't believe that Qin Yan could break this formation at all.

"Qin Yan, this is no joke! Don't think that we didn't encounter danger when we went in just now, but the inside is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be out of your wits!"

Ma Zehong quickly persuaded Qin Yan, he didn't want Qin Yan to have any troubles.

Ma Tengfei also hurried over to persuade Qin Yan.

Even Li Tianba and Murong Xuehan didn't want Qin Yan to risk himself.

"Master, uncle, you have to trust me, I'm not that kind of reckless person. If I'm not sure, I won't risk myself!"

Qin Yan looked at Ma Tengfei and Ma Zehong, and said solemnly.

Hearing what Qin Yan said, Ma Tengfei and Ma Zehong looked at each other.

After making eye contact, they agreed to Qin Yan's decision.

"Xuehan, Tianba, don't you believe in the master?" Qin Yan turned his head to look at Li Tianba and Murong Xuehan.

"I'm going! How can I not trust the master! I believe it!" Li Tianba scratched his head and said in embarrassment.

In fact, anyone can see that Li Tianba is still a little worried about Qin Yan.

Murong Xuehan bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, and said in a mosquito-like voice: "Master, how about I accompany you?"

Although Murong Xuehan knew that Qin Yan would reject her and even scold her, but she was really worried about Qin Yan.

"I'm going! It's better to let me go than to let you go!" Li Tianba rolled up his sleeves, exposing his steel-like arms, and showed them off in front of Murong Xuehan and Qin Yan.

"Okay! Stop arguing. I've already decided!"

Qin Yan walked to the side of the mist, took out a dozen fire talismans and threw them into the mist, waved the locust tree sword and recited a mantra: "A light, three talents are bright, nine palaces shine, ten thousand stars shine on Yin and Yang!"

With a "boom", a dozen pieces of talisman paper were all ignited and turned into countless talisman ashes.

These ash runes, like twinkling stars, instantly illuminated the mist.

Seeing this scene, Ma Tengfei couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, pointing to the flickering ash and said, "This should be the Taoism of Kanyu, how could Qin Yan know this kind of Taoism?"

Ma Zehong was also very surprised, shook his head and said, "I don't know either!"

In fact, this Taoism was learned by Qin Yan and Zhao Zi.

Zhao Zishen used this method to light up the ancient tomb when he first visited the ancient tomb of Jiuyao.

If Zhao Zishen was present at this moment, he would definitely be amazed by Qin Yan's comprehension ability and innovation ability.

When Zhao Zishen performed this technique, he used his big smoking gun and the shredded tobacco in the smoking pot.

Now through improvements, Qin Yan has replaced the big smoking gun with a locust tree sword, and replaced the shredded tobacco with the ashes of talisman paper.

Each type of Taoism requires different magic tools when performing it. If other magic tools are used forcibly, it will be difficult to use Taoism.

Even if it can be used, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But Qin Yan was different. Although he changed the magic weapon, the Taoism he performed was actually more powerful than Zhao Zishen.

With the help of the light, Qin Yan walked into the mist.

The three tornadoes in the mist rolled away like Qin Yan like crazy.

It was obvious that these tornadoes were about to hit Qin Yan, but Qin Yan always used his ingenious body shape to avoid these tornadoes at the critical moment.

Ma Tengfei and others sweated for Qin Yan when they saw this.

At the same time, they also knew why Qin Yan didn't take them in.

If they were brought along, they would not be able to avoid these tornadoes, they could only fight against them, which would disrupt Qin Yan's pace.

Seeing Qin Yan rushing in desperately, Mao Quyu couldn't help but sneered: "Little Huang Mao, you, a little Taoist, want to destroy this ancient formation, it's wishful thinking."

The other Mao family also laughed mockingly.

No one believed that Qin Yan had such strength, and they all felt that Qin Yan was courting death.

But they like to watch Qin Yan court death.

Qin Yan didn't bother to pay attention to the sarcasm and ridicule of the Mao family, and followed Ling'er's prompts to find the heart of the formation step by step.

After a while, Qin Yan came to a place in the mist.

"Brother, this place should be Zhenxin!" Ling'er said with a smile, swinging her legs.

"En!" Qin Yan responded, squatting down and stretching out his hands to press the ground, and chanted a mantra loudly: "Blood stains the world, the soul sacrifices Yin and Yang, asks Jiuyou, and the spells are unified! Now!"

As Qin Yan pronounced the word "present", the fog in the entire formation was swept away, and even the vortex covering everyone's heads stopped, only the illusory tornado was still raging crazily.

Seeing this scene, Ma Tengfei and others were stunned, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

" is this possible!" Ma Zehong muttered to himself.

"Zehong, you have taken in a good apprentice!" Ma Tengfei said excitedly, his eyes sparkling.

They never expected that Qin Yan would break the center of the formation, and only need to break four more formation eyes.

Li Tianba and Murong Xuehan were also extremely excited.

Especially Murong Xuehan, her heart was so excited at this moment, she wished she could float into the formation and hug Qin Yan's neck and kiss her hard.

Sometimes this is the case. Men and women in love are happier when they see each other achieve something than they achieve themselves.

Mao Quyu and the others were also stunned.

It's just that Ma Tengfei and the others were pleasantly surprised, while Mao Quyu was horrified.

"No, this kid has lost his mind!" Mao Quyu said in disbelief, his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

The same goes for the other Mao family members, whose faces were full of joy just now, but now all of them are pale.

"Brother, what should we do?" Mao Aizhu was most afraid now.

When she betrayed Ma's family, it was because Mao Quyu had promised that they would definitely kill Ma Tengfei and others, but no one would know Mao Aizhu's undercover identity.

In fact, Mao Aizhu's marriage to Ma Tiantong is not only the marriage demand of the Mao and Ma families, she also shoulders the important task of helping the Mao family to collect information about the Ma family.

In layman's terms, that is undercover.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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