Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 262 It's Incredible

Chapter 262 It's Incredible

Ten minutes later, Zhou Zhao also came.

Although Zhou Zhao saw Qin Yan, he pretended not to see it, walked directly to the north side of the square, and sat on the chair set up by the school union.

One of the teachers from the school union walked up to Zhou Zhao and flatteringly said, "Principal Zhou, the sound system has been adjusted! We can start now!"

Zhou Zhao pretended to be majestic, nodded his head and said "yes", indicating that he knew.

He patted the microphone, coughed dryly, and said in a pretentious manner: "Teachers, students, I called you here today. I mainly want to give a brief introduction about my recent work!"

Hearing what Zhou Zhao said, Qin Yan couldn't help frowning, which was different from what he expected.

What he wants is a sincere apology, not a perfunctory one.

Obviously, Zhou Zhao wanted to avoid the important and ignore the minor.

Just as Qin Yan guessed, after Zhou Zhao said a lot of nonsense, he suddenly mentioned Qin Yan in a turning point, saying that he had misunderstood Qin Yan because of his negligence at work, and apologized to Qin Yan here.

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhao quietly turned his head to look at Qin Yan, wanting to see if Qin Yan's face was satisfied.

Qin Yan raised the corner of his mouth and sneered, looking at Zhou Zhao with cold eyes.

Seeing the sneer on Qin Yan's face, Zhou Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that Qin Yan was dissatisfied.

However, in the eyes of many of Qin Yan's classmates, it was like a thunderbolt.

They never expected that the dignified principal not only withdrew his order, but also apologized to Qin Yan.

"No way! Is there something wrong with my ears? Principal Zhou actually apologized to Qin Yan!"

"That's right! Principal Zhou did apologize to Qin Yan just now!"

"Qin Yan, this bastard hides so deeply! The background is so strong. Back then we treated him like a turkey! Oh! No! I scolded him back then, he wouldn't find someone to clean me up!"

In the end, the student was a little scared, for fear that Qin Yan would be like Ma Yanan and Zhao Pengfei.

What Ma Yanan and Zhao Pengfei did before was too much.

Not to mention someone scolding them, if you look at them with unkind eyes, or dare to look at them, they will beat you to the point of crying.

It's so vicious to the extreme.

"Oh! Then you are finished! Maybe someday you will be shot to death by Qin Yan!"

In order to appease Qin Yan, Zhou Zhao immediately stood up from his chair, bowed to Qin Yan in front of all teachers and students, then raised his head and said loudly: "Here, I once again send my most sincere apology to Qin Yan .”

"Good job! The headmaster knows his mistakes and can improve greatly, and he will definitely be a good headmaster in the future!"

Some flattering teacher yelled and praised Zhou Zhao.

The other teachers also applauded, praising Zhou Zhao for being a good principal who didn't hide his mistakes and instead admitted them in public, saying that leaders like this are rare.

Some students who didn't know the truth also followed suit.

Zhou Zhao stretched out his hands and waved them to signal for everyone to be quiet, then sat down contentedly.

Hearing the words of these sycophants, Qin Yan almost died of anger.

He didn't expect that there would be such a shameless person in this world. It was obviously a confession meeting, and they turned it into a commendation meeting.

"Tianba, go up and overturn the table for me!" Qin Yan couldn't let Zhou Zhao be fooled like this.

Li Tianba nodded, just about to be ejected like a cannonball, when he suddenly thought that this is a school.

If this were done in public, it would immediately cause panic.

Li Tianba walked quickly to the front of the stage, stretched out his arms and shook the table, the mineral water and fruit plate on the table suddenly fell to the ground with a "crash".

Immediately afterwards, Li Tianba grabbed the table and smashed the table to the ground with a "bang".

The table was smashed to pieces.

Seeing what Li Tianba did, everyone was stunned. There was no voice in the huge square, only the sound of "huhu" when the breeze blew past.

People looked at Li Tianba in amazement, not knowing what happened.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

A young man from the security department was the first to react. In order to be a hero in front of the principal, he immediately pointed at Li Tianba and yelled. .

"Xiao Yan, what are you doing! Go back! Why are you so reckless in doing things! This friend has a bad face, there must be something bothering you! We must be magnanimous in doing things! Be magnanimous!"

Zhou Zhao frowned and glared at the young man.

Xiao Yan was stunned. Unexpectedly, the flattery was not patted, but was patted on the horse's leg.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhao's face was full of smiles, and he said to Li Tianba with a smile: "My friend, do you have any troubles?"

"Principal Zhou is really broad-minded! Someone overturned the table, but he didn't get angry! It's really good self-restraint!"

I don't know which teacher is flattering again.

Hearing this teacher's words, other teachers and students praised him one after another.

"What a good principal! What a big heart!"

"It's no wonder that he can be the principal. With such a mind, it's no problem to be the head of the Education Bureau!"

Hearing the words of these sycophants, Qin Yan almost threw up.

I will paralyze you!Are you still shameless?He obviously did this because he was afraid of us, but you actually set up a high red flag for this idiot.

Don't you sycophants know what he usually does?

Qin Yan couldn't bear it anymore, he felt that he had to unmask Zhou Zhao's mask, and he had to slap those sycophants hard in the face.

Qin Yan stepped forward, pointed at Zhou Zhao's nose and cursed: "Zhou Zhao, you pretend to be paralyzed for me!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Qin Yan in disbelief.

They didn't expect that Qin Yan would dare to go up and scold the principal. Isn't this a bear's heart and leopard's guts?
Only the students in Qin Yan's class knew that Qin Yan's background was unfathomable. If he dared to scold the principal like this, the principal would never dare to fart.

"Student Qin Yan, you are... this..." Zhou Zhao was bloodied by Qin Yan's scolding, his mind was muddled, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Hurry up and apologize to me, and then announce Zhao Pengfei's dismissal, otherwise you should know the consequences!"

At the end, Qin Yan narrowed his eyes, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

ah?What's happening here?Why did Qin Yan ask the principal to apologize to him?He actually said just now that the principal should announce the expulsion of Zhao Pengfei?

Doesn't Zhao Pengfei have a very good relationship with the principal?What exactly happened here?Why am I so dumbfounded?

Whether it is a student or a teacher, everyone is stunned.

 The fourth watch, the fifth watch before ten o'clock.Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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