Chapter 269

kindness?Through two willows?

Qin Yan looked between the two willow trees, but he saw nothing.

There are no Taoist priests and ghosts behind the two willow trees, let alone shops and street stalls.

In Qin Yan's mind, the ghost market should be a very bustling place, with people coming and going and ghosts coming and going, and a lot of traffic.

"Master, come with me!" Murong Xuehan led Qin Yan and Li Tianba towards the two big willow trees.

When Murong Xuehan came to the middle of the big willow trees, she squatted down and patted the ground five times, three of which were long and two short, and then pointed to the two big willow trees respectively.

Two streaks of ghost energy flew out from Murong Xuehan's fingers, and got into the middle of the big willow tree with a "swish".

On the crowns of two big willow trees, a blue lantern suddenly flashed at the same time.

Then two, three, four.

When the number of blue lanterns reached five, a ghostly spirit rose between the two willow trees.

"Master, this is the manager of the ghost city verifying my identity. Come with me!" Murong Xuehan walked into the ghost atmosphere while explaining.

Qin Yan didn't expect to need to verify his identity to enter the ghost market.

Moreover, Qin Yan also discovered many unreasonable things.

Under normal circumstances, lonely ghosts are afraid of willow trees, but the gate of the ghost city opens in the middle of the willow trees.

The ghost market must be for convenience, but you need to verify your identity to enter it. Doesn't this block many people from the door?

But Qin Yan didn't bother to delve into these things, and followed Murong Xuehan into the ghostly atmosphere.

Passing through the ghostly aura, Qin Yan saw a bustling scene.

On both sides of the street, there are various stalls, and many people, ghosts, and demons stop in front of the stalls.

Qin Yan saw a female fox walking back and forth among the crowd with her butt twisted, her fluffy tail swaying behind her like a fan.

At this moment, cheers suddenly came from afar.

Qin Yan was so curious that he stood on tiptoe and raised his head to look into the distance, but there were too many people, ghosts and ghosts here, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

And many people, ghosts and demons kept pushing forward.

"Strange, what's going on over there?" Li Tianba touched his head, talking to himself curiously.

"Don't worry about it! Let's hurry up and buy our own things!" Qin Yan suppressed his curiosity and raised his head to look for the booth, hoping to find ghost grass and ghost flowers that could improve Murong Xuehan's physique.

After searching around, Qin Yan couldn't find any suitable ghost grass and ghost flowers.

But an old Taoist with white hair and childlike face was slowly walking towards Qin Yan and the others, surrounded by everyone.

The old man was full of smiles, looking kind and kind. He held a whisk in his hand and swept it lightly in front of him from time to time.

People around Lao Dao complimented Lao Dao one after another, saying that they were living gods.

Hearing such a title, Qin Yan was extremely curious.

Those who can be honored as living gods are all highly respected people, even Ma Tengfei, the head of the Ma family, does not have this honor.

But the old Taoist in front of him is just a Taoist teacher. It stands to reason that he does not have this qualification unless he has achieved very high achievements in a certain aspect.

For example, he obtained the inheritance of ghost doctors and relieved ghost diseases for many people and ghosts.

For example, he obtained the inheritance of ghost craftsman and solved things for many people and ghosts.

"Did you see it? Although this painting is dusty, it is definitely a magic weapon that can transform spirits."

Walking to a booth, the old Taoist suddenly pointed to a painting and said.

Hearing what the old man said, the people behind him all showed excitement, wishing they could jump on the painting and take it for themselves.

Hearing the word Hualing, Qin Yan's heart was also moved.

What?A magic weapon that is about to transform into a spirit?This is a good thing!
Qin Yan immediately cast Yin-Yang ghost pupils and turned his head to look at the painting.

But this painting is very ordinary, without any spirituality at all.

If it was in the past, Qin Yan must have looked confused, but now Qin Yan is different.

Ever since he got Yin Yang ghost pupils, Qin Yan can not only distinguish the authenticity of things, but also see through the physiques of people, ghosts, and demons, and help them improve.

Qin Yan shook his head, turned his head and continued to look for his own ghost grass and ghost flowers.

"Old Immortal, this painting seems very ordinary!"

One of the Taoist priests touched his chin and questioned.

"It's because it's rare and ordinary that it hasn't been bought. If you can tell it's a good thing at a glance, then others can see it too!" The old man shook his head with a sad look.

"The old god is right! I was the one who was abrupt!"

The Taoist quickly apologized to the old Taoist.

Li Gui, who set up the stall, heard that his things were so good, and immediately picked up the painting: "You can buy it if you want, but at least this price."

After all, Li Gui extended a slap.

"Five thousand dark gold? This is too expensive!"

"Yeah! It's too dark!"


The people, ghosts, and demons who followed the old Taoist accused one after another, thinking that the stall owner was just sitting on the ground and raising prices.

The old man shook his head, stroked his gray beard and said to himself: "You get what you pay for!"

After all, the old man ignored the others and walked forward on his own.

Hearing what the old Taoist said, one of the Taoist priests gritted his teeth and said to the stall owner, "Hey! I want five thousand ghost gold!"

"I pay five thousand and five!"

"I pay six thousand!"

"I pay six thousand and five!"


The people behind followed suit and raised the price to [-] Mingjin in the end.

Seeing this, Qin Yan curled his lips, thinking that these people must be crazy, to spend [-] Mingjin to buy a pair of words of no value.

Although Qin Yan didn't know what the dark gold was for, he felt that [-] dark gold should be a lot.

When the female snake spirit called Ten Thousand Dark Gold just now, not only did her eyelids twitch several times, but even the corners of her mouth twitched, which shows how heartbroken she is.

The old man walked to the booth where Qin Yan was, pointed to one of the magical artifacts and said, "This magical artifact is not ordinary! This is a..."

Before the old Taoist could finish speaking, one of the ghosts leaned forward, nodded and said, "Old Immortal, wait a minute! Wait a moment!"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"Old Immortal, I have a small request, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Speak!" The old Taoist flicked his whisk, stroked his gray beard and said, looking very amiable.

"Old Immortal, every time you talk about these treasures, the stall owner not only takes the opportunity to drive up the price, but everyone also bids. In this case, we will not get any benefits at all! How about this, you appoint a random person, whoever buys it Buy, don’t you know if this is okay?”

As soon as Gui Ling's words fell, they immediately resonated with many people, and everyone agreed.

Qin Yan shook his head speechlessly, turned around and left the booth.

Qin Yan looked at the magic weapon just now, and he didn't want it for nothing.

 The first update, the computer is broken, and the card is too bad.I don't know when the next chapter will be updated.But not more than eight o'clock.Now buying a computer, the update is written on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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