Chapter 271
Li Tianba took a look at the banshee, and found that this guy was actually a toad spirit, no wonder there was a "goo" just now.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll eat your toad legs!" Li Tianba said coldly.

"Hahaha!" Many people laughed when they heard Li Tianba's words.

It is well known that humans like to eat frog legs, but toads are poisonous, so people will not eat them.

The female toad spirit was overwhelmed by Li Tian's domineering, and said with a "goo", "Say it again!"

Qin Yan came over, glanced at the female toad spirit, and then at the old man, and said in a flat tone: "I hope you will stop in moderation, otherwise you will be exposed by me, and you will not be able to eat and walk around!"

The female toad turned pale with fright, unexpectedly, Qin Yan knew that she was with the old Taoist.

She couldn't help but look at the old Taoist.

The old man frowned, and stared at Qin Yan fiercely: "Young man, what do you mean?"

You ungrateful animal!If so, then I will expose you!
Qin Yan is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble, but he is not the kind of person who is afraid of trouble either.

"What do you mean? Hmph! What I mean is, you are an out-and-out liar, let your accomplices act as trustees, and then everyone buys things!"

"Nonsense! I'm so angry!"

"She, he, and he are all your accomplices, aren't they?"

Qin Yan pointed to the female toad spirit, then pointed to the female ghost next to the old Taoist, and finally pointed to a Taoist priest who set up a stall.

"You nonsense boy, not only framed the old god, but also framed me. See if I don't teach you a good lesson!"

The female ghost standing beside the old Taoist shouted loudly and floated towards Qin Yan, ready to kill Qin Yan.

Before the female ghost rushed to Qin Yan's side, Li Tianba grabbed the female ghost by the neck and crushed her with a "bang".

The female ghost was instantly out of her wits.

What?He is actually the corpse king!

The crowds, ghosts, and monsters who watched all opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

Not to mention the corpse king here, even blood corpses or ghosts can walk sideways.

"Who else?" Li Tianba glanced at the people around him and shouted loudly.

All the people, ghosts, and monsters who saw Li Tianba's fierce eyes lowered their heads in fear, no one dared to stand up to the old man anymore.

Everyone is on the same mind, don't lose your life just to please the old Taoist.

No matter how good the magic weapon is, it needs life to use it.

This was especially true for the extremely arrogant female Toad Spirit just now, her legs were shaking with fright, and she almost ran away in a "quack quack" in her original form.

Among them, only the old man is calmer, but his face is also a little pale.

Qin Yan walked up to the old Taoist and grabbed the old Taoist's gray beard: "Pretentious, I ignore you not because I am afraid of you, but... Hey!"

He didn't expect that he would actually pull off the old man's gray beard.

It turned out that this old Taoist was not really an old Taoist, but a very young Taoist priest.

Qin Yan couldn't help laughing: "I really want to see what other things you have are fake!"

Qin Yan pulled the old man's hair, and the old man's hair fell down in response, revealing a bald head.


Seeing the nine scars on the old dao's bald head, all the people opened their eyes wide and looked at the old dao in disbelief.

A young monk pretending to be an old Taoist, as long as the brain is not broken, everyone knows that this is definitely not a good person.

Qin Yan also felt that the changes were too great.

At first, Qin Yan felt a little inconceivable when he saw that the old man had turned into a small road, but now he has become a monk directly.

This is even more incredible.

Several accomplices who conspired with the little monk quietly retreated out of the crowd when they saw that the incident had been revealed.

Qin Yan sneered: "Tianba, bring them back to me!"

Li Tianba nodded, and shot out like a cannonball, capturing the female toad spirit and the fake stall owner back.

"Say! Is the thing you asked us to buy fake?"

"You liar, I'm going to kill you!"

"Hey, he dared to lie to me, I'll kill you!"

The deceived people rushed over one after another, and beat up the little monk, the female toad, and the fake stall owner with fists.

Qin Yan waved his hand and said, "Let's go! Let's find our things!"

Qin Yan was too lazy to join in the fun, not to mention he had other things to do.

And Qin Yan felt that the little monk and the others would definitely have a hard time. Even if they were not killed by these people, ghosts, and demons, they would at least become disabled.

"Little brother, what do you want to buy? I can help you!" A man stopped Qin Yan's way and said flatteringly.

"Oh! That's right! It's a good thing you exposed these liars, otherwise I would definitely buy fakes too! To thank you, I am willing to be your guide. I know which one sells what here!"

This person felt that since Qin Yan could expose the little monk and the others, and Qin Yan had a corpse king's corpse servant by his side, he must not be a simple person.

If he can have a good relationship with Qin Yan, he will definitely get a lot of benefits in the future.

In fact, he didn't really want to thank Qin Yan.

Hearing that the other party knew a lot about ghost markets, Qin Yan immediately became interested.

He had been wandering around for quite a while just now, and he hadn't encountered the ghost grass and ghost flowers he wanted at all.

If the other party could really help him find the Soul Concentrating Grass and Soul Cleansing Flower, then he wouldn't have to wander aimlessly.

Time is also money, Qin Yan still has to study Taoism and medicine well.

"Okay! In this case, let's go!"

"I don't know what this brother wants to buy?"

"Soul Concentrating Grass, Soul Cleansing Flower."

"Ah? It's these two things! This is a good medicine that can help people soothe their souls! But only ghost doctors can use it. Do you know ghost doctors?"

The other party looked at Qin Yan in amazement.

Although he knew that Qin Yan's status must be extremely noble, he felt that Qin Yan was not a ghost doctor.

Ghost doctors have been extinct since the Republic of China. If ghost doctors hadn't reappeared in Baoshi some time ago, people would have thought that the profession of ghost doctors would be extinct forever.

"Cut!" Li Tianba curled his lips and said very proudly, "My master is a ghost doctor!"

"Ah?" The man opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and looked Qin Yan up and down.

The people around who heard Li Tianba's words also widened their eyes, looking at Qin Yan in disbelief.

The main reason is that Qin Yan is too young to be a doctor at all.

"What? Don't you believe me? I..."

"Tianba, stop talking nonsense! Let's hurry up and find the Soul Condensing Grass and Soul Cleansing Flower!" Qin Yan didn't want people to know his identity as a ghost doctor.

If Qin Yan didn't interrupt Li Tianba's words, others would still be skeptical, but after Qin Yan interrupted Li Tianba's words, everyone felt that Qin Yan had no silver 300 taels here.

"Mr. Ghost Doctor, please save my daughter! She is going to die soon!" A vixen knelt in front of Qin Yan, looking at Qin Yan expectantly.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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