Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 274 To accept or not to accept

Chapter 274 To accept or not to accept

The vixen also understood this truth, and nodded immediately: "Although Master Ghost Doctor treats you, I will definitely not bother you!"

Qin Yan nodded very satisfied: "That's good!"

Then Qin Yan turned his head and said to Li Tianba: "Tianba, help me protect the law!"

"Okay! If anyone dares to disturb the master, I will tear him to pieces!" Li Tianba said, widening his eyes and sweeping towards the people around him.

All the people, ghosts and monsters who saw Li Tianba's fierce gaze turned their heads one after another, not daring to look at Li Tianba.

Qin Yan took out four talismans and pasted them on the little vixen's limbs.

He took out two more candles and placed them on both sides of the little vixen's head.

Then he bit his middle finger and dripped blood on the little vixen's eyebrows.

The blood fell on the little vixen's eyebrows, as if someone had put a red spot on her eyebrows with cinnabar.

"The sky and the earth are dark, yin and yang are boundless, and the universe is clear, the ghost doctor asked, Rong!"

As the spell was finished, blood slowly melted into the little vixen's eyebrows.

Qin Yan stretched out his index finger to point on the brow, closed his eyes and began to feel.

After a while, Qin Yan opened his eyes and walked counterclockwise around the little fox.

When the lap was over, the talismans attached to the little vixen's legs were ignited with a "boom", and the talisman flames ignited.

Qin Yan recited the mantra and pointed at the two talisman fires.

The two talisman fires floated up and hovered over the little vixen's legs, as if they were imprisoned by something, even the flames did not move.

Qin Yan walked clockwise around the little fox.

When the lap was over, the talismans attached to the little vixen's arms were also ignited with a "boom".

Qin Yan recited the mantra again and pointed at the two talisman fires.

The two talisman fires floated up and hovered over the arms of the little vixen, as if they were imprisoned, even the flames did not move.

After finishing all this, Qin Yan returned to the top of the little vixen's head, knelt down, spread his right palm, pressed it on the top of the little vixen's head, and chanted the spell loudly:
"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the sun and the moon are delivered, the upper spirit is clean, and the lower is the three souls, and the cycle of cause and effect is to breed life!"

Just after the incantation was finished, the talisman fire hovering on the little vixen's limbs, like four sharp arrows, "swish, swish" into the little vixen's palm and palm respectively, and quickly flew up the body along the arms and legs go.

At the same time, Qin Yan's palm also ignited a talisman fire.

The talisman fire ran down the top of the little vixen's head.

Where the talisman fire passed, there were patches of green spots, and these cyan spots were like small bugs, driven by the talisman fire, they moved towards the little vixen's mouth.

"Hmm! Ah! Oh!"

The little vixen whispered in pain, and the muscles on his face twisted irregularly.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at Qin Yan with curiosity and expectation.

Especially the vixen, whose eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

When the green spots were driven into the little vixen's mouth by the talisman fire, they turned into black air and burst out.

After a while, all the blue spots on the little vixen's body disappeared.

The little vixen snorted softly, her face returned to rosy, and she gasped comfortably.

"It's done?" one of the onlookers asked in amazement.

"It should be! Look at her face, it was as white as a wall just now, but now it is extremely rosy! The ghost disease has obviously been cured!" Another onlooker said excitedly.


Others also followed suit.

Especially the vixen and several other people, ghosts, and demons who asked Qin Yan for treatment, they were emotionally excited, with indescribable joy on their faces.

"Don't talk! It's not over yet!" Qin Yan said without raising his head, his eyes resting on the little vixen's stomach.

After hearing Qin Yan's words, everyone stopped discussing and looked at Qin Yan with incomparable curiosity.

They were very curious, isn't the little vixen already healed?Why is it not over yet.

At this moment, the little vixen's belly began to swell slowly like a balloon.

At the beginning, it was only slowly bulging, and then it bulged little by little, and in the end it was like being pregnant in October.

The little vixen stretched out his hands to hug his belly, and groaned in pain, kicking his legs on the ground non-stop, kicking up a lot of dust on his heels.

The mother vixen covered her mouth nervously, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

The same goes for the other people present, looking at the little vixen nervously, their eyes still.

When the little vixen's stomach swelled to the size of a bucket, Qin Yan stretched out his left hand, took out a talisman, stuck it on the little vixen's forehead, and chanted the incantation loudly:
"The sky is round and the earth is round, the laws and regulations are nine chapters, the universe asks, Yin and Yang use the law, go!"

With a "boom", the talisman placed on the little vixen's forehead was ignited, and then divided into two flames, which shot onto the candles on both sides of the little vixen's head respectively.

Two candles were lit instantly.

Qin Yan stretched out his hands and pointed at the two candles.

The flame on the candle was stripped off immediately, and then with a "whoosh", it got into the little vixen's ears.

I saw two red dots running down the little vixen's face, neck, and chest all the way down to her lower abdomen.

With a "poof", the little vixen farted.

But this fart is not finished all at once, but keeps ringing and blowing all the time.

As the little vixen farted, her belly slowly sunken.

At this time, the little vixen is like a balloon with its mouth opened.

After about 1 minute, the little vixen finally finished farting, and her stomach finally returned to normal.

Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the sweat on his forehead and said, "Okay! Get up and take a walk!"

The little fox nodded obediently, stood up from the ground and walked around.

"Mom! I'm cured!" The little vixen found that she had fully recovered, turned around and hugged her mother, and yelled happily.

But then, the little vixen laughed and cried.

The same goes for her mother, who hugged her and smiled happily at first, but then burst into tears.

They were weeping with joy.

"Xiaomei! Come on, kowtow to your benefactor!" The vixen's mother took the little vixen's hand, and knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Master ghost doctor, thank you for saving me. I want to be your demon servant and treat you well for the rest of my life!" The little vixen opened her eyes wide and looked at Qin Yan expectantly.

Um?Be my servant?
Qin Yan couldn't help but look at the little vixen.

The little guy is very beautiful, as beautiful as Murong Xuehan and Zhou Xiaoyu.

Especially the little tail wagging behind the buttocks, it is so cute.

To take or not to take?

this is a problem.

 First update.Six more today.

(End of this chapter)

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