Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 283 Kill them

Chapter 283 Kill them

Although Zhang Mi is also a beauty, she is definitely not the best beauty, and she is a whole class behind Murong Xuehan.

And Zhang Mi has no real skills.

Qin Yan would not want this kind of woman.

"Oh! The moon is so round tonight!" Qin Yan looked up at the sky.

The sun is shining brightly at this moment, and as long as the eyes are not blind, you can tell that it is daytime.

"Mr. Qin, you made a mistake! Now it's...huh?"

Zhang Mi stopped in the middle of her speech, she understood what Qin Yan meant, Qin Yan had no interest in her, otherwise he would not blame a deer for a horse, and describe the day with the bright sun as the night with the moon hanging in the sky.

Zhang Mi was a little disappointed, but soon relieved.

She also knew that how could a low-key tall, rich and handsome like Qin Yan see an ugly duckling like her, and there must be a lot of golden phoenixes around her.

Back in the sales department, Li Tianba had already finished his work.

"Master, you are back!"

"En!" Qin Yan responded, and Zhang Mi walked into the financial office to complete the formalities.

Just after signing the contract, there was a "boom", and a talisman fire suddenly rose from Qin Yan's palm.

Zhang Mi was taken aback, and looked at Qin Yan in disbelief, wondering why Qin Yan's palm would spontaneously ignite.

Qin Yan blew out the fire and put down his pen, and said to Zhang Mi: "Miss Zhang, I will leave the contract with you first. I have to leave now!"

Without waiting for Zhang Mi to speak, Qin Yan took Li Tianba out of the sales department.

After getting into the taxi, Li Tianba asked curiously, "Master, why are you in such a hurry?"

"There's something wrong with Hu Xiaomei! Let's go and have a look!"

"Oh well!"

Ten minutes later, the taxi dropped Qin Yan and Li Tianba at the foot of the mountain in the western suburbs of Baoshi.

Taxis can no longer go inside.

After getting out of the car, Qin Yan went straight to Hu Xiaomei's house according to the prompt of the communication symbol.

Qin Yan was very curious about what happened to Hu Xiaomei, and why she lit the communication talisman after they separated for only one day.

After walking for a few minutes, Qin Yan and the others came to a ravine.

He saw two snake spirits surrounding a cave, abusing and molesting Fox Xiaomei's mother and daughter.

"Fox Qingniang, Hu Xiaomei, you mother and daughter should follow our brothers! We absolutely love you as if we were our own wives."

"Yes! In the past, your daughter was sick and couldn't serve us, but now that she is cured, she can serve us!"

"Come out quickly! The prehistoric power in our bodies can no longer hold back! It will definitely satisfy you mother and daughter, and send you to the pinnacle of happiness!"

"Hahahaha!" After the two snake spirits said, they laughed unscrupulously.

Of the two snake essences, one is the green snake essence and the other is the yellow snake essence.

Although they turned into human appearances, the green snake spirit's face was darker, and the yellow snake spirit's face was yellower.

Hearing the words of these two snake spirits, Qin Yan couldn't help but frowned.

He also knew that there was a lot of right and wrong at the widow's door, but he didn't expect so much right and wrong.

At the beginning when Hu Xiaomei said that their mother and daughter were often harassed, Qin Yan thought that Hu Xiaomei was exaggerating, but now he realized that Hu Xiaomei was wrong.

Qin Yan led Li Tianba swaggeringly up to the two snake spirits, patted their shoulders and said, "Hey! Dude! What are you two doing?"

The two snake spirits turned their heads and looked at Qin Yan in surprise.

Among them, the green snake spirit frowned and said, "Who are you? You..."

Before the snake spirit could finish speaking, Hu Xiaomei ran out of the cave, hugged Qin Yan's leg, and cried loudly: "Brother ghost doctor! You are finally here!"

Immediately afterwards, Hu Qingniang also ran out of the cave and stood behind Qin Yan.

The two snake spirits understood what was going on in an instant.

Qin Yan is the helper Hu Xiaomei invited.

The green snake spirit couldn't help but frowned: "Boy, don't cause trouble! Be careful that I eat you!"

In order to scare Qin Yan, the green snake spirit showed its head. His head was bigger than a basket, and his eyes were bigger than a basin. After opening his mouth, he could easily swallow Qin Yan.

"How dare you threaten my master, you..."

Li Tianba roared angrily, ready to tear the green snake spirit into pieces.

At this moment, a sound of surprise suddenly sounded: "Isn't this the ghost doctor?"

A ghost floated from a distance.

"Come quickly! The ghost doctor is here again!" Li Gui said loudly.

"Master Ghost Doctor, it's really you!" Li Gui respectfully bowed down to Qin Yan.

"What? The ghost doctor is here again?" Another ghost floated over from the gate of the ghost city.

Only then did Qin Yan realize that they were only nearly a thousand meters away from the gate of the ghost city.

After seeing Qin Yan, other people, ghosts, and demons also floated over from a distance.

Qin Yan was very curious, it was daytime, what did so many people, ghosts, and monsters gather here to do.Could it be that there is a big deal in the ghost market today?
"Master ghost doctor! Hello!"

"Master ghost doctor! Hello!"


These people, ghosts, and demons saluted Qin Yan one after another.

Seeing so many people, ghosts, demons and Qin Yan greeting each other, Green Snake Spirit and Yellow Snake Spirit looked at each other, thinking it was better not to provoke Qin Yan.

With so many people, ghosts, and demons, each guy can drown the two of them with a mouthful of saliva.

"Master Ghost Doctor, are you also here for the inheritance of ghost farmers?" one of the little Taoists asked curiously.

What?Ghost farm inheritance?No way!Will the inheritance of ghost farmers appear here?
Qin Yan opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

The inheritance of ghost farmers is second only to the inheritance of ghost doctors, because after obtaining the inheritance of ghost farmers, many ghost flowers and ghost grasses can be planted. These things can not only increase the strength of people, ghosts, and demons, but also help them cure diseases.

But Qin Yan still has the most urgent thing to do now.

That is to vent anger for Hu Xiaomei's mother and daughter.

Qin Yan shook his head: "No! I'm here to find these two! They just said they wanted to eat me!"

Having said that, Qin Yan turned his head and looked at the two snake spirits who were about to escape.

At the same time, all the people, ghosts, and demons followed Qin Yan's gaze to the two snake spirits.

"Are you getting impatient?"

"What the hell, you actually want to eat a ghost doctor, do you want to die?"

"The guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth! I will eat you first!"

"Don't say anything, kill them! The best way to deal with shameless people like them is to send them to die!"

"Yes! Kill them!"

Whether it was a human ghost who had benefited from Qin Yan, or a human ghost who wanted to curry favor with Qin Yan, they all roared loudly and surrounded the two snake spirits with three layers.

Seeing this, Li Tianba was speechless: "Oh, it's not my turn to do it again! My hands are so itchy!"

Murong Xuehan also showed her figure at this time, and said even more speechlessly: "Don't be wronged, since you came, I hardly have a chance to fight!"

 The fourth watch, the fifth watch at eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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