Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 290 I'm Not a Fool

Chapter 290 I'm Not a Fool
"Beauty, it's been a long night and I don't want to sleep. How about we sit down and talk?"

Qin Yan came out from behind Mo Wang and said with a smile.

Hearing Qin Yan's voice, Mo Wang couldn't help squinting her eyes. She was so shocked that she didn't understand why Qin Yan could find her.

"Beauty, you seem to have taken something that belongs to me!"

Qin Yan stretched out his finger and pointed to the ghost farmer's inheritance in Mo Wang's hand.

"Also, what three conditions do you want Xiaoyu to promise you? I'm very curious!"

Qin Yan looked at Mo Wang with great interest.

Mo Wang took a step back and looked around, she was about to run away.

But Li Tianba, Murong Xuehan and Qin Yan, each of them formed a triangle and surrounded Mo Wang.

"How did you find me? I've wiped off the ghostly aura on my body!" Mo Wang was very curious in his heart, but his face was as cold as ice, without any emotion.

"It's true that I couldn't find you! But I could find it!" Qin Yan raised the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer, and pointed to the ghost farmer's inheritance in Mo Wang's hand.

It turned out that after Qin Yan found out that the real Xu Wang was dead, he immediately tracked down the fake Xu Wang's three souls and seven souls.

But the fake Xu Wang erased the traces of his soul, and Qin Yan couldn't detect him.

At this time, Qin Yan didn't know that Mo Wang was a fake Xu Wang.

Then Qin Yan thought of a way to use the tracking technique to trace the ghost farmer's inheritance.

Don't forget the hundred secrets and one sparse, unexpectedly forgot to block the ghost farmer's inheritance, and was easily found by Qin Yan.

Mo Wang blinked his eyes, sighed and said, "I never thought you would be so smart that you would come to me through the inheritance of the ghost farmer!"

Qin Yan didn't answer Mo Wang's words, looked Mo Wang up and down and said, "Oh! Such a beautiful iceberg beauty pretends to be that ugly ghost Xu Wang. It's really embarrassing for you! Tell me! What is your purpose?"

"You must have heard my purpose just now, do you think it is necessary to say more?"

Just now when Qin Yan followed him, he happened to hear Mo Wang talking to himself.

If Qin Yan hadn't heard that Mo Wang had done him a great favor, he, Li Tianba and Murong Xuehan would have shot Mo Wang just now.

Now Mo Wang has lost his soul.

"But I really want to know, what three conditions do you want Zhou Xiaoyu to agree to you?"

While talking, Qin Yan lazily leaned against the tree, letting the moonlight shine on his face.

"Oh! By the way, who wants to kill Mao Zhantong?"

Just now Qin Yan heard Mo Wang say that Mao Zhantong would die under today's moonlight.

The Mao family is a huge family comparable to the Ma family. Apart from the Ma family, Qin Yan really can't think of anyone who has such a great influence and dares to kill Mao Zhan Tong.

"You need to find the answer to this, I won't tell you! I will give you the inheritance of Ghost Farmer!"

Don't forget to throw the ghost farmer's inheritance into the air, but his body suddenly fell into the ground.

Qin Yan raised the corner of his mouth and showed a smile: "If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

Qin Yan was just about to recite the sealing curse, but an unforgettable voice came from the ground: "Be careful of the corpse king in the ancient tomb!"

As soon as Mo Wang finished speaking, Qin Yan felt four dark winds coming from behind.

At the same time, Li Tianba roared, his eyes widened, and he shot out behind Qin Yan like a cannonball.

Qin Yan turned his head and saw the corpse king's grandfather and corpse king's mother sneaking towards him with the Shuangsha Corpse King.

What!When did these four guys come.

In fact, Grandpa Shi Wang and his family of four have been following Qin Yan and others from a distance recently, looking for opportunities to sneak attack them.

Just never had the chance.

Today, Qin Yan and the others put all their attention on Mo Wang, and the four corpse kings immediately took action, preparing to assassinate Qin Yan and avenge their father and grandma.

With two "bang bang" sounds, Li Tianba, Grandpa Shi Wang, and Mama Shi Wang slapped each other, helping Qin Yan block their attacks.

"Nine Yins are secluded, Nine Yangs are profound, the heaven and earth are righteous and powerful in the world. Nine palaces shine, nine turns bright, the sun and the moon shine on the eight wildernesses! Lock!"

Qin Yan recited the incantation, cast the spell with the sword in his right hand, and slapped the ground with his left hand.

One after another vines emerged from the ground, entangled the two little corpse kings.

The two little corpse kings broke free, but did not break the vine.

If it was before, the vines would have been broken long ago.

At this moment, Qin Yan's pagoda wood sword was refined with Huai Lao's real body, and it was no longer the previous clone. When casting the spell, Taoism blessed a lot, so the time to trap the little corpse king was also extended a lot.

However, after the two little corpse kings broke free for a few seconds, they still broke the vines that entangled them, and continued to rush towards Qin Yan with grinning teeth.

At this moment, with a "snap", a whip stretched out from the ground and hit the girl corpse king's body.


The girl corpse king screamed miserably, and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"Qin Yan, you owe me another favor!" Mo Wang's cold voice came from the ground.

Although the voice was cold and ruthless, Qin Yan knew that there was a fiery and hot heart hidden under the cold voice.

Otherwise, Mo Wang would not help them.

And don't forget that if you want to harm them, you don't need to remind the corpse king's family.

Qin Yan didn't care about talking, he quickly recited the Trapping Corpse Curse, and pointed at the boy corpse king.

Dozens of vines broke through the ground and entangled the boy corpse king.

Just now, Qin Yan couldn't entangle the two evil corpse kings at the same time when he cast a spell alone. Now the girl was repelled by the ghost whip, leaving only the boy corpse king.

Murong Xuehan took the opportunity to float in front of the boy's corpse king, stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and stuck them in his eyes.


The boy corpse king knocked Murong Xuehan away, covered his eyes and screamed loudly.

Seeing that her child was injured, the mother corpse king became very maternal, leaving Li Tianba behind and rushed towards Qin Yan.

With Qin Yan's current strength, he could barely deal with a young corpse king, but if he were to deal with an adult corpse king, it would be courting death.

Qin Yan immediately turned around and stepped back.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The mother corpse king rushed in front of the boy corpse king, stretched out her dry hands like bark, and tore off the vines one by one.

The boy corpse king cried "Wow", and jumped into his mother's arms and curled up.

Mother Corpse King's eyes flickered coldly, he opened his mouth to reveal his fangs, and rushed towards Qin Yan with an "ow".

At this moment, a ghost whip stretched out from the ground again, and with a "snap", it slammed towards the mother corpse king.

Mother Corpse King reached out to block the ghost whip, took a step back, and looked at the ghost whip with fear.

She never thought that the person who was hostile to Qin Yan just now is helping Qin Yan, which makes her unable to understand.


Grandpa Corpse King screamed terribly.

He lost to Li Tianba, and Li Tianba grabbed both arms and tore one off.

 first change

(End of this chapter)

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