Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 292 Misunderstanding!

Chapter 292 Misunderstanding!
Qin Yan stroked his chin and began to think seriously.

Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang are orphans and widowed mothers, and their morals are low. They are indeed easy to be bullied if they stay in this barren mountain, and maybe one day they will really be raped by some shameless bodies.

But if you take them in yourself, you can't take them with you, after all, their morality is too low.

He was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Xuehan, what do you think I should do?" Qin Yan sent rumors to Murong Xuehan, hoping to hear her opinion.

Murong Xuehan sighed, and couldn't bear to say: "Master, if it doesn't work, take them in! They are really easy to be bullied outside."

Murong Xuehan was originally unwilling to take in Hu Xiaomei's mother and daughter, because she knew that Qin Yan was a person who liked to act on his emotions.

Once she gets along with Hu Xiaomei's mother and daughter for a long time, she will naturally fall in love with each other for a long time. At that time, there is no doubt that she will have another competitor to share Qin Yan with herself.

She recognized Zhou Xiaoyu, after all, Zhou Xiaoyu was Qin Yan's natal servant.

She also recognized Ma Jiao, even without Ma Jiao, Qin Yan would marry a wife in the future, because Qin Yan wanted to reproduce.

Now Murong Xuehan doesn't know that Qin Yan, who possesses the body of nine yin and nine yang, can not only have a ghost fetus with a female ghost, but also a corpse with a female corpse, and a demon fetus with a banshee.

But seeing the pitiful appearance of Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang now, Murong Xuehan felt compassion.

She is also a woman, and she used to live alone in the wilderness just like Hu Qingniang's mother and daughter.

At that time, there were often male Taoist priests, male ghosts, and male monsters who did not know what to do or evil to harass her. Fortunately, she was relatively strong and drove all these shameless people away.

Murong Xuehan suggested that Qin Yan take in Hu Xiaomei's mother and daughter for another reason.

That is, she didn't want to embarrass Qin Yan, she thought Qin Yan also liked Hu Xiaomei, otherwise she wouldn't ask her opinion.

In fact, Qin Yan didn't mean that at all.

Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang did not expect that their future would be completely changed because of Murong Xuehan's words.

Because of Murong Xuehan's words, Qin Yan decided to accept them.

But Qin Yan didn't plan to accept them as demon servants, but planned to keep them with his parents.

Qin Yan just bought a villa today, and she plans to take her parents over from the countryside in a few days. She plans to let Hu Qingniang and Hu Xiaomei live with their parents.

In this way, they don't have to worry anymore, and their parents are taken care of.

"Xiaomei, let's do this! Because your strength is too low! I'm going to take you to my parents' house, so you can live with my parents! What do you think?"

Hearing that Qin Yan was willing to take in their mother and daughter, Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang were very happy.

"Brother ghost doctor, thank you!" Hu Xiaomei immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Yan.

"Master, we will do our best to protect Master's parents in the future, please rest assured!" Hu Qingniang also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Yan.

At the same time, Hu Qingniang patted Hu Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, change your words quickly and call the master!"

"Wait a minute! As I said, I won't accept you as servants right now. Don't call me master, just call me Qin Yan!"

Qin Yan quickly helped Hu Qingniang and Hu Xiaomei.

Murong Xuehan thought that Qin Yan wanted to take Hu Xiaomei as a demon servant, and although she agreed in her heart, her heart was still sour.

When she saw that Qin Yan did not accept Hu Xiaomei as a servant, her heart became much brighter.

The master is really a good man, not the kind of person who is promiscuous.

If it was someone else, not only would Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang have been taken in long ago, they have even been hugged to the bed now.

I am so lucky to have met such a good man as the master.

Hu Xiaomei and Hu Qingniang stood up and nodded in unison.

Although Qin Yan did not accept them as demon servants, they regarded Qin Yan as their master.

After leaving here, Qin Yan returned to the urban area and called his parents directly to ask them to come to the city as soon as possible.

"Gangdan, did you cause trouble at school?" Qin Yan's father heard that Qin Yan asked him to protect the city, and his first reaction was to think that Qin Yan had caused trouble.

Qin Yan's nickname is Steel Egg.

In the rural areas in the past, many parents gave their children relatively humble names in order to support their children.

The nickname Qin Yan's parents gave Qin Yan is that they hope that Qin Yan can be as solid and tough as a steel egg, and can get out of their small mountain village.

As for Qin Yan's name, it's the same. I hope Qin Yan can be as hard and tenacious as a rock.

"Dad! There is nothing! Don't worry! You and my mother can come today! Anyway, you will be there in more than an hour by car!"

"Steel egg, you can't lie to dad!"

"Why am I lying to you! I'll pick you up at the bus station!" Qin Yan was a little dumbfounded!
After a moment of silence, Qin Yan's father let out a "hmm" and hung up the phone.

Qin Yan's father felt that his son must have gotten into trouble at school, otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to go to the city for no reason.

Qin Yan felt that he would have to buy a new car to pick up his parents, and he couldn't take a taxi to pick them up!

There is a saying that goes well, money is a bastard, you can still earn money after spending it.

What's more, now that you have money, you don't spend it in vain.

Qin Yan took a taxi and went to Tianhe Road excitedly.

In Baoshi, almost all automobile [-]S stores are located on Tianhe Road, so it is a very wise choice to choose a car there.

"Master, what kind of car is suitable to buy now?"

"How much car are you going to buy?"

"Huh? Buy a car worth more than 100 million yuan!"

Um?Buy more than 100 million?

The master driver turned his head and glanced at Qin Yan. He found that Qin Yan was dressed plainly, and he didn't look like a rich second generation at all.

Do you have that much money kid?Do you brag hard just because you don't pay taxes?

"Young man, I think it's better to be more pragmatic! Just buy a car worth more than [-] yuan! Look at your parents, how hard it is to support you!"

The driver thought Li Tianba was Qin Yan's father and Hu Qingniang was Qin Yan's mother.

It's just that the driver is very curious. Li Tianba looks like he is in his 30s, how could he have such a big child.

As for Hu Qingniang, she also looked to be in her early thirties, and she was well maintained. She looked like Qin Yan's younger sister, not like a mother and daughter, but more like a real sister.

The driver master regarded Hu Xiaomei as Qin Yan's younger sister.

But the driver master soon relieved.

Rural people get married early, and some young couples have children in their late teens.

The reason why the driver master regarded Qin Yan and the others as rural people was because their clothes were so old-fashioned.

And there was a faint earthy smell on his body.

Hearing what the driver said, Qin Yan's eyes widened, Li Tianba's eyes widened, Hu Xiaomei's and Hu Qingniang's eyes widened too.

Even Murong Xuehan who was hiding in the dark opened his eyes wide.

 The third change, the next chapter, is being revised in 15 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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