Chapter 300
After listening to Qin Haoming's words, Zhou Zhao had an idea and burst out laughing, thinking of a good way to flatter him.

"Brother, Qin Yan probably wanted to give you a surprise, so he didn't tell you. Qin Yan just won the first-class national scholarship today, with a bonus of 1 yuan and a year's tuition fee reduction!"

"What? Really?"

Qin Haoming opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

1 yuan may not be much to others, but to Qin Haoming, although it is not an astronomical figure, it is also the sum of two years' crops.

Now farming requires money for fertilizers, seeds, and water for irrigation.

Excluding these costs, not counting my own labor costs, I can earn four to five hundred yuan per mu of land.

Their family has planted ten acres of land, and they all have a net income of four to five thousand a year.

Qin Haoming didn't know that 1 yuan was nothing to Qin Yan now, and he was now a rich man.

"Of course! How could I lie to you! The bonus is with me now!"

Qin Haoming stood up, took out the 1 yuan just received from the drawer, and placed it in front of Qin Haoming.

"Brother, come and accept it! This is the reward for Qin Yan's hard work!"

While talking, Zhou Zhao sent a text message to Qin Yan, briefly telling Qin Yan what happened.

Qin Yan was very curious and called his father more than ten times, but he didn't answer any of them.

Could it be that there was a car accident?

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

How can I curse my parents?Really unworthy descendants.

At this moment, a text message came to Qin Yan's mobile phone. He picked it up and saw that it was from the principal Zhou Zhao.

When Qin Yan read the contents inside, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that my parents went to the principal's office and were really speechless!

When Qin Yan was a child, he went to high school in the county. Because a bad student always bullied him, he couldn't bear it anymore, and finally kicked the bad student with a brick.

The school asked Qin Yan to call his parents, but Qin Yan didn't dare to tell his parents the truth, so he just asked his parents to go to the county seat.

Qin Yan guessed that his parents must have gone straight to school because they were afraid that he would lie the last time.

"Let's go!" Qin Yan got into the car and went straight to Baoshi Normal University.

After Qin Yan left, the masked man in the ghost city stood in the distance and looked at Qin Yan, with a sneer on his lips:
Although the body of nine yins is good, it is not as good as the body of nine yins and nine yangs.Qin Yan, you have helped me keep the body of nine yin and nine yang for a while, and when I have completely integrated the body of nine yin and nine yang, I will come to you to get back the body of nine yin and nine yang.

The masked man turned and left.

After the masked man turned around and left, Mo Wang walked out from the shadow of a building, narrowed his eyes and looked at the masked man's back:

You want to take away Qin Yan's body of nine yin and nine yang, and you haven't asked me yet!

I'm afraid you lost your wife and lost your army.

After more than 20 minutes, Qin Yan drove to the school.

When the guard saw the three Mercedes-Benz approaching, he thought it was someone important, and he didn't dare to stop them, let alone let them register, so he directly pressed the gate button.

The gate immediately went up.

Qin Yan drove the car into the school.

When the car window passed the guard's room, the guard's eyes widened in disbelief.

Why is it Qin Yan who drives, how can he afford such a car?

The guard knew Qin Yan, and he followed Han Chuwei to feel sorry for Qin Yan.

In front of the office building, Qin Yan parked the car and asked Li Tianba and the others to wait in the car. He took Murong Xuehan straight to the principal's office.

Li Tianba was afraid that Qin Yan would be in danger, so he sent a voice transmission to Murong Xuehan: "Xuehan, when the master is in danger, you must notify me as soon as possible."

"Ok, I see!"

After entering the office, Zhou Zhao immediately stood up courteously: "Student Qin Yan, you are here!"

Qin Yan nodded casually.

To Zhou Zhao, Qin Yan was not polite at all.

But to his father and mother, Qin Yan was extremely filial. He immediately stepped forward, grabbed his father's hand with his left hand, and grabbed his mother's hand with his right hand:

"Dad, Mom, why are you here! I told you that I didn't cause any trouble, but you don't believe me. Come on, come home with me!"

"Go home?" Qin Haoming and Liu Mengjie looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Your son is well-off, and he just bought a big villa. Today, I will bring you here to enjoy yourself!"

"Son, what did you do? How can you afford a big villa? You can't do something illegal, can you?"

Qin Haoming stared at Qin Yan with wide eyes, trying to see the truth from Qin Yan's eyes.

"Son, although we are poor, we cannot do illegal things!" Liu Mengjie said earnestly, for fear that his son would go astray.

Qin Yan suddenly realized that he was a little too anxious about this matter today.

Anyone who learns that their poor son has suddenly become a millionaire will probably feel that this is ill-gotten gain.

And Qin Yan couldn't tell his parents about himself.

Even if they told him, Qin Yan knew that they would not believe it.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you are worrying too much. In fact, it is like this! Because Qin Yan is very good in our school, we plan to hire him as a teacher in our school."

"In order for the teachers to teach and educate people well, we have allocated a house to each teacher. The house Qin Yan just mentioned was allocated by our school!"

Zhou Zhao quickly helped Qin Yan lie.

He doesn't care whether this lie is credible or not, he just wants Qin Yan to leave quickly, he is especially afraid of seeing Qin Yan now, and always feels like he is naked in front of Qin Yan.

This is probably related to the fact that the diary he had enjoyed with many women fell into Qin Yan's hands.

Qin Haoming and Liu Mengjie are the kind of people who especially believe what the teacher says.

Now that the headmaster has said that, they think it must be true.

After bidding farewell to the principal, Qin Haoming and Liu Mengjie followed Qin Yan and left the principal's office happily.

The two of them were very happy, feeling that their son was promising, finally became a teacher, and even got a house.

For the country people, this is definitely a matter of honoring their ancestors.

After getting into the car, Liu Mengjie sat on the back seat, touched the decoration inside the car and said, "Son, this car costs [-] to [-] yuan! It's really a good car!"

Hearing Liu Mengjie's words, Murong Xuehan almost staggered and revealed his real body.

oops!So this is my future mother-in-law!She is so cute!Same as Qin Yan before.

"Almost! Mom, sit down with my dad!"

After telling his parents, Qin Yan drove away from the school.

At the school gate, Zhang Di happened to see Qin Yan driving.

But when Zhang Di saw that Qin Yan was driving a Maybach, he felt that it must not be Qin Yan, because he knew that Qin Yan was a poor boy who managed to earn 50 yuan, and he even let it go to pretend to be aggressive.

 The sixth watch, the fifth watch tomorrow.Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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