
Chapter 1003 Changes in the sky, the wrath of Nine Nethers!

Chapter 1003 Changes in the sky, the wrath of the Nine Nethers!
The sudden appearance of Yan Luo from the Ten Palaces shocked Tong Yan, but at the same time made him certain of one thing, that is, the reason why Princess Jiuyou was sealed here had absolutely something to do with the Underworld.

Yan Luo from the Tenth Palace arrived, Tong Yan naturally couldn't ignore it, so he walked out of the room, and immediately saluted: "I'm sorry, Tongyan, I have seen Yan Luo from the Tenth Palace. I don't know what kind of wind brought your Highnesses here? Could it be possible? Did you come here specifically to find me?"

Before King Yan Luo could speak, His Royal Highness, King Bian Cheng, said in a cold voice: "Tong Yan, you are really nosy. I told you to hand over the little devil named Chen obediently. I didn't expect you to find out here. It seems , you are determined to be an enemy of my underworld. Forget it, let you know how powerful my underworld is!"

The Six Highnesses had a bad relationship with Tong Yan, and when he was in the underworld, he also made things difficult for Tong Yan.Unexpectedly, even though Tong Yan had done a great favor to the underworld, the Sixth Highness would still speak viciously.

Tong Yan is not a soft persimmon, even if he is facing the sixth hall among the ten halls of Yama, he is not at all cowardly.

"Yo, Your Highness the Sixth Prince is still the same. I know you don't like me, but there's no reason to kill me, right? I justified my friend's grievances, how did this become meddling? You said that I have nothing to do with the underworld As an enemy, how could I help the underworld to resolve the crisis that day regardless of life and death? There is a saying that there is no excuse for inflicting crimes. I think you might as well just say, Your Highness Sixth, that you want me to die. Is what you said so righteous and awe-inspiring? In my opinion, what you say is nothing more than self-deprecation. And the so-called I am an enemy of the underworld is just your self-consolation. Several Yamas, do you think I said right?"

Compared with lip service, Tong Yan doesn't frighten anyone.As long as he is reasonable, he will not hesitate to go anywhere.

When the Sixth Highness heard this, his face flushed red with anger, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to rush forward.

Tong Yan stood up straight with a fearless expression on his face.

"Good boy, don't think that just because you are a skywalker and have helped the underworld, you can be confident. This king tells you that there is only one end for you to be an enemy of the underworld, and that is that you will never be reborn forever. You'd better be obedient now Kneel down and admit your mistake, if not, today will be your death day!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Of course I know the power of the underworld. As the saying goes, if the King of Hades tells you to die on the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch. The underworld rules people's lifespan. As a mortal, how dare I become an enemy of the underworld? But people, after all, still have seven emotions and six desires. In the final analysis, I am an emotional animal. If you push me into a hurry, I don’t know what will happen to me. Since I am a Skywalker, I just want to The heavens do things. And this place is still a Taoist temple, the gods are here, no matter how powerful your underworld is, you can’t do it arbitrarily, if you insist on harming me, then I can only learn from your Sixth Highness’ brilliant move!"

As soon as His Highness the Sixth Highness was about to speak, the Third Highness scolded him first: "You are really presumptuous. What is your status, and you dare to fight against Yama of the Tenth Palace? Are you worthy? This king told you, just because of what you just did If you say that, you are already against the gods, and the reason is enough to kill you. If you dare to be disrespectful to us, you must look good!"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Third Highness, you also know who you are? Since you know that you are a god, how can you bully the weak? Come and ask me for crimes without distinction. Is this what you gods should do? Is that the case? If this is the case, then you are no longer worthy of being the Ten Temple Yama."

"It's reversed, it's really reversed. Sixth, what are you waiting for, I'll kill him!"

His Highness the Sixth Highness heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to make a move.

And at this moment, King Yama, who was wearing a golden mask and refused to show his true colors, suddenly spoke.

"Stop it all for me. Don't you know why you came here? How can you cover up and kill him at will? If you violate the rules of heaven at that time, have you thought about the consequences?"

As soon as Yan Luo Wang said this, His Highness the Sixth Highness and the Third Highness immediately became honest.Even gods can't easily kill people.The state owns the state law, the family has family rules, and even the gods are bound by the gods.To act recklessly is something only monsters do. If gods are like this, then there will be no so-called gods and demons, because they are all the same, disgusting and hateful.

King Yan Luo saw that they stopped talking, so he said to Tong Yan: "Military Master, I and several other highnesses are not here to question you. They just want to give you a few words of advice, and I hope the military master will know. "

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly responded: "His Royal Highness, it's okay to speak if you have something to say. Please listen carefully."

Tong Yan's principles of life are like this, if you respect me one foot, I will respect you ten feet; if you follow me hard, then I will accompany you to the end.

Yama's words were gentle, without a condescending tone, Tong Yan certainly would not be rude to him, after all, Yama is the master of the underworld, the righteous god of the underworld.

Hearing what Tong Yan said, King Yama immediately said, "Military Master, I hope you can leave the Holy Water Temple and stop asking about things here. As for what you saw and heard, I hope you will tell them Keep it in your heart forever, and don't mention it to others. As long as you agree to this matter, this king can forgive your friend and let him reincarnate properly. What do you think?"

Shut up, what he said was straightforward enough, how could Tong Yan fail to understand?
Indeed, this is a relatively satisfactory condition.Because the reason why Tong Yan came here without hesitation was to seek justice for Blind Chen.Now that Yan Luo Wang can let Chen blindness go, and let him reincarnate properly, Tong Yan has no reason to refuse.

But having said that, Tong Yan really wanted to rescue the trapped Princess Jiuyou.But now that Yama of the Ten Palaces is here, he can't help but not compromise.

Tong Yan tried his best to smile, and just as he was about to speak, he agreed directly.

But at this moment, I never thought that the little girl's voice came from the room again.

"Why don't you let me go? I have never done anything wrong. Why do you seal me here? Just because my father is the King of Nine Netherworlds, are you going to take me as a prisoner and threaten him? I I hate you, I hate you so much. You want to trap me forever and keep me imprisoned in this dark place forever. Are you still worthy of being gods? Aren’t you afraid of being condemned by God? I must go out, I must go out. I want revenge... I want revenge... ah... ah..."

Hearing the little girl's angry screams, Tong Yan felt very uncomfortable.In order to blackmail others, is it really possible to disregard conscience and hurt an innocent little girl?Even if it is a god, such an approach is unacceptable.

But...but what can he do now?He is just a mortal, facing the mighty Yama of the Ten Temples, he can do nothing.

However, unexpectedly, at this moment, the originally dark sky quickly turned blue.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew into the holy water temple in an instant.The sound of the wind was like tigers roaring and dragons chanting, or like ghosts crying and wolves howling. Those who heard it were disturbed and only made people full of uneasiness.

Seeing this, Yan Luo of the ten palaces all changed their expressions greatly.

Tong Yan only has one premonition now, that something big will happen...

(End of this chapter)

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