
Chapter 1059 The Rabbit Leads the Way, Unpredictable!

Chapter 1059 The Rabbit Leads the Way, Unpredictable!
The position of city lord has always been vacant, and the affairs of Tianmo City are basically represented by Shenwei.Although Tong Yan thought about it, would he naturally become the new city lord?But thinking that the killer of the main city will come at any time, it is better not to be the lord of this city.Otherwise, it might implicate the people of the entire Heavenly Demon City.

All the monsters created by the former city lord were drained by him, but as for how the city lord created these things, he speculated that it should be related to the magic blood stone.But the blood stone had already been absorbed by him, so he couldn't try to create these monsters to relieve his desire to kill.

He was thinking, how about going to the boundary mountain to hunt and kill monsters?Just thinking about it, I didn't expect the news of the monster Xiaohui to come.

Sitting in the gazebo in the front yard of the City Lord's Mansion, he was practicing with his eyes closed.However, among the two subordinates assigned to him by Shenwei, one of them came to him with a letter.

"Brother Tong Yan, here is a letter from you."

Hearing this, he immediately opened his eyes, and then said puzzledly: "Letter? Everyone I know is in the Demon City, who will write to me?" Although he said so, he still used the bark The letter I made was accepted.

But after just one glance, he handed it back to the subordinates in front of him.

"Brother Tong Yan, you are..."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "My eyesight is not very good recently, please read it to me!"

"What? You can't even read such big characters? Shall I take you to see a doctor in the city?"

Tong Yan closed his eyes and said, "If you tell me to read, you can read. If you want to see a doctor, I will go by myself."

The subordinate let out a soft sigh, and then said: "Brother Tong Yan, please meet me at Jieshan at noon. Xiao Hui! Brother Tong Yan, just these two sentences are gone!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded lightly and said, "Okay, I understand, I'm sorry to trouble you. Go and do your business!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

He only opened his eyes again after the subordinate walked away.It's not that he has poor eyesight, but that he doesn't understand the characters here at all.He can recognize the characters of Dou Tian Kingdom, but the aborigines of Asura Dao have their own characters, which look crooked and don't know what they say.It seemed that if he wanted to gain a foothold here, he had to find a way to learn the characters here, otherwise, he would really not be able to read even a single letter.

He was very happy to learn that Xiao Hui had asked him to meet him at Jieshan, and guessed that it was that guy who had found out the whereabouts of the magic blood stone.It's not bad to take this opportunity to make friends with Xiao Hui.

After tidying up his clothes, he hurried out.

Jieshan is very big and very high, so Xiao Hui didn't say where to meet at Jieshan, which is a bit embarrassing for Tong Yan.

But Tong Yan was not in a hurry, anyway, there were a lot of monsters on this mountain, so finding a few to kill would be a lot of fun.

That's right, killing has now become what he called "fun".It seems that he has fallen deeper and deeper into the devil's way.

Climbing up to Jieshan, he strolled alone in the courtyard, hoping that there would be monsters coming to find his bad luck, so that he could take the opportunity to kill a few more.

But I don't know what happened today. He walked halfway up the mountain, but he didn't even see a monster.

Although the weather is a bit cold, Warcraft will not hibernate, right?
Looking forward to looking forward to, a red rabbit finally appeared 20 meters in front of him.

In fact, Tong Yan had no interest at all in such a small monster.But today, I didn't even meet half a monster. It's a little small, but it's still a monster.

And just as he approached the little rabbit, he didn't expect the little rabbit to move in an incredible instant.

This discovery shocked him a lot. Such a small magical beast can also change its shape?Is this too scary?
But the more this happened, the more interested he was in hunting.

"Little thing, let me see where you are fleeing!" As he said that, he also resorted to transfiguration, and the man and beast chased after him like this.

I don't know whether the rabbit monster is intentional or not. Every time Tong Yan is about to get close, it moves to a place about 20 meters away from him.Tong Yan had no choice but to continue catching up like this.

The more he chased, the more he couldn't catch up, and the more he chased, the more angry he became.Once this man tried to fight, ten bulls would not be able to pull him back.

Tong Yan resorted to shifting shape again and again, hoping to catch this rabbit monster.But Rabbit Warcraft deliberately teased him like this, and the anger in his heart could not be appeased.

Just going back and forth like this, good guy, he actually chased him for more than half an hour.But for such a long time, he failed to do so.

Looking around, he finally stopped.Because the surrounding area is obviously different, where is the difference?

It turns out that the trees on this mountain are all red, and even the grass is red.But when we got here, the surrounding trees turned blue. Although it wasn't emerald green, it was still quite different from red.

If the color change of the plants is nothing, what about the transfiguration rabbit?And what about the path paved with stones ahead?

What does all this add up to mean?

He laughed bitterly at himself, and suddenly realized that the rabbit was actually a cover for the simple purpose of attracting him here.

But who is going to lead him here?He naturally thought of the monster Xiaohui, but he still didn't understand, why did that guy go so far and not meet him directly?

He couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.Now that you're here, let's go and have a look.If it's a trap, with teleportation and wings, it should be enough for him to escape from this place.

Walking up the path paved with stones, the inexplicable anger he had previously felt gradually calmed down.It may be because he hasn't seen green for a long time, but looking at these friendly colors around him, his mood has improved a lot.

Just walking forward like this, through the dense bushes in front of him, unexpectedly he saw a thatched hut with a neat fence erected in front of the thatched hut, and colorful plants were planted on both sides of the path in the yard.I don't know whether these plants are for people to watch or eat.

This really shocked him. All the monsters lived on Jieshan Mountain. How could anyone live here?Aren't the people living here afraid of being harassed by monsters?Or is it that the people who live here are magical monsters?

Just when he was puzzled, the door of the thatched cottage was suddenly opened from the inside out.Immediately afterwards, a young man with a height of more than 1.8 meters and wearing a purple robe came out of it.

This young man's eyes were blood red, his eyelashes were long, his lips were red as if they were about to bleed, but his skin was pale and bloodless.

When Tong Yan saw this person, he immediately recognized him, so he smiled and said, "Brother Xiaohui, you really made it easy for me to find. Don't tell me, you live here all day, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hui smiled slightly and said, "No, no, this is not where I live. This is my master's retreat, and it was my master who asked me to invite you here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked in puzzlement, "Master Ling asked me to come? Where is he?"

Xiao Hui stretched out his finger and pointed to the side of the yard, Tong Yan looked up, his heart trembled.

"Aren't you mistaken? Then the rabbit is your master?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't expect that the red rabbit's whole body was shining bright red. In such a blink of an eye, good guy, a little rabbit turned into a big living person!

(End of this chapter)

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