
Chapter 1061 The person you love, when we meet again!

Chapter 1061 The person you love, when we meet again!

As soon as Master Zi Yi walked into the thatched cottage, Tong Yan and Xiao Hui immediately stood up.

"Master, you are back. Huh? What is this in your hand?"

Master Zi Yi smiled slightly and said, "This is a little gift I prepared for this little friend. Please accept it, little friend!" As he spoke, he directly handed the bulging thing in his hand to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan stared at the thing wrapped in thick linen in his hand, and then said politely: "Senior, I am already disturbed by coming here, and you still give me a gift, how can you be so kind. You say yes, no The younger generation really can't afford not to be rewarded for their merits."

Master Zi Yi smiled mysteriously: "You haven't seen this gift yet, how do you know if you can bear it? Accept it!"

Xiao Hui on the side also said in the same way: "Yes, brother Tong. My master never gives gifts, even my apprentice, he has never given gifts. You don't have to be polite, accept it quickly." Bar!"

Tong Yan saw that the hospitality was difficult to refrain from, so he could only bow down and say: "Well, since the senior has prepared carefully, the junior should be respectful rather than obedient." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to take the bulging thing from Zi Yi's hand .

This thing has a little weight, and I don't know what it is.

"Open it and have a look! I think you must be very interested."

Tong Yan let out a soft sound, and then slowly opened the thick linen, but after he peeled off the linen layer by layer, he was inexplicably nervous and uneasy.

This was really carefully prepared, it was wrapped in so many layers, and after reaching the last few layers, he actually saw bright red blood.When the last layer of linen was torn off, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This... This turned out to be a bloody head.

Tong Yan only glanced at it, and then asked in puzzlement: "Senior Ziyi, this is... what is this?"

Master Zi Yi smiled lightly and said: "This is the head of an eight-winged demon. That demon came from the main city. I guessed that his target should be you. So he killed this demon and took the head Here to present it to you. What? Don't you like it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said respectfully: "Thank you senior, this junior is very grateful for such a great gift. Please accept this junior's respect."

As he spoke, he was about to salute.This was indeed a great gift, he had known for a long time that the main city would definitely send killers to avenge the dead city lord, but he did not expect that the main city would send such a master as Eight Winged Demon.His cultivation has indeed improved a lot, but if he fights with the eight-winged demon, he doesn't have the slightest chance of winning.Now Master Zi Yi got rid of the eight-winged demon for him, and it can be regarded as helping him escape.How could he not thank him for such a great gift?
Seeing this, Master Zi Yi shook his head and smiled, "You don't need to thank me, this is not a kindness. In fact, there is another reason for me to help you get rid of the eight-winged demon. Do you want to hear it?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he immediately responded, "I would like to hear more about it, and please tell me, senior."

Master Zi Yi turned around and walked to the door, looked into the distance, and then slowly said: "Actually, I help myself, and I also help myself. Do you know why I have been living on this boundary mountain? In fact, I This is done in order to repay the favor!"

"Repay your kindness? Senior, you have such a high level of cultivation, is there anyone else who is kind to you?"

Master Ziyi smiled wryly and said: "Do you think my cultivation reached the current level overnight? Not at all, I am afraid that my cultivation back then was not as good as yours. Later, when I crossed the catastrophe, I almost died here .If it wasn't for that benefactor who helped me, I'm afraid I would have been wiped out. It is precisely because of this that I have been staying on the boundary mountain not far from Tianmo City. First, I waited for the opportunity to repay my favor, and second, I was doing it for that benefactor. En Gong is guarding this city."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Senior, you mean that your benefactor is related to the Heavenly Demon City? Could it be the ten-winged Heavenly Demon enshrined in that city?"

Master Zi Yi did not deny it, but smiled and said: "You are indeed very smart, but it is a pity that the Heavenly Demon City was almost destroyed. In the final analysis, it was all good deeds done by an unfilial person like me. For a piece of magic blood stone, he You didn’t hesitate to put the entire Heavenly Demon City’s people to death. If you hadn’t killed the city lord and snatched the magic blood stone first, I’m afraid I, an unfilial person, would do more cruel things. By then , what face do I have to see my benefactor again?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Hui on the side immediately knelt down on his knees, and then said shamelessly: "Master, this disciple doesn't know about this relationship, that's why... he took action against Tianmo City. If this disciple knew about this earlier , I will never do such a wrong thing. Master, don't get angry, just forgive me this time, I promise, there will never be a next time!"

Hearing this, Master Zi Yi sighed softly and said, "It's a good thing you didn't do all the evil, otherwise, you wouldn't be my apprentice anymore."

Hearing this, Xiao Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

Tong Yan didn't pay attention to this, but was thinking about what Master Zi Yi said just now.If the ten-winged demon is his benefactor, then why did he help him get rid of the eight-winged demon who came to assassinate him?

"Senior Ziyi, I still don't understand. Since the ten-winged demon in Tianma City is your benefactor, then you are waiting for the opportunity to repay your favor on Jieshan Mountain. Where did you start? Also, you invited me to come here Here, it shouldn’t be just to tell me these things, right?”

Master Zi Yi smiled slightly, and then said to Tong Yan with a smile: "Do you know who you are? Do you know what relationship you have with the Ten Winged Demon?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was full of doubts and said: "I am myself, who else can I be? Yes, I am still a Skywalker. As for the relationship between me and the Ten-winged Demon, he once told me , but I want to think about it myself. Do you know, senior?"

Master Zi Yi rolled his eyes when he heard this, and then said with a faint smile: "Since you have already met him, and he has told you some things. Then I'd better not talk too much. But since you came to my place, I also It’s not good for you to come here for nothing. How about this, I will teach you a spell, so that you will not fall into the devil forever and cannot extricate yourself!”

Tong Yan looked at Master Zi Yi, and thought to himself: "This Master Zi Yi must know the relationship between himself and the ten-winged demon, but he didn't say it directly, so I can't ask further. But the way of falling into the devil forever, I can't help myself, what do you mean?"

In fact, he hadn't realized that he was already on the path of the devil, drifting away.Although he is still sane now, if his cultivation improves further, his bloodthirsty nature will fully burst out, and by then, he will really become a bloodthirsty monster who only knows how to kill.

Of course, Zi Yi was unwilling to let down the good intentions of Master Zi Yi.Unexpectedly, it took him a full month to learn this set of spells.

And within this month, the Baihu and Xuanwu clans actually sent envoys and entered the main city of the Demon God Kingdom.

The ill-fated lovers are finally reuniting after many years.Bye, do you still love me deeply?

(End of this chapter)

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