
Chapter 1063 The horizontal knife is ahead, and then look for the magic stone!

Chapter 1063 The horizontal knife is ahead, and then look for the magic stone!
Everyone turned pale with shock when they saw this, even the Ten-winged Heavenly Demon could not believe it.

I saw that the eight flying snakes were about ten meters away. There were long black hairs on the eight heads, and the whole body was covered with red scales. The eight pairs of snake eyes shot out beams of red light, dazzling like red flashlights. , with extremely sharp fangs protruding from the eight big mouths, if it bites, it is estimated that it is almost impossible to escape death.

But what people can't understand is why such an evil animal will focus on the little sister Baihu and Tan Yu?Is it because they are women that it can't be stopped?

Tan Yu's reaction was quick. Seeing the big snake in the air heading straight for him and the little white tiger to bite, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately jumped away with the little white tiger.

But the eight-headed snake was not willing to let go. When they jumped away, the beast also adjusted its direction and rushed again.

The eight-headed serpent was extremely fast, and after dodging once, it was too late to dodge the second time.

Tan Yu knew that there was no way to hide, so she immediately pinched the sword and pointed upwards, and a white lightsaber transformed by demon power shot out from her fingertips, and shot straight at the eight-headed snake.

The eight-headed snake didn't care about it at all, and there was a "dang" sound. As soon as the white lightsaber touched the scales on the eight-headed snake, it shattered into powder.

Seeing that the eight-headed snake was getting closer and closer, Tan Yu and the little white tiger girl who had already panicked were completely helpless. Are they doomed to die?
But at this critical moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of them, and swung a big knife to directly slash at the biting snake's head.

With a scream of "嗷", the eight-headed snake was slashed by the big knife, and immediately backed away quickly, not daring to rush forward again.

Taking a closer look, I realized that the person who suddenly rescued him was none other than Xuan Mo, the Young Lord of Xuanming Palace!

Xuan Mo held the Xuanming Blade in his hand, looked coldly at the eight-headed serpent that was repulsed, and then said fiercely: "Nie Yi, if you dare to step forward again, I will definitely kill you."

Xuan Mo's whole body was filled with black energy, murderous intent appeared in his eyes, the eight-headed snake looked at it for a while, but it really didn't dare to rush forward again.

Seeing this, the ten-winged demon hurriedly opened his mouth and said to the eight-headed serpent: "My lord, these people are the honored guests of His Majesty the Demon God. Please be flexible and allow me to bring them into the palace to meet His Majesty."

Hearing this, the eight-headed snake hesitated for a while, and finally left resentfully.

Seeing it disappear into the red cloud without a trace, the ten-winged demon breathed a sigh of relief, got up and walked quickly to the little sister of the white tiger and Tan Yu.

"Two envoys, are you not injured? It was the mob spirit of my main city who attacked you just now. It will show up whenever a foreign race comes. It may be because you are divine beasts, so I regard you as the gods of the heavens. The enemy is gone. Fortunately, it has left, so I feel at ease. If you are not injured, let's continue to the palace. How?"

Although the little sister Baihu and Tan Yu were a little angry, they couldn't vent their anger on the demon who led the way, so they all nodded their heads, and they didn't care about it anymore.

However, they are extremely grateful to Xuan Mo who rescued him in time, if not for Xuan Mo, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You are Young Master Xuanmo of the Xuanming Palace, thanks to your rescue just now. Thank you so much!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo said with a blank expression: "You don't need to be polite. Since we came together, we should take care of each other. It's just that you'd better change your clothes. We're just here to deliver letters, not to visit mountains and rivers. Yes. It’s too eye-catching, and it’s actually not good.”

Little Baihu nodded and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I will change it later, I still want to thank you. You can call me little sister from now on, and we can be regarded as friends. Do you think it's okay?"

Xuan Mo nodded, and then glanced at Tan Yu who was next to the little girl Baihu, and walked forward immediately without further words.

Looking at Xuan Mo's back, the little girl Baihu folded her hands and said with admiration: "Handsome, he's so handsome. And he's so cool, so charming. Sister Yu'er, why didn't I notice him before?" So charming?"

Tan Yu looked at her, and only replied with two words, "Nympho!" After speaking, she also raised her legs and walked forward.

"Sister Yu'er, I'm not a nympho, I'm just naive. Hey, wait for me."

She was about to go forward to chase after her, when the leader of the guards hiding behind her asked, "Princess, are you okay? I was a little dazed just now, and I didn't rescue you in time, so I ask the princess to forgive me."

The little girl Baihu glanced at the guards behind her, snorted softly and said, "They're all a bunch of trash. If I relied on you, this princess would have died long ago. You'd better give me some eyes in the future. If something happens to me , do you still want to live? Hmph..." After leaving these words, she immediately stepped forward and caught up with Tan Yu in a short while.

As expected of the main city of the Demon God Kingdom, it is indeed heavily guarded.But I don't know if Tong Yan will be attacked by the eight-headed snake after Tong Yan comes here?
Speaking of Tong Yan, for a whole month, he has been practicing the incantation taught to him by Master Zi Yi.This mantra is called the Meditation Mantra!Although mantras are focused on mantras, they still need to be calm and free from other distractions.Logically speaking, such a spell is nothing at all, but the problem is that Tong Yan's state of mind is quite different from before.

Sometimes when he was chanting, he began to get distracted and feel irritable.So after such a long time, it was difficult for him to complete several complete meditation mantras.It wasn't until the second half month that he improved slightly.So I became addicted to chanting naturally, and it has been like this until today.

"Hehan traces the cold, the air spreads the universe, the shape and quality are illusory, the cycle of reincarnation rotates, the Xuanyuan begins to qi, transports and collects dust and smoke, entangles the five phases, and plays a thousand kalpas... The combination of heaven and heart, in its void, flows naturally, the foundation of Taoism There is no phase, the space of heaven and earth, its shape can transcend, realize the heart of heaven, and seal the heart with the heart!"

After reciting the mantra in a peaceful state of mind, he felt a lot lighter all over his body, and his vision seemed to become clearer.

Walking out of the hut, he stretched his muscles and bones, and suddenly found several monsters circling beside the hut.Seeing him stepping out of the hut, he rushed towards him ferociously.

If it was normal, he would have rushed over and chopped them all up before the monsters approached.But after this month of mental state training, he can already easily control that inexplicable bloodthirsty impulse.

Seeing the monsters getting closer, he showed a smile, and then slapped forward with a palm, a soft force directly sent these monsters that were rushing ten meters away.

At the same time, a few applause were heard, and those monsters turned into air in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

"Little friend, you are indeed an extraordinary person. You have fallen into the devil's way so deeply, and you can still achieve such a state of mind in such a short time, it's amazing."

Tong Yan followed the sound and saw that the person who came was Zi Yi, he immediately saluted: "Senior, you are here. I am really thanks to you for this time, otherwise I am afraid that I will be trapped deeper and deeper in the path of the devil."

Master Zi Yi smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to thank me, it's you who strives for it. Well, since you have gained a lot, it's time to leave here. Xiao Hui is at the foot of the mountain, you can go find him."

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked in puzzlement, "What do you want him for?"

Master Zi Yi laughed and said, "Don't you want to get a few more magic blood stones?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes immediately shone with excitement.After bowing to Master Zi Yi, he galloped down the mountain.

A piece of magic blood stone has greatly increased his cultivation base, if there are a few more pieces, how strong will his strength be?I'm afraid there is nothing more satisfying than the improvement of strength.Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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