
Chapter 1065 Unreserved, one battle!

Chapter 1065 Unreserved, a big fight!
It was only after the city guard named Xiwa was dizzy from drinking that Tong Yan and Xiao Hui let him leave Yipinxuan with a large pot of four beast heads.

They have already got the answer they want, as long as they go to find the second commander in the place that Xiwa said, they should be able to find the second magic blood stone smoothly.

Xiao Hui has already investigated this Nan'an City clearly, and the most powerful people here are the two six-winged demons.So with the strength of him and Tong Yan, even if they grab it hard, it shouldn't be a big problem.

In order to get the magic blood stone earlier, the two of them walked out of Yipinxuan without stopping.

After searching in Nan'an City for a short time, they came to a big house surrounded by high walls.At the gate of this house, there were two soldiers guarding it. It seemed that the people living here were not ordinary people.

Xiao Hui stared at the mansion, then smiled slightly and said, "This should be the mansion of the second commander, Brother Tong, shall we break in or go in quietly?"

Tong Yan looked around and saw many demons passing by, so he replied: "In order to avoid unnecessary panic, I think we should sneak in quietly. Anyway, our purpose is only one, to It's about stealing treasures, not killing people. So when we get the magic blood stone, let's leave this place quickly. As for the rest, don't worry about anything else."

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Then let's go in!"

Saying that, the two looked at each other, and while no one was paying attention, they immediately crossed the high wall and entered the second commander's mansion.

Of course, the commander's mansion cannot be compared with the city lord's mansion.Not only does the house occupy a much smaller area, but the security is not as strict as the City Lord's Mansion.

The two sneaked into the house, but they didn't see a patrolman, so naturally, they searched around the house.After all, the magic blood stone is too small. It is really not an easy task to find a stone that is not much bigger than the surface of a watch in these few houses.If the two commanders had hidden the stone in a hidden compartment in the ground or in a hidden compartment on the wall, it would be difficult to find it.

But having said that, the person who untied the bell had to tie it.As long as the second commander is found, naturally all problems will be solved.Perhaps, the second commander also made a pendant made of magic bloodstone and hung it around his neck like the Lord of the Sky Demon City.

In this case, it is necessary to find the second commander.

Fortunately, the second commander didn't go out, he was making a villain in the room with his concubine at the moment.

It was only when Tong Yan and Xiao Hui broke through the door that this guy suddenly realized that he was being targeted.

With a scream of "ah", the concubine covered herself with a quilt.

But the second commander jumped off the bed indifferently, looking at Tong Yan and Xiao Hui with cold eyes.

Tong Yan deliberately stared at this guy's neck, it was empty, it seems that the magic blood stone was not carried by him.

In that case, the only thing to do is to ask him.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my mansion? What is your intention?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hui smiled slightly and said, "You are the second commander of Nan'an City, right? Our brothers came here only to hunt for treasure, and we don't want to kill people. If you are sensible, just hand over the treasure obediently, otherwise, I can only let you eat some food." Bitter."

The two commanders now don't have a pair of wings on their backs, and they don't know how strong they are.But according to Xiaohui's previous investigation, he should be a six-winged demon.

However, unexpectedly, this guy saw through Xiao Hui's true identity at a glance, and then said with a contemptuous smile: "A mere high-level demonic beast dares to act presumptuously in front of me. I think you really don't want to live anymore, and you want to let me see you again." I hand over the baby, first think about how you survive."

Xiao Hui was a little bit surprised, but instead he smiled dismissively and said, "You are just a six-winged demon. I am a monster, but it is more than enough to deal with you. Say, where did you hide the magic blood stone? Hand it over to me immediately, otherwise, I will kill you right now."

The second commander looked arrogant, stretched his neck, and said, "Do you really think I'm just a six-winged demon? Don't you even think about it, can the person who can protect the magic blood stone be only the strength of a six-winged demon? Let me open your eyes today."

As soon as the words fell, the devilish energy in his whole body suddenly radiated, and then, something incredible happened.

Pair after pair of wings appeared on the back of this guy, a total of four pairs, isn't it eight wings?

Seeing this, Xiao Hui's face changed greatly, and he immediately said in shock: " are an eight-winged demon? But...but why do people say you are a six-winged demon?"

The second commander laughed loudly and said: "That's just a trick I played. Otherwise, how could I attract you two people who are not afraid of death today? If you don't want to die, just kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe When I am in a good mood, I will leave you a whole corpse. Otherwise, I will definitely tear your corpses into pieces. Haha...haha..."

Compared with the six-winged demon, the eight-winged demon and the six-winged demon are by no means as simple as having two more wings. It is like the realm of human immortals and the realm of earth immortals. Strength and lifespan have all increased several times or even dozens of times.

A hundred six-winged demons working together may not be able to kill one eight-winged demon, and this is the gap that can never be bridged between the two.

Xiao Hui has already realized that he has miscalculated, so now he is a little hesitant.Should he take the risk of fighting this eight-winged demon, or leave here and make plans?

Seeing Tong Yan's look of confidence, he asked, "Brother Tong, what should we do now? Should we go or fight?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "We finally found the whereabouts of the magic blood stone, and just walked away like this, isn't it a waste of time? No matter what, we have to get this magic blood stone."

Xiao Hui heard this, and hurriedly persuaded: "But...but he is an eight-winged demon, so we might not be able to defeat him?"

Tong Yan said decisively: "If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work? If you are afraid, hide aside and I will deal with him alone." At this point, he directly revealed the Taishan blade.

Isn't it the eight-winged demon?You will know only after playing!

The Eight-winged Heavenly Demon saw Tong Yan showing the magical weapon, and then said coldly: "If you really don't know how to live or die, then I will help you." As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he took the lead in launching a fierce attack on Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately cast his shape-shifting switch, and easily dodged behind the eight-winged demon, and then slashed out fiercely.

But what made him a little unbelievable was that Taishan Blade's cut did not cut off the wings on the back of the eight-winged demon, but only cut a groove on it.

And the eight-winged demon took this opportunity to flap its eight wings at the same time, and immediately fanned Tong Yan, who couldn't dodge, more than ten meters away, until he hit the wall heavily.

"Pfft..." Tong Yan couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.This is the first time he has been injured since he practiced magic energy.But this didn't make him afraid, instead it made his blood boil.

He is so eager to have a hearty battle, and now, this opportunity has finally come.

"Haha...haha... Interesting, interesting. Eight-winged demon? Very good, today you are my prey! Demon wing, now!"

As soon as the sound fell, the wings on his back that had been hidden by him finally opened again, and it was time for a big fight without reservation.

(End of this chapter)

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