
Chapter 1067 Regenerate Wings, You Can Demon Race!

Chapter 1067 Regenerate Wings, You Can Demon Race!
Tong Yan originally wanted to use the eight-winged demon as a touchstone to test the extent of his current true strength.Unexpectedly, before he could exert all his strength, the eight-winged demon unexpectedly blew himself up inexplicably.Not only that, but even the people watching below exploded in an instant, turning into minced meat.

This is too unbelievable, even more unbelievable.What the hell happened to them?Why did he blew himself up and died for no reason?

Tong Yan was a little flustered and uneasy for a while.So many people were smashed into flesh and blood in front of him, I am afraid that no matter who witnessed this with their own eyes, they would not be able to calm down in a short time.

He gasped heavily, trying to calm himself down.It wasn't until Xiao Hui walked out of the room excitedly that he came back to his senses.

"Brother Tong, I have found the magic blood stone. We can go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head bitterly and said, "I think it's best for us to figure out one thing before we leave!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hui was puzzled and said: "What's the matter? By the way, what about the eight-winged demon? You killed it?"

Tong Yan shook his head again and said, "If you fly up and take a look, you will understand everything!"

Xiao Hui no longer hesitated, immediately flew up, and stopped directly beside Tong Yan.Looking around like this, he was shocked on the spot.

"What... what's going on here? How did these people become like this? Did you do it?"

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said: "Are you thinking too highly of me? How can I have such abilities? I don't know why, these people were all broken in a moment just now. Not even the eight-winged demon Can survive the disaster!"

Xiao Hui widened his eyes and said in horror: "Really? Then why are you still alive? I and the witch in that room are also alive! What's going on here? Could it be that someone secretly made?"

Having said that, he immediately searched around, hoping to find something.

But even Tong Yan didn't see the clue, so how could he find anything?

After a while, he shook his head helplessly and said: "There is nothing unusual, Brother Tong, I think this place is very strange. Let's leave quickly, and don't risk your life here. "

Tong Yan hesitated for a while, and finally nodded lightly and said: "Okay, since we have obtained the magic blood stone, let's leave now! Go back to Jieshan first, maybe Master Ziyi can know something about it."

The two didn't say anything more, and immediately set off and flew away from this place.

And not long after the two of them left, an even more incredible scene happened.

Those people who had already been turned into minced meat quickly reunited, and in the blink of an eye, all of them were intact.They stared blankly in the air, and all walked away after a while, as if nothing had happened before.

In addition, the eight-winged demon whose legs had been cut off by Tong Yan also appeared in midair. He looked around, saw no one, and immediately flew towards the room.

Regarding this, Tong Yan and Xiao Hui didn't know anything about it, they thought those people were already dead.However, those people re-condensed their bodies and lived well.

It was like a dream, but they actually got the magic blood stone.As for this question, perhaps the answer can only be revealed by asking Master Zi Yi.

Although the magic blood stone was obtained, the two had a "dispute" over who should get it.

"Brother Tong, if you hadn't fought that eight-winged demon, I would not have gotten this magic blood stone. So no matter what, you should get this magic blood stone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and refused: "Brother Xiaohui, I have already obtained the magic blood stone in Tianmo City, and this one is naturally yours. Don't refuse me. You can take this magic blood stone." Just go."

"How can I do that? You have worked harder than me. You deserve this magic blood stone. Okay, don't say anything. You hold it for me, and I will take the next magic blood stone. Don't push anymore , otherwise, you look down on me."

Tong Yan was really embarrassed, Xiao Hui obviously spent a lot of effort to find this magic blood stone, but he didn't expect that he insisted on giving this magic blood stone to himself.

To be honest, of course he wants to, but if he shows any desire at this time, it is very likely that the friendship that has been established with great difficulty will be wasted.But if he didn't want it, Xiao Hui was so persistent, he hesitated all of a sudden.

"Xiao Hui, I know this magic blood stone is very important to you, and you want it very much. After all, I got one before, and it's best for you to hold this one. Wouldn't it be better to give it to me later?"

Xiao Hui smiled slightly and said: "Brother Tong, my master has explained. Although I really want to get the magic blood stone, you need it more than I do. After all, I am different from you. I don't have this or that burden on my shoulders. You Absorb one more magic blood stone, and your strength will increase by one point. At that time, you will have more means to save your life. So, don't have any worries. Take it, if you treat me as a friend."

What Xiao Hui said was not only the truth, but also touched Tong Yan.It's all said and done, if he refuses again, he really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong.

Finally, he nodded lightly and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I won't say anything more. Brother Xiaohui, thank you. I, Tong Yan, will never forget you as a friend."

Xiao Hui chuckled, then handed the magic blood stone to Tong Yan.

As soon as Tong Yan received the magic blood stone, the star imprint on the center of his eyebrows shot out golden light again.The crystals outside the magic blood stone slowly disappeared, and the second drop of magic blood was sucked into his body like this.

Obtaining the second drop of devil blood greatly increased the devil energy on his body. In addition, he also grew a pair of wings on his back.

In the eyes of outsiders, he has reached the level of a four-winged demon, but in fact, even the eight-winged demon may not be his opponent.

The huge increase in strength gave Tong Yan the idea of ​​going to the main city, and continued to wait here to find the magic blood stone to improve his strength. He didn't know how long it would take.If the ancient demon god had already started to attack, it would be too late by then.

But before that, I still have to go to Jieshan first, so I should say goodbye to Master Zi Yi, and then go to the Heavenly Demon City to say goodbye to the Ten Winged Demon.In this way, it is almost possible to go to the main city.

But what Tong Yan didn't know at all was that Tan Yu was in the main city right now.And the hope of the Baihu and Xuanwu clans to join forces with the demon clan has become increasingly slim.

Because the demons have another plan, that is to use the envoys of the Baihu and Xuanwu tribes as a threat to force the Baihu and Xuanwu tribes to submit to the demons.

But the most terrible thing at this moment is that a demon king has his eyes on Tan Yu and wants to take it as his own.

Tan Yu's situation is getting more and more difficult, can Tong Yan come in time to rescue the trapped people?

(End of this chapter)

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