
Chapter 1101 The devil is 1 foot tall, and his wings were broken!

Chapter 1101 The devil is one foot tall, and his wings are broken!

Tong Yan was so busy fighting with the five protectors that he didn't pay attention to the disciples of the Holy Gate below.It doesn't matter such an oversight, I didn't expect that the Holy Gate disciple not only took off the mask, but also reattached the broken legs.

It was so miraculous that just after the broken legs were connected, the holy doorman stood up from the ground, as if his legs had never been broken.All the eyes on that face looked viciously at Tong Yan who was in the air, as if he wanted to eat Tong Yan.

Tong Yan was unaware of this, and continued to confront the five guardians wholeheartedly.It has to be admitted that the strength of these five protectors is indeed very strong, almost to a perverted level.

Tong Yan held the Blue Soul Sword in his hand and drew out the sword continuously, but the five protectors were able to resist the edge of the Blue Soul Sword with only their own fingers.For a while, the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" was heard endlessly, Tong Yan seemed to be at a stalemate, but in fact he had already fallen into a disadvantage.

Although the Blue Soul Sword is not as sharp as the Taishan Blade, it is still a magic weapon. Not to mention the two fingers of the five guardians, even the sharp claws of monsters may not be able to parry it.But these five protectors were blocked so easily, and the tyrannical body was fully revealed.

"Brat, do you only have such a little ability? If that's the case, it's really disappointing. I thought you could bring a bigger surprise. Now it seems that you and those low-level demons are probably on par with each other." There is no difference at all! Oh, by the way, don’t you want to save your friends? They are all locked up by this seat, and no one knows their whereabouts except this seat. Defeat this seat quickly, that’s the only way , you can save them. If it is too late, what will happen to them, I am afraid I will not be able to control it. Haha..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said viciously, "What did you do to them?"

The five protectors laughed and said: "What did you do? It was just a little research. I have always liked to study all kinds of novelty in my life. I managed to catch a basalt beast without peeling off its shell. , I don’t know the body structure of this basalt beast? By the way, there are also those two monsters, which are also rare high-level monsters. It is estimated that there are magic pills in their bodies. When I go back, I must cut open their bones. Take a look at your stomach and see if the magic pill and the demon pill are similar. Oh, I’ve told you so much, I can’t wait. Forget it, since you don’t want to do your best, then I won’t accompany you What a waste of time. I captured you alive, and I'll cut you open too. Hehe..."

The capture of Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui was only for curiosity, for research.This beast regards the world's creatures as trivial, and deserves to die.

Tong Yan was completely irritated by him, but if he wanted to defeat him, it seemed that the only way he could do was to use Taiji Suction Technique.

I can't control that much anymore, if I continue to entangle with this guy, Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui's lives may be in danger, no matter what, Tong Yan must give it a go.

Without any hesitation, Tong Yandang would approach the five protectors even if he shifted his form and changed positions.

But he had just used the shape-shifting technique, unexpectedly the old bastard saw through it at a glance and slapped him right in the chest.

Before his figure reappeared, his chest was severely injured. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood immediately, and his body fell heavily on the street outside the wall.

This is a situation he has never encountered before. His body-shifting can temporarily hide his body, but... But how does this old beast know everything?Could it be... Could it be that the eyes of this old beast have special abilities?

Fortunately, he was protected by the Heavenly Demon Bone Armor. Although he landed heavily, he was not seriously injured.

He was struggling to get up when the five guardians had already floated down two meters in front of him.

"If I'm not mistaken, what you used just now is the technique of displacement, right? Let me guess, you learned this technique of displacement from that guy? What's his name? By the way, his name is Master Ziyi. Are you Ziyi's apprentice?"

Master Zi Yi is indeed proficient in the art of transposition, but what Tong Yan uses is transposition and translocation. Although the two supernatural powers are similar, there is still a slight difference in their names.It's just that what Tong Yan didn't expect was that this old bastard actually knew Master Zi Yi, and it seemed that Master Zi Yi was quite famous in the Asura Dao.

"Bah..." Tong Yan spat out the blood from his mouth, and then said fiercely: "You guessed wrong, although Master Zi Yi is a senior expert, he is not my master. If I get the true biography of Master Zi Yi , how can you be my opponent? But even so, you can't hold me today, not for anything else, just relying on the four words that the evil does not suppress the righteous, you will definitely lose!"

When the five protectors heard this, they immediately burst out laughing. "Evil does not overwhelm righteousness? You are so naive! Haven't you heard that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high? You are doomed to failure if you pretend to be the righteous way. Boy, you'd better be obedient and grab it with your hands, and you can do it like this." Don't suffer a little less. As far as your three-legged cat's kung fu is concerned, it is really nothing in this seat."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Really? Then I'll show you the best tricks. It's just delusional to want me to catch you without a fight."

Speaking of which, he no longer uses teleportation, because if he casts it, it will be useless to this old beast.So what is he going to use?Wind Ling legs!

Although Feng Ling's legs are not as fast as shifting shape and changing positions, but with the 64 [-] hexagram positions, it is enough to make this old beast confused.

With a flash of his figure, he immediately wandered around. It seemed that his speed was not slow, but there were many figures, and the most important thing was his ingenuity.

Being surrounded by him like this, the old beast immediately became amazed. "That's right. It's really rare to see such a good kick. It's a position that coincides with the gossip. But, this kind of supernatural power is completely useless to me. Because my strength is far above yours, no matter what kind of supernatural power you use, you can't use it." After all, the gap between you and me cannot be crossed. Boy, this meaningless contest can end now!"

As soon as the words were finished, the old bastard's figure suddenly flashed, and then, he... disappeared out of thin air.

"The technique of displacement? Could this old bastard know the technique of displacement?"

Tong Yan was shocked in his heart, and hastened to quicken his pace.But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his back, and then let out a scream.

The old beast appeared behind him, grabbed a wing on his back, and tore it off abruptly.

The wings on Tong Yan's back are all made of bones, and being torn off a wing is like pulling a bone out of his body. This kind of severe pain is comparable to heart-piercing, and it only makes him miserable.

"Haha... why don't you just grab it? Then I have no choice but to tear off all the wings on your back, boy, you are asking for trouble!"

Before he finished speaking, the severe pain struck again, and another wing was torn off Tong Yan's back.

Under the attack of severe pain, Tong Yan only felt dizzy and almost passed out.

But just before he fainted, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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