
Chapter 1164 The cunning fairy is in a difficult situation!

Chapter 1164 The cunning fairy is in a difficult situation!
This so-called figure is not a person at all, but a goblin.Although it was wearing human clothes, its face was that of a mouse, and its hands and feet were also mouse claws, covered with black fur.

No need to guess, this is because the mouse has become a spirit, so it will pretend to be a human.

But in the so-called Immortal Cave, how could there be a mouse spirit?

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, then said harshly, "You are a goblin, why did you appear here? Isn't this the fairy cave?"

The Mouse Spirit was blocked by Tong Yan, although he really wanted to get rid of Tong Yan, but Tong Yan's speed was several times faster than it, and it knew it couldn't escape, so it obediently stopped.

Facing Tong Yan's question, it hesitated for a while, and then answered in a human voice: "I...I have always been here, this is the fairy cave. But I am not an ordinary fairy, I am... ...I am a fairy!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered.What kind of bullshit demon fairy, monsters like to call themselves immortals.There are five immortals in the Northeast, the fox is yellow, the white willow is gray, none of them claim to be immortals.The rat spirit in front of him is also among the five immortals. It is almost expected that it calls itself an immortal family.

Tong Yan didn't want to talk nonsense, so he said bluntly: "What you are has nothing to do with me, I just want to ask you, is there anyone else here besides me? Where is that guy now?"

The mouse spirit was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked: "Is there anyone else coming in besides you? Why didn't I know? Did you see him?"

Tong Yan's heart was very heavy because of the loss of his arm, but this mouse spirit dared to play tricks on him.The anger in his heart burned instantly, and he immediately said fiercely: "I'm asking you, you'd better answer honestly. If not, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" At this point, he directly pulled out the blue Soul sword, holding the sword in one hand, his eyes are full of fierce light.

Seeing that he was angry, the mouse spirit hurriedly defended, "Daoist friend, do you misunderstand me? Although I am here to be honest, I can't keep an eye on everything, right? You said someone came in before you Yes, but I really didn’t see it. Could it be my fault for not seeing it?”

"Fellow Daoist? Who is your fellow Daoist? Be brave, don't talk nonsense with me. You said you didn't see anyone else coming in, okay, then I'll ask you something else. This is the Immortal Cave, who is the owner here? ?Where is he?"

"Master? There is no master here! The master here may have already ascended to the heavens, and now I am the only one here."

Tong Yan's answer was obviously not satisfied with the mouse spirit's answer, except that there was no owner here, everything else it said was nonsense.

Goblins have always been known as cunning, and this mouse spirit is also one of the goblins, so naturally he is also this kind of thing.Tong Yan could almost conclude that the mouse spirit was not telling the truth, and was even lying to him.But it might not be right to kill the mouse spirit right now.

He thought for a while, then asked again: "You said you are the only one here, so what's going on with the white dragon and the crane in the sky?"

The mouse spirit chuckled and said, "The white dragon and the crane are fake. If you don't believe it, just fly up there and see for yourself."

Of course Tong Yan wouldn't fly up to see it. If he really flew up, he might be caught by this mouse spirit.

"Okay, you say they are fake. Then let me ask you again, what happened to those dead bodies at the bottom of the river? Are they also fake?"

"That's right, they are fake too. If you don't believe me, you can go down to the river and have a look."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "According to what you say, everything here is fake? Then what else is true?"

"I am! I am real, I am really a fairy!"

Tong Yan suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked again: "What's the matter with the yard in front? What's in there?"

The mouse spirit thought for a while and said, "In there, in there... I don't know what's in there. I can't get in at all. There seems to be some kind of seal inside."

"Seal? Are you sure?"

"Sure, it's absolutely true! To be honest, I really want to know what's inside, but I can't break the seal at all. Fellow Daoist, why don't you try it?"

Tong Yan said coldly: "Of course I want to try, but you have to follow!"

The mouse spirit blinked his triangular eyes and said, "Isn't this bad? I have other things to do, I see, you'd better do what you want!"

"You mean, you don't want to go with me? Well, if that's the case, then what's the use of me keeping you? You can die!" As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Yan slashed away with his sword.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a gray light appeared on the mouse spirit.

When the sword slashed, it was as if it was slashing on the air, and the mouse spirit disappeared in the gray light inconceivably out of thin air!

Tong Yan's eyes widened immediately, he never expected that this mouse spirit would slip away under his nose.

With his current cultivation base, not to mention the rat spirits in this area, even giant monsters with a cultivation base of more than 2000 years are probably not his opponents, right?But he was being played around by a mouse spirit, which made him very angry for a while.

But the anger was only temporary, and he calmed down after a while.

Rat spirits are good at digging holes, and fairies who are good at digging holes often have a strong comprehension ability in the art of earth escape.This mouse spirit can disappear without a trace in an instant, perhaps because it is proficient in the art of earth escape.

Of course Tong Yan also knows the technique of earth escape, but his technique of earth escape is not a superior method.Why do you say that, if he wants to use the technique of earth escape, he has to use the formation map, which is more like a teleportation formation.It's just that it's far less powerful than the teleportation array that can cross the two worlds, and it's not as good as the superior earth escape technique that can be cast instantly without using external objects.

He was a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.It can only be said that he underestimated the enemy, this mouse spirit can be mixed in this fairy cave, maybe he has already learned a great fairy technique, as for the mere earth escape technique, isn't it a piece of cake?

The matter has come to this point, no matter how upset he is, it will be of no avail, maybe it is true as the mouse spirit said, everything is false.But the mouse spirit didn't say that the courtyard was fake, and now he might just try to find the answer in the courtyard.

And that guy from the Fengtian League, theoretically, that guy should have entered this place, but now he is nowhere to be found. Could that guy have already entered the courtyard first?

If that's the case, it seems like he should hold on tighter.He was already one step too late, if he was later, it would not be as simple as getting rid of the villains of the Fengtian League, but he would be trapped here forever, unable to get out for the rest of his life.

This is by no means alarmist talk, but a true portrayal of his current situation.

Without further delay, he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the mysterious courtyard.

And not long after he left here, he didn't expect the ground to suddenly appear gray, and then the rat spirit appeared.

The mouse spirit stared in the direction of the courtyard, then he laughed and said, "Here comes another one to die, I will definitely make your death miserable. Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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