
Chapter 1170 Are they all monsters?Life hangs by a thread!

Chapter 1170 Are they all monsters?Life hangs by a thread!
The face suddenly appeared on the iron brick, which made Tong Yan's heart tremble, and then without saying a word, he slammed a sword.

But his sword failed to cut the iron brick in half, and only left a little mark on it.

As for the face on the iron brick, instead of disappearing, it revealed an evil smile.

Tong Yan frowned, and thought to himself: "How could there be a face on this iron brick? If it wasn't for the tricks, the iron brick itself could be a living thing, right?"

He thought to himself for a while, then raised his sword and inserted it towards the gap on the edge of the iron brick. If the iron brick was not integrated with the iron wall, maybe he could pry it off directly.

Unexpectedly, before his sword could be inserted into the gap, the iron brick with the strange face suddenly broke away from the wall by itself, and directly smashed towards his face.

He was less than one meter away from the iron brick, and it was too late for him to avoid the iron brick coming so suddenly, but in such a short time, he still reacted like a conditioned reflex.His head tilted instantly, and the iron brick directly brushed past his face.

The force of the iron brick was very strong. Although it didn't hit his face head-on, it still left scratches on his cheek.

Now there is only one arm, he wants to reach out to cover it, but there is no hand to use, the only remaining right hand is still holding the Blue Soul Sword, and he can't draw it out at all.

Fortunately, this kind of pain can still be tolerated, after all, it is only a skin trauma, but how can the iron bricks detached from the wall just let it go?
After the iron brick brushed past his face, he flipped a few times in mid-air, and then slammed towards Tong Yan again.

He had already suffered on the iron bricks just now, so of course Tong Yan would not repeat the same mistakes.

He looked back in time, seeing the iron brick attacking again, he hurriedly injected the power of the star source in his body into the blue soul sword, and slashed with the sword fiercely with all his strength.

Although this sword didn't use any sword art, it was quite powerful. The blue soul sword was full of red light, and it was like thunder, and it immediately slashed heavily on the iron brick.

Hearing the sound of "dang", although the blue soul sword still failed to cut the iron brick, it slashed the iron brick to the ground, which was considered to resolve the crisis.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan immediately saw the iron brick clearly.Only then did I discover that the so-called iron brick was not a brick at all, but... a small monster with a human face.

Tong Yan couldn't tell what this monster was, but it looked very strange.

Simply put, this monster is like a rectangular black box.Its face is on the top of the "box", but its two claws are under the "box". The bottom of the "box" is sunken, and if the two claws are retracted, they cannot be seen at all.So from the appearance point of view, this monster is really not much different from the iron brick.If it hadn't shown its face, Tong Yan wouldn't have been able to find out.

Such monsters are really rare, and Tong Yan has never seen similar records in ancient books.But thinking that Longyang Mausoleum is a master of refining monsters, maybe this monster is the product of Longyang Mausoleum's refinement.

The sudden appearance of the little monster also attracted the attention of Nangong Yun and Qiu Long.

But now a bigger crisis is slowly approaching, the weirdo has eaten up the mouse essence, not even a single bone is left.At this moment, he fixed his eyes on Tong Yan and the others again, and walked over step by step.

There is a tough little monster here, and there is an indestructible weirdo over there, Tong Yan and the three of them are in a more difficult situation.

There is no escape, it seems that the only way to go is to give it a go.

But what I didn't expect was that at this critical juncture, Nangong Yun actually displayed the style that a senior expert should have.

He said directly to Tong Yan: "Tong Yan, you continue to find a way to open the door, and I will hold Longyangling!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being taken aback.Although Nangong Yun had helped him in the Nanhai Mansion, it was not likely that he would suddenly change his nature.Perhaps Nangong Yun had his own considerations, and Tong Yan was a little surprised by this, but when he thought about it, was it not unexpected?
At this time, if they don't join forces, they will only be defeated one by one by the monsters transformed by Longyang Mausoleum in the end. Only by being twisted together, may there be a glimmer of life.

Since Nangong Yun said so, of course Tong Yan would not refuse, so he immediately replied: "Okay, then it's hard work for Pavilion Master Nangong, I will definitely open the door with all my strength!"

Nangong Yun didn't say much, and walked towards Longyang Mausoleum with a black stick in his hand.

Qiu Long wanted to help, but when he saw Tong Yan being entangled by a little monster, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Grandfather, leave this little monster to me. Go and open the door!"

With this little monster making trouble here, Tong Yan was really troubled, but now that Qiu Long offered to help, Tong Yan felt relieved.

"Qiurong, then I'll leave it to you. This little thing's strength is mediocre, but its body is as hard as iron. Just help me hold it, don't worry too much."

Qiu Long nodded and said: "Yes, I remember!" He rushed forward and grabbed the little monster with his hand.

When the little monster saw him attacking him, he didn't run away, and jumped up and rushed forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan didn't delay any longer, and hurriedly turned around and ran to the wall where the little monster was embedded before.

The little monster was originally an iron brick on the wall, but now that the brick is gone, a square hole is naturally left on the wall.

But Tong Yan looked into the hole, unexpectedly he saw the second iron brick.Similarly, an ugly face slowly emerged on the second iron brick.Seeing Tong Yan, he was burning with anger and furious.

"I still don't believe it. Could it be that there are all these monsters in this entire circle of walls?"

As soon as the words fell, he stabbed out with a sword.Now that the second monster has appeared, if we don't get it out, we naturally don't know what's below.But he vaguely felt that the monster was placed here, guarding the gate was one aspect, and it was probably related to controlling the opening and closing of the gate.

If you want to leave here, if you want to open the gate, you can only start with this small monster. If you can figure out their purpose here, maybe it will be much easier to open the gate.

He inserted the Blue Soul Sword in this way, and the little monster inside remained completely motionless.This is different from the last little monster.I don't know if they have different personalities, or there are other reasons.

Tong Yan stabbed several times in a row, and the little monster inside refused to come out.And the more it didn't come out, the more excited Tong Yan was.

Facing Tong Yan's provocation, it can endure it honestly, so what is it if it has a ghost in its heart?Maybe the organ that opens the door is hidden behind it.

But just when Tong Yan was about to pry it out, Nangong Yun who was entangled with Longyang Mausoleum was already hanging by a thread.

Is this Longyang Mausoleum really so powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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